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- 00:30 Mido: Welcome to this Groups Round 2 race! Learn more about the event at
- 00:38 toburr: yeah i'm feeling something simple today lol
- 00:38 Mr Triple: appreciated :)
- 00:38 toburr: well we've tried our best, now it's up to randobot to actually comply
- 00:39 Mr Triple: good point. looking forward to str3 being required and unhinted for light arrows
- 00:39 toburr: y'know i was just thinking i haven't had a good ole fashioned light trial light arrows lately, maybe this is the night
- 00:41 Mr Triple: same
- 00:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 00:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 00:45 toburr: oh boy
- 00:48 Mr Triple: there it is
- 00:52 toburr: this is undoubtedly one of the starting song/reward combos of all time
- 00:52 Mr Triple: i feel i get this one a lot
- 00:52 Mr Triple: if its not sun song, i get oot
- 00:53 toburr: yeah lately i just get a lot of sun's on oot
- 00:53 toburr: with a stone start naturally
- 00:53 Mr Triple: you gotta have stone start and Eponas on OOT, thus making you wonder the whole time whether AD is happening
- 00:53 toburr: true true
- 00:54 Mr Triple: although this has been the season of fake ADs for me
- 00:54 toburr: especially in multiworld where my team always drafts cows
- 00:54 Mr Triple: lol
- 00:54 Mr Triple: cows is a good choice to
- 00:54 toburr: it's a fun time
- 00:56 Mr Triple: alright. i got my drink refill. i'm gonna ready up
- 00:56 toburr: cool
- 00:56 Mr Triple: glhf, see ya at the end
- 00:56 toburr: would you want to start right now or wait til on the hour?
- 00:56 Mr Triple: on the hour is fine
- 00:56 toburr: alright, i will wait on the ready til then
- 00:59 Mr Triple#6281 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:00 toburr: alright
- 01:00 toburr: glhf!
- 01:00 toburr#2847 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:00 Mr Triple: glhf!
- 01:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:28 Mr Triple#6281 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:28:21!
- 03:28 toburr: ggs
- 03:29 Mr Triple: ggs
- 03:29 toburr#2847 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:29 Race finished in 2:28:51.4
- 03:29 toburr: yeah i last loc'd the magic in domain
- 03:29 Mr Triple: ohhh noooo
- 03:29 Mr Triple: i got that on my way up for turning in letter
- 03:29 toburr: actually i had child lake left
- 03:29 toburr: but that's it
- 03:29 toburr: i skipped letter turn in
- 03:29 Mr Triple: oh damn
- 03:30 Mr Triple: i did it in my child 1 segment cause i wasn't sure what ice was gonna be, if it was nocturn at that point
- 03:30 Mr Triple: shortly after i turned it in i think i found a hint stone that said 'nope' and wondered if i wasted time
- 03:31 toburr: yeah i ended child 1 rather than turn it in but i did say out loud when i did "this could be the wining/losing play" lol
- 03:31 Mr Triple: lol. uhm, guess it was
- 03:31 toburr: i figured another bottle would turn up eventually
- 03:31 toburr: and i was kinda right?
- 03:31 Mr Triple: i never found any others. 40 was 1
- 03:32 toburr: but hard first magic in domain ended me
- 03:32 toburr: the other two were both in valley lol
- 03:32 Mr Triple: lol
- 03:32 Mr Triple: magic 2 of course in shadow
- 03:32 Mr Triple: classic magic 2
- 03:32 toburr: naturally
- 03:32 toburr: no lights in light trial but magic 2 in shadow for sure
- 03:33 Mr Triple: i def was waiting for lights in light trial to be dropped
- 03:33 Mr Triple: the J word was in the back of my mind and i was waiting to be crushed by the thought
- 03:33 toburr: so you like never did spirit or gtg until ganon told you where lights were huh?
- 03:33 Mr Triple: yup
- 03:33 toburr: sounds nice lmao
- 03:34 Mr Triple: lol
- 03:34 Mr Triple: yea, sorry about that
- 03:34 toburr: hey rando randos
- 03:34 toburr: congrats on the dub
- 03:34 Mr Triple: i was gonna go spirit if rang didn't show up, and then rang just showed up in sshadow and i went 'o.... i have everything'
- 03:35 Mr Triple: ty ty. you play Jax or interloper yet?
- 03:35 toburr: nah, i play jax on monday, interloper tbd
- 03:36 Mr Triple: nice. interloper mentioned to me he was gonna be going away or something soon i think
- 03:36 Mr Triple: or be away
- 03:36 toburr: yeah i think he said like 13th to 23rd
- 03:36 toburr: at the rate i'm going will probably need to hit them up after that window
- 03:37 Mr Triple: yea. this 1st round robin section seemed long to me... but now i get it
- 03:37 toburr: yeah i def needed the long period last year i had a similar like 10-11 day stretch where i wasn't home
- 03:38 Mr Triple: gotcha. it'll all work out
- 03:39 toburr: was this your last match?
- 03:39 Mr Triple: Jax on Saturday
- 03:39 toburr: ah, glgl
- 03:39 Mr Triple: Interloper killed me
- 03:39 Mr Triple: i was a whole dungeon behind them
- 03:39 toburr: well you killed me by a dungeon and a half lol so hope this was a nice counterbalance
- 03:40 Mr Triple: haha, it... is a first. apologies
- 03:40 toburr: no need to apologize, enjoy it :)
- 03:41 Mr Triple: i shall. well good luck with your other 2 races, perhaps we'll see each other again
- 03:41 toburr: tyty, hope so!
- 03:41 toburr: gn dude
- 03:42 Mr Triple: night!
- 03:42 toburr: and gl with your last pool race
- 03:42 Mr Triple: ty