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- 08:31 TobiasG_91 invites Hyper#8571 to join the race.
- 08:31 TobiasG_91 invites Timmy2405#6103 to join the race.
- 08:31 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! All rolled seeds comply with the laws of thermodynamics.
- 08:31 RandoBot: If this is a draft race, use !s7 tournament for official matches, otherwise use !s7 <draft|random>
- 08:33 TobiasG_91 invites Tomaltach13#5839 to join the race.
- 08:33 TobiasG_91 promoted Tomaltach13#5839 to race monitor.
- 08:33 Timmy2405#6103 accepts an invitation to join.
- 08:33 TobiasG_91 removes Tomaltach13#5839 from the race.
- 08:34 Tomaltach13: good morning all
- 08:34 Timmy2405: morning! o/
- 08:36 Tomaltach13: one of you guys can roll up the seed yes? im not sure how lol
- 08:37 Timmy2405: aure
- 08:37 Timmy2405: sure*
- 08:38 Tomaltach13: ty ty
- 08:40 Hyper#8571 accepts an invitation to join.
- 08:40 Hyper: yo
- 08:40 Chimpanreeve: Gl both!
- 08:40 Timmy2405: o/
- 08:40 Timmy2405: tyty
- 08:40 Tomaltach13: good morning hyper and hello chimp
- 08:40 Hyper: Do you want me to hide my score on stream? It normally sits in the corner of my gameplay.
- 08:41 Tomaltach13: does it show up anywhere else on your stream? was going to go off your point tracker on stream to update restream as opposed to asking for links to point trackers
- 08:42 Hyper: Nah i don't really have anywhere else i can fit it
- 08:43 Tomaltach13: alright, hmm, then leave it up i don't think its a big deal
- 08:43 Hyper: np it's pretty small in the corner anyways
- 08:43 Tomaltach13: sounds good whos got the clean audios?
- 08:44 Timmy2405: I'll have clean
- 08:44 Hyper: me too
- 08:44 Hyper: Are we on zsr main?
- 08:45 Timmy2405:
- 08:45 Tomaltach13: great ty both and yep on main
- 08:45 Hyper: ty
- 08:49 TobiasG_91: yep
- 08:49 TobiasG_91: ... tobias, remember to scroll before answering questions
- 08:49 TobiasG_91: I'm going back to bed lul
- 08:54 Tomaltach13: is there a delat?
- 08:54 Tomaltach13: delay*
- 08:54 Timmy2405: no
- 08:56 Timmy2405#6103 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 08:58 Tomaltach13: auto start is off so feel free to ready when ready
- 09:00 Hyper#8571 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 09:00 Timmy2405: glhf!
- 09:00 Tomaltach13: Alright
- 09:00 Hyper: glhf!
- 09:00 Timmy2405: glhf!
- 09:00 Tomaltach13: glhf and we'll see you on the other side!
- 09:00 Tomaltach13#5839 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 09:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 09:27 Timmy2405#6103 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:26:22!
- 09:27 Timmy2405: wllp
- 09:27 Timmy2405#6103 added a comment.
- 09:28 Tomaltach13: gg want to come hang out in vc?
- 09:28 Timmy2405: Nah I got a pretty bald cold sorry. I'll come in restream chat for a sec though
- 09:29 Tomaltach13: alright sounds good, still gg!
- 11:28 Hyper#8571 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:27:25!
- 11:28 Race finished in 2:27:25.8
- 11:28 Tomaltach13: gg, when ready if you'd like to hop in for an interview join waiting and ill pull you in.
- 11:28 Hyper: sure i'll be 2 minutes
- 11:28 Tomaltach13: ok sounds good
- 11:29 Hyper#8571 added a comment.