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- 20:31 Skuby: linkpoWasa
- 20:32 Skuby: !seeddev league
- 20:32 RandoBot: Skuby, here is your seed:
- 20:32 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 20:33 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 20:33 jottahale#0207 joins the race.
- 20:34 Disweek: skuby
- 20:35 Skuby: a
- 20:36 iOliver: Hay algo que cambie masivamente en league? porque viendolo es casi lo mismo a lo acostumbrado
- 20:36 iOliver: y vi que hay hints de 30 40 y 50
- 20:37 Skuby: el beatable only q aún no sé bien cómo explicar xd pero tiene q ver con la lógica
- 20:37 iOliver: ah eso
- 20:37 iOliver: entonces bien
- 20:37 iOliver: buenas a todos igual
- 20:37 Skuby: por ejm la carrera pasada mi fire estaba completamente bloqueado por llaves, era imposible subir, entonces tienes en lógica lo q tngas a mano
- 20:37 MolaG_17: ola
- 20:37 MolaG_17#9157 joins the race.
- 20:40 MolaG_17: uwu
- 20:40 Disweek#8984 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 20:40 Disweek#8984 is not ready. (8 remaining)
- 20:40 Disweek: tamos
- 20:42 Nasho3D#2787 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 20:43 andres3456: mas o menos a que hora empieza?
- 20:43 Disweek: que hint distribution es
- 20:43 Disweek: path o woth?
- 20:43 Disweek#8984 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 20:43 andres3456: league s4 tiene paths
- 20:43 Disweek: paths
- 20:44 andres3456: la distribución son 5 path, 3 foolish, 30 40 y 50 en la casa de skulltulas
- 20:45 Nasho3D: Bedge
- 20:45 Disweek: gracias andresito
- 20:45 Disweek: :beso
- 20:45 andres3456: las demas son las always y sometimes de s6
- 20:45 jottahale: ya ando ready
- 20:45 Nasho3D: HashFrog
- 20:46 Skuby#3113 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 20:46 jottahale: me da miedo poner ready y que pase lo de la otra vez que empezó a correr de una
- 20:47 Skuby: de seguro fue q le diste a la tecla de empezar y con global hotkeys inició
- 20:47 Skuby: además si empieza a correr no pasa nada porq faltan un madral de darle ready HashFrog
- 20:47 Skuby: nomás lo paras y vuelves a enlazar
- 20:48 Skuby: ya q fueras el último en dar ready, le das y no estabas listo ps ahí sí valió widexdd
- 20:49 Nasho3D: nimodo
- 20:49 Nasho3D: HashFrog
- 20:50 andres3456#9754 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 20:51 MolaG_17#9157 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:52 iOliver#1400 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:52 Linkpon#8526 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:53 iOliver: linkpoAhchi
- 20:53 andres3456: GL HF
- 20:53 Disweek: dice relay
- 20:53 Skuby: dale chotagod HashFrog
- 20:53 Disweek: que si le puede entrar
- 20:53 Skuby: ps tabn
- 20:53 andres3456: jotto el ultimo en darle ready Kappa
- 20:54 Disweek: xDD
- 20:54 iOliver: el relay?
- 20:54 iOliver: waos
- 20:54 Skuby: son 100 pesos la entrada
- 20:54 Skuby: HashFrog
- 20:54 jottahale: el relay le va a entrar?
- 20:54 jottahale: pa esperarlo
- 20:54 Disweek: dice que jala
- 20:54 Skuby: no incluye 13% del iva
- 20:54 Skuby: vava
- 20:54 jottahale: Va
- 20:54 Skuby: pero q se prepare rápido sino se hacen las 4 Deadge
- 20:54 MolaG_17: HashHammer
- 20:56 jottahale: relay dice que para la proxima le entra que tiene todo desinstalado
- 20:56 jottahale: asique le dare ready
- 20:56 Linkpon: OOOHHMEZzz
- 20:56 Disweek: va
- 20:56 jottahale: gl a todos
- 20:56 Disweek: gl
- 20:56 jottahale#0207 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:56 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:56 Skuby: gl
- 20:56 andres3456: please seed no nos trolles como la vez pasada
- 20:56 andres3456: gl
- 20:56 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:00 Linkpon#8526 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:02 MolaG_17#9157 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:02 MolaG_17: pipipip
- 00:09 Nasho3D#2787 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:12:41!
- 00:18 Skuby#3113 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:21:59!
- 00:33 iOliver#1400 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:37:06!
- 00:46 andres3456#9754 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:49:45!
- 00:47 andres3456#9754 added a comment.
- 00:59 Disweek#8984 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:02:24!
- 01:03 Disweek#8984 added a comment.
- 01:44 jottahale#0207 has finished in 6th place with a time of 4:48:02!
- 01:44 Race finished in 4:48:02.5
- 01:51 Race result recorded by Jimbo