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- 23:51 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:16 Xopar: break in 5 mins
- 02:16 shirosoluna: k
- 02:20 shirosoluna: paused
- 02:25 shirosoluna: alright, gonna go I guess
- 04:00 Holysparkz#8553 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:09:13!
- 04:02 shiroaeli#4273 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:02 Race finished in 4:10:35.1
- 04:02 RSLBot: Here is the spoiler log:
- 04:02 shirosoluna: GG
- 04:02 Holysparkz: ggs
- 04:02 shirosoluna: where was magic?
- 04:02 Holysparkz: domain adult skull
- 04:02 shirosoluna: damn
- 04:02 shirosoluna: was my go mode :(
- 04:03 shirosoluna: minimal is awesome
- 04:03 Holysparkz: yeah minimal is really punishing for things like thatt
- 04:03 Xopar: gg!
- 04:03 shirosoluna: I thought I routed pretty well, I avoided ice and gtg, but I should have gone ice I guess
- 04:04 Holysparkz: i never touched gtg either
- 04:04 shirosoluna: what trials other than forest?
- 04:04 Holysparkz: just forest
- 04:04 shirosoluna: I just left gtg when you finished, was clearing things I skipped
- 04:04 Holysparkz: i was so happy when i saw that
- 04:04 shirosoluna: oh nice, that wasnt too bad then
- 04:04 shirosoluna: yeah
- 04:04 shirosoluna: collapse?
- 04:04 Holysparkz: did not wantt to do mq fire trial
- 04:04 Holysparkz: no collapse
- 04:04 shirosoluna: lol
- 04:05 shirosoluna: well for an AD minimal it could have been worse I guess
- 04:05 Holysparkz: yeah it couldve been a lot lot worse
- 04:05 Holysparkz: the bomb bag/suns start with no shuffled ocarina made routing this fairly simple
- 04:05 Holysparkz: very little double dips
- 04:06 shirosoluna: yeah it really did
- 04:06 shirosoluna: I barely did any of MQ DC lmao
- 04:06 Holysparkz: same LUL
- 04:06 Holysparkz: i did the lobby big chest and the bridge
- 04:06 shirosoluna: saw it was MQ and was totally monkaS the whole time
- 04:06 shirosoluna: same
- 04:06 Holysparkz: then everything behind the eyes
- 04:06 Holysparkz: and never went back in
- 04:06 shirosoluna: yep
- 04:07 Holysparkz: just kept finding stuff
- 04:07 shirosoluna: yeah
- 04:07 Holysparkz: never a reason to go back
- 04:07 shirosoluna: I had str 3 and was so ready for light trial haha
- 04:07 Holysparkz: yeah the str3 was literally useless
- 04:07 shirosoluna: and with a lens hint could have sworn shadow trial would have been on
- 04:07 Holysparkz: did you ever find FW?
- 04:07 shirosoluna: nope
- 04:07 shirosoluna: I never found irons either
- 04:07 Holysparkz: prolly in castle somewhere then
- 04:07 shirosoluna: did GS to enter water
- 04:07 Holysparkz: lab dive KEKW
- 04:07 shirosoluna: I did castle grotto
- 04:07 shirosoluna: oh
- 04:07 shirosoluna: LOL
- 04:08 shirosoluna: I forgot about that hahaha
- 04:08 Holysparkz: i had an s4 seed like 2 days ago with irons on lab dive
- 04:08 shirosoluna: I did fire and water so quickly and then climbed to shortcut for fire before leaving
- 04:08 Holysparkz: so i went in and said gimme irons again
- 04:08 Holysparkz: was laughing so hard
- 04:08 shirosoluna: love to see it lol
- 04:08 Holysparkz: yeah i saw BK keysy and just yeeted the bosses
- 04:08 Holysparkz: never went back to fire
- 04:08 Holysparkz: was mirror go mode
- 04:09 Holysparkz: was gonna go water>gtg>fire and then last few clean ups
- 04:09 shirosoluna: I really dont think the logic of this seed made sense though
- 04:09 shirosoluna: will have to study the log
- 04:09 shirosoluna: I did the temples out of order, without minuet from spirit
- 04:10 shirosoluna: and got boomerang from forest
- 04:10 Holysparkz: sarias in gtg no?
- 04:10 shirosoluna: it has to be I guess
- 04:10 shirosoluna: since epona in shadow
- 04:10 shirosoluna: and bolero in ice
- 04:10 shirosoluna: were hinted
- 04:10 Holysparkz: because you can get LS witth wallet from adult shooting
- 04:10 shirosoluna: yeah, that was my first hookshot lol
- 04:10 Holysparkz: then gtg for sarias to open the rest of the seed basically
- 04:10 shirosoluna: then got second from DMC right after :D
- 04:10 Holysparkz: :D
- 04:11 shirosoluna: I rushed back to child to get that thinking it was first logical one
- 04:11 shirosoluna: definitely wasnt I guess
- 04:11 Holysparkz: thats one of the reasons i went ice
- 04:11 Holysparkz: because ii went domain as child without wallet
- 04:11 shirosoluna: ahhh
- 04:11 Holysparkz: figured i may as well go ice to get blue fire/ls
- 04:12 shirosoluna: I had it so early, and dungeon rushed before checking stupid things
- 04:12 Holysparkz: then grabbed the hammer and the seed is basically done at that point
- 04:12 shirosoluna: yeah
- 04:12 shirosoluna: damn, that sucks. Always rush ice wins again lmao
- 04:12 Holysparkz: yeah it feels bad
- 04:12 Holysparkz: i had the same thing in both my losses in s1
- 04:12 shirosoluna: been in magic mode for at least 45 min
- 04:13 Holysparkz: oof
- 04:13 Holysparkz: oh well i really need to sleep
- 04:13 Holysparkz: GGS
- 04:14 shirosoluna: GGs!
- 05:42 Race result recorded by Xopar