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- 16:26 Cola: errr i forget
- 16:26 Cola: what were u missin
- 16:26 DgBarca: epona
- 16:26 DgBarca: serenade
- 16:26 Cola: its serenade then
- 16:27 Cola: leads to llr
- 16:27 DgBarca: heh
- 16:28 Cola: also i think age changes were okay with bolero tbh
- 16:28 Cola: not great but okay at least
- 16:28 DgBarca: yeah I didn't get bolero until the end tho
- 16:28 DgBarca: like
- 16:28 Cola: oh that sucks
- 16:28 DgBarca: the last age change
- 16:29 DgBarca: I didn't change much actally
- 16:29 DgBarca: only did 2 child segments
- 16:29 Cola: i did 3 i think?
- 16:29 Cola: because of hovers
- 16:29 DgBarca: one 1h30 one, one to get hovers
- 16:30 Cola: ya i swapped to adult before goron city, but somehow didnt go into the lw entrance
- 16:30 Cola: so didnt get ZL in that segment
- 16:30 Cola: oh right i went to valley in gc shop and then went down
- 16:30 Cola: thats why
- 16:30 DgBarca: oh yeah
- 16:31 DgBarca: I avoided valley on purpose
- 16:31 DgBarca: turns out it was barren lol
- 16:31 Cola: i kinda played for valley since i did guards as a kid
- 16:31 Cola: i also did what i could in child gtg lmao
- 16:31 DgBarca: yeah same
- 16:31 DgBarca: did it super early
- 16:31 DgBarca: and ofc barren
- 16:31 Cola: yee
- 16:32 DgBarca: 20 chus right of the bat was nice
- 16:32 DgBarca: even tho bomb bag was also there
- 16:32 DgBarca: got playing had me drenched
- 16:32 DgBarca: not really
- 16:32 DgBarca: but still sweaty lol
- 16:32 DgBarca: shoutouts to never doing adult fishing
- 16:33 Cola: same
- 16:33 Cola: kf was pretty shit to get to as adult
- 16:33 DgBarca: minuet was nice
- 16:33 DgBarca: but that came late
- 16:33 DgBarca: oh or was it nocturne
- 16:34 Cola: minuet went to gy, which connects to kf
- 16:34 DgBarca: yeah both were kf
- 16:34 DgBarca: in a way
- 16:34 Cola: i mean by the time you have nocturne you basically did most of the seed
- 16:34 DgBarca: hum... well you're looking for hovers yeah
- 16:35 DgBarca: did you find your bow in DC?
- 16:35 Cola: ye
- 16:35 DgBarca: I did DC super late
- 16:36 DgBarca: doing there was aweful I even considering going there from the blue warp as adult lol
- 16:36 DgBarca: I felt like I warped to DMC 100 times today
- 16:37 Cola: i barely was in dmc lul
- 16:37 DgBarca: DMC -> Market -> HF from valley was my go to
- 16:37 DgBarca: to go basically anywhere
- 16:37 Cola: adult savewarp is hf...
- 16:37 DgBarca: yeah but the other way
- 16:38 DgBarca: all interessting stuff was on the side of lake
- 16:38 DgBarca: which is far from kak lol
- 16:38 Cola: ye i just ran across anyways
- 16:38 Cola: easier to write notes when backwalking
- 16:38 DgBarca: so did you even find Deku ?
- 16:38 Cola: nah
- 16:38 DgBarca: maybe it's in Jabu actually
- 16:38 Cola: no
- 16:39 Cola: i checked that
- 16:39 DgBarca: uh it was so awful to check
- 16:39 DgBarca: that leaves me with anything in GF
- 16:39 DgBarca: and valley
- 16:39 Cola: i had a fish after beating jabu
- 16:39 DgBarca: I had a big poe only
- 16:39 DgBarca: oh I didn't check Water temple entrance
- 16:40 DgBarca: and child underwater shortcut
- 16:40 Cola: it could be deku/water or gf entrances from my sheet
- 16:41 Cola: did you have KS anywhere?
- 16:41 DgBarca: shadow trial 2
- 16:41 Cola: ahhh
- 16:41 DgBarca: never opened tho
- 16:41 DgBarca: yeah I forgot about fire arrows being available so I did shadow trial first when doing trials
- 16:41 Cola: i didnt even have hook1 when i did ganons
- 16:41 DgBarca: never did ganon before my prog
- 16:42 DgBarca: so I did jabu/fire/dc/forest before
- 16:42 DgBarca: which means I never got early FW
- 16:42 Cola: forest wiithout hook is painful tho
- 16:42 DgBarca: wait you didn't go BOTW at all before going adult ?
- 16:42 Cola: no
- 16:42 DgBarca: ohhh
- 16:42 DgBarca: I see
- 16:43 DgBarca: well that ease things up lol
- 16:43 Cola: i just did an extra adult section when i found ToT that ended up being pretty bad tbh
- 16:44 DgBarca: well you did get the luruxy of full clearing BOTW at once and not worry about LS or magic being WOTH
- 16:44 DgBarca: cause that made me lose a lot
- 16:44 Cola: no i didnt fullclear botw at once
- 16:44 Cola: because i didnt get ZL
- 16:44 DgBarca: oh you missed SFM
- 16:44 DgBarca: harsh
- 16:44 Cola: i found sfm right after going to child 2
- 16:46 Cola: aight ill submit the result to then grab some food
- 16:46 Cola: gl in the rest of the tourney :D
- 21:39 Race result recorded by Cola#5395