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- 15:40 Cubsrule21: o/
- 15:40 Cubsrule21: what platform are you on fer? and will you have clean audio?
- 15:40 Fer: i'm on retroarch
- 15:40 Fer: yes i will have clean audio
- 15:40 CesarMartins12: Hello guys, brazilian restream here
- 15:40 Challensois_: brazilian restream Pog
- 15:41 CesarMartins12: Yes, in PT-BR hehe
- 15:41 Fer: its a great day for a great race ^^
- 15:41 Cubsrule21: aight - just show the settings at some point before the start of the race and that's good enough for me
- 15:41 Cubsrule21: challensois, will you have clean audio?
- 15:42 Fer: ok thanks cubs
- 15:44 Cubsrule21: !seed s6
- 15:45 RandoBot: Cubsrule21, here is your seed:
- 15:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 15:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 15:46 Challensois_: yes cubs sorry
- 15:48 Cubsrule21: np
- 15:49 Cubsrule21: reminder to hop in VC when you get a chance, as well
- 15:50 CesarMartins12: How long until stream open guys?
- 15:51 CesarMartins12: and, Challensois, you're invited for interview if you want in our stream too ok. Of course after ZSR
- 15:51 Fer: mine just openned
- 15:52 CesarMartins12: thks
- 15:53 Challensois_: i launched mine at 38 i think
- 15:53 Challensois_: so 58
- 15:53 CesarMartins12: oki
- 16:00 Fer#0856 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:00 Challensois_#7759 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:01 Challensois_: gl hf
- 16:01 Fer: gl hf
- 16:01 Cubsrule21: aight here we go
- 16:01 Cubsrule21: glhf :)
- 16:01 Cubsrule21#2508 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:33 Fer: out of energy
- 17:34 Cubsrule21: are you calling fpa?
- 17:34 Fer: !fpa
- 17:34 RandoBot: @everyone FPA has been invoked by @Fer.
- 17:35 Cubsrule21: any idea how long it might take for power to come back up?
- 17:37 Fer: maybe 10 min loss
- 17:37 Cubsrule21: ok - go ahead and get it back, then I'll count you both in
- 17:37 Fer: my stream is on again 17 minutes
- 17:37 Cubsrule21: sounds good
- 17:40 Challensois_: so we start playing again in roughly 15 min ?
- 17:42 Cubsrule21: lets aim for that
- 17:43 Fer: i cacth up
- 17:44 Cubsrule21: ok
- 17:44 Cubsrule21: @challensois let me know when you're back and ready to go
- 17:45 Cubsrule21: 9 minutes of FPA used - 11 minutes remaining fer
- 17:45 Fer: i will thy to remenber the hints
- 17:45 Fer: try
- 17:46 Fer: im ready
- 17:47 Cubsrule21: ok - hop back in VC
- 17:47 Cubsrule21: and i'll count you two down
- 17:49 Cubsrule21: @Fer need you to rejoin VC
- 17:50 Fer: done
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: OK
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: here we go
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: 5
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: 4
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: 3
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: 2
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: 1
- 17:50 Cubsrule21: GO
- 19:36 Challensois_#7759 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:34:44!
- 19:36 Fer: gg
- 19:37 Fer#0856 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:37 Race finished in 3:34:59.9
- 19:37 Challensois_: thx gg
- 19:37 Challensois_: did you have everything ?
- 19:37 Fer: yaeh except goron tunici
- 19:37 Fer: what a nast seed , foolish shadow
- 19:37 Challensois_: yeah lol
- 19:38 Cubsrule21: GG!
- 19:38 Challensois_: kokiri sword available without hammer too
- 19:38 Fer: i take tomuch time to get that bomb bag
- 19:38 Cubsrule21: you two up for an interview after delay catches up?
- 19:38 Challensois_: why not
- 19:39 Challensois_: even though 3h34 is way too long for a seed
- 19:40 Fer: my english is not sot good for a interview, thx for everyone e good luck in the next races challensois
- 19:40 Cubsrule21: np - GG again :)
- 19:40 Challensois_: ty Fer ggs
- 19:56 Cubsrule21: about a minute left @challensois
- 19:56 Cubsrule21: go ahead and hop in VC and I'll pull you in
- 19:57 Challensois_: im in waiting room already
- 19:57 Challensois_: pull me whenever ;)
- 19:57 Cubsrule21: look, reading is hard
- 19:57 Cubsrule21: Kappa
- 03:30 Race result recorded by Jimbo