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- 17:23 gutrune#0050 invites Keipi3#8934 to join the race.
- 17:23 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset>
- 17:23 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log.
- 17:23 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev
- 17:23 gutrune#0050 invites dastar512#4581 to join the race.
- 17:23 gutrune#0050 promoted dastar512#4581 to race monitor.
- 17:23 gutrune#0050 removes dastar512#4581 from the race.
- 17:23 gutrune: !lock
- 17:23 RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
- 17:26 Keipi3#8934 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:26 gutrune: welcome in!
- 17:26 Keipi3: Yo! o/
- 17:26 gutrune: will you have clean audio keipi?
- 17:27 Keipi3: Yep!
- 17:27 gutrune: perfect
- 17:28 Phant#8622 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:28 gutrune: welcome in!
- 17:28 gutrune: !fpa on
- 17:28 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell đŸ”” icon below chat.
- 17:29 gutrune: I hope that everyone is doing great today! I would like to ask what both of you will be playing on today
- 17:30 CesarMartins12: hello guys, brazilian restream here from Rando Brasil
- 17:30 gutrune: !!! Rando brazil poggers
- 17:31 CesarMartins12: Question, do we have 20 min delay here too?
- 17:31 Keipi3: No delay
- 17:31 Keipi3: I'm playing on RA
- 17:32 CesarMartins12: tks
- 17:32 gutrune#0050 updated the race information.
- 17:32 CesarMartins12: So, when you have some time, open the stream with OOT on screen to crop please
- 17:32 gutrune#0050 invites CesarMartins12#1994 to join the race.
- 17:32 gutrune#0050 promoted CesarMartins12#1994 to race monitor.
- 17:32 gutrune#0050 removes CesarMartins12#1994 from the race.
- 17:33 dastar512: Hello all! GL in the race Phant and Keipi!
- 17:33 Keipi3: Thanks!!
- 17:34 gutrune: @phant, I assume you will still be using RA?
- 17:37 Keipi3: @cesarmartins12 stream open for crop
- 17:38 gutrune: Could i get the settings pull up while you are at it @keipi3?
- 17:40 Kiara_TV: I am on retroarch yes
- 17:40 Kiara_TV: stream up but I need to go take care of some stuff before race, should be good for crop
- 17:40 Keipi3: Showing settings
- 17:41 gutrune: TY for settings keipi!
- 17:42 gutrune: @phant I will need to check your settings pre race. Also need to mention that you might need to move your avatar a bit to the side because its overlaying with the game capture
- 17:42 gutrune: @keipi3 your settings are good
- 17:43 CesarMartins12: Hey @phant could you please just check, cause the hair of yout haracter on stream is covering part of the game
- 17:43 Keipi3: Ok
- 17:45 gutrune: !roll s6
- 17:45 gutrune: !seed s6
- 17:45 RandoBot: gutrune, here is your seed:
- 17:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 17:45 gutrune: HashFrog please
- 17:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 17:45 gutrune: rip no HashFrog
- 17:46 dastar512: gutrune wait til the race starts to try cursing
- 17:47 gutrune: I have become to love the HashFrog it is my favorite hash because it generates the best seeds
- 17:47 Keipi3: Already cursing the seed, damn it!
- 17:47 Keipi3: Brb
- 17:48 CesarMartins12: Phant don't answer :(
- 17:49 dastar512: She's probably doing setup stuff, just give her a few.
- 17:49 Kiara_TV: alright i'm back whats up
- 17:49 Kiara_TV: I said I needed to go take careo f some things!
- 17:49 Kiara_TV: it is very early lol
- 17:49 CesarMartins12: the hair of your character is covering part of the game
- 17:49 dastar512: you got it already the hair
- 17:49 dastar512: lol
- 17:50 dastar512: thanks phant.
- 17:50 CesarMartins12: THK :)
- 17:50 dastar512: TSG set on restream. crops are good. Gutrune will set you all off after intro. GLHF!
- 17:50 gutrune: I will need to check your settings @phant (go to quick menu options then scroll to the bottom)
- 17:52 Keipi3: I'm back[
- 17:52 gutrune: Alright both of you guys are good!
- 17:52 gutrune: Auto start is turned off. You can ready up whenever you are ready. We will get going when both restreams are ready!
- 17:53 Keipi3#8934 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:55 CesarMartins12: ok guys, Randomizer Brasil is ready, your call
- 17:55 CesarMartins12: and GL Keipi and Phant :)
- 17:55 Phant#8622 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:55 Keipi3: GLHF Phant!
- 17:56 gutrune: GLHF both of you! TSG will be ready shortly (in about 5 minutes sorry you will have to wait)
- 17:58 Kiara_TV: GL
- 18:00 gutrune: Good luck and have fun!
- 18:00 gutrune#0050 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:24 Keipi3#8934 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:24:22!
- 20:24 gutrune: ggs!
- 20:25 Keipi3: gg
- 20:25 gutrune: Would you like a quick interview on TSG?
- 20:25 Keipi3: Yeah, gimme 2 minutes
- 20:25 gutrune: Alright. Just say when and i will drag you in
- 20:28 Keipi3: I'm ready
- 20:33 Phant#8622 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:33:04!
- 20:33 Race finished in 2:33:05.0
- 20:34 dastar512: GGs Both of you!
- 20:34 dastar512: Would you like to come join us for an interview?
- 20:34 CesarMartins12: GG guys, thanks for the race
- 20:41 TobiasG_91: ggs, TSG had to cut stream in the meantime. Hope you have a great day!
- 01:50 Race result recorded by Jimbo