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- 17:00 Mido: Welcome to this Groups Tiebreakers race! Learn more about the event at
- 17:00 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 17:00 Mido invites Naestriel#2198 to join the race.
- 17:00 Mido invites zaid#8767 to join the race.
- 17:00 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell đŸ”” icon below chat.
- 17:00 Mido: Your Triforce Blitz S3 seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 17:03 zaid#8767 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:04 Naestriel#2198 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:04 Naestriel: o/
- 17:06 zaid: hey, glhf
- 17:07 Naestriel: To you as well! Hopefully Mido doesn't be too cruel while generating the seed
- 17:10 zaid: sure, i don't mind though, could be my last races; been a great experience, shouldn't have been so shy to try out racing before; its setting it all up that stresses me out
- 17:12 Naestriel: <3 don't sell yourself short if you're referring just to TFB this season, my gameplay has been shaky &, if you make the right choices, you always have a shot at winning. You at least defeated someone else in your series up to now. Agreed with the setup though, I still triple check everything & half the time still have missed something
- 17:15 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 17:15 Mido: HashBoomerang HashBottledMilk HashHammer HashMaskOfTruth HashBigMagic
- 17:15 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 17:15 Mido updated the race information.
- 17:18 zaid: <3 thanks, and i love playing so definitely will keep racing whatever the outcome
- 17:22 Naestriel: Fantastic! That's something I keep debating myself with, keep having to remind myself, "at the end of the day, it's a game & a hobby." But I digress because I truly enjoy the co-op variants of ZOoTR (co-op & multiworld). At any rate, I'm currently 0-2 in my starting matches, so odds are in your favor today!
- 17:23 zaid#8767 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:23 Naestriel: Just about to ready up myself, good luck & have fun!
- 17:24 zaid: great, good luck as well
- 17:24 Naestriel#2198 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:24 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:24 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:24 Mido: @entrants Time limit reached. If anyone has found at least 1 Triforce piece, please .done. If neither player has any pieces, please continue and .done when one is found.
- 19:24 Naestriel#2198 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:00:10!
- 19:24 Mido: Naestriel, please report your score:
- 19:24 zaid#8767 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:00:14!
- 19:24 Race finished in 2:00:14.3
- 19:24 Mido: zaid, please report your score:
- 19:24 Naestriel: ggs, oof what a seed
- 19:25 zaid: !score 1 1h02m50s
- 19:25 Mido: Score reported: 1/3 in 1:02:50
- 19:25 Naestriel: !score 1 1h13m00s
- 19:25 Mido: Score reported: 1/3 in 1:13:00
- 19:25 Mido: All scores received. Thank you for playing Triforce Blitz, see you next race!
- 19:25 zaid: so much hiking(and execution was really bad early on) but improved
- 19:25 Naestriel: you take the win, nice!
- 19:25 zaid: yea ggs
- 19:25 zaid: must be zl locked?
- 19:25 Naestriel: I assume so
- 19:25 zaid: where is hammer??
- 19:26 Naestriel: 10 skulls is my guess
- 19:26 Naestriel: have 10, didn't have time to do with it
- 19:26 zaid: ah, well ggs, thought i may have left gtg too late as potential to get that really early if enough conviction to trust sot
- 19:27 Naestriel: fair, I did the same but clearly you went there fast enough! I got irons early there & got tunnel visioned on that for the kak path
- 19:27 zaid: yea i almost went water but trusted my gut this time and i guess was enough.
- 19:28 zaid: when is good for you for the second game? i'm pretty easy apart from wednesday i guess?
- 19:28 Naestriel: I should be free most any day, so just whenever is good for you. & just confirmed hammer on 10 skulls
- 19:29 zaid: ok so maybe my path guess is off. i was never going for skulls in this seed
- 19:30 Naestriel: ah, I'm kicking myself for not getting 2, I ran over the HF scrub who had strength, could've gone up spiurit on bk chest for 1 piece
- 19:30 Naestriel: the other was hard ZL locked
- 19:32 zaid: bk chest is zl locked no?
- 19:33 Naestriel: oh right, I'm crazy
- 19:33 zaid: yea i always think i can get that and forget
- 19:34 zaid: i checked spirit in case key logic but no keys behind zl
- 19:35 zaid: anyway ggs, and just get in touch in thread to organise the next game
- 19:35 Naestriel: Sounds good, ggs & take care!
- 19:36 zaid: you too, take care!
- 22:18 Race set to not recorded by Schulzer#3184