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- 22:25 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset>
- 22:25 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log.
- 22:25 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev
- 22:25 baseball#3893 invites ALPHAMARIOX#7392 to join the race.
- 22:25 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:26 baseball: heya
- 22:26 baseball#3893 invites BleedingBlue11#8607 to join the race.
- 22:26 ALPHAMARIOX: Hi.
- 22:26 ALPHAMARIOX: This is a perfect Lizalfos.
- 22:27 baseball: omg
- 22:27 baseball: u right
- 22:27 baseball: didnt even notice
- 22:28 ALPHAMARIOX: The raceroom names are always a joy to find in the URL.
- 22:31 baseball: oh what do u play on lee
- 22:31 ALPHAMARIOX: Retroarch
- 22:31 baseball: ok u know what to do i assume
- 22:32 ALPHAMARIOX: Showing settings and FPS counter, I believe.
- 22:32 baseball: yeeeep
- 22:32 baseball: ty
- 22:33 baseball: !lock
- 22:33 RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
- 22:33 ALPHAMARIOX: Should be able to do it before the seed is rolled.
- 22:34 baseball: the settings? whenever u want is fine
- 22:34 baseball: i am flexible
- 22:35 ALPHAMARIOX: I don't quite remember where exactly the settings I need to display are.
- 22:35 ALPHAMARIOX: I do have the FPS counter showing on the bottom of my screen in RA.
- 22:36 baseball: You must also show that you are using the Framerate option original, as well as having the VI Refresh (Overclock) option set to auto, before a race starts. To do this, press F1 to open the Quick Menu and choose Options and scroll down to the Framerate option. This is required for the Mupen64plus Next core and the ParaLLEl core. If you are using the old mupen64plus core, this option will not appear and the text in the bottom left that displays what core you are using will be proof that you are following this rule.
- 22:36 baseball: i hope that is helpful as i dont use ra personally ^^
- 22:37 BleedingBlue11#8607 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:37 baseball: hiya
- 22:37 BleedingBlue11: Hey
- 22:38 baseball: what do u play on :>
- 22:38 BleedingBlue11: VC
- 22:38 baseball: pogggg
- 22:38 BleedingBlue11: Used to be a biz player, don't think I can ever go back
- 22:38 baseball: vc is goated
- 22:38 ALPHAMARIOX: I only use Biz for MW.
- 22:38 baseball: better than biz anyway lmao
- 22:39 baseball: ok gamers i will drop the seed here in about 5 min (:
- 22:39 baseball: !fpa on
- 22:39 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 22:39 baseball: and pls type "!fpa" here in chat or message me on discrod if u need to call fpa
- 22:39 ALPHAMARIOX: Gotcha!
- 22:39 baseball: :>
- 22:40 BleedingBlue11: Sounds good
- 22:44 ALPHAMARIOX: HashFrog
- 22:44 baseball: HashFrog
- 22:45 baseball: !seeddev scrub
- 22:45 RandoBot: baseball, here is your seed:
- 22:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 22:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 22:45 baseball: aight
- 22:45 JasonArilani: Hi all. Can I ask if you both would have clean audio?
- 22:45 ALPHAMARIOX: I do.
- 22:45 baseball: auto start is off, so you may ready up whenever :> and the wonderful jason will start u when restream is ready!
- 22:46 BleedingBlue11: I will as well
- 22:46 JasonArilani: Appreciate that!
- 22:48 baseball: its a little out of frame lee
- 22:48 baseball: oh pog
- 22:48 baseball: thanks
- 22:48 baseball: u good
- 22:48 ALPHAMARIOX: Thanks, I'll be reverting it back to its normal size now.
- 22:48 baseball: sounds good
- 22:49 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:51 ALPHAMARIOX: I think we're off to a pretty good start.
- 22:51 BleedingBlue11#8607 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:51 baseball: pog
- 22:51 ALPHAMARIOX: gl hf
- 22:51 BleedingBlue11: you too
- 22:59 JasonArilani: Will be starting in about a minute
- 22:59 baseball: glhf (:
- 23:00 BleedingBlue11: okay. glhf
- 23:00 ALPHAMARIOX: gl hf
- 23:01 JasonArilani has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:44 ALPHAMARIOX#7392 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:42:17!
- 01:44 baseball: gg!
- 01:44 ALPHAMARIOX: gg
- 01:44 BleedingBlue11#8607 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:44 Race finished in 2:42:28.8
- 01:44 BleedingBlue11: gg
- 01:44 ALPHAMARIOX: I'm in the waiting room if you want to drag me in.
- 01:45 baseball: would u like to join us blue?
- 23:23 Race result recorded by Jimbo