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- 17:49 tanjo3 joins the race.
- 17:49 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 17:49 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 17:49 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 17:49 AlexanderHD#8749 joins the race.
- 17:50 tanjo3: yo
- 17:50 nozzly#5366 joins the race.
- 17:50 AlexanderHD: hey
- 17:51 nozzly: Ive come to be bad again
- 17:51 tanjo3: lose is improve
- 17:51 AlexanderHD: I'm ready to last location frogs again :eyes:
- 17:53 AlexanderHD: Not gonna lie, I'm hoping that I get to do chu strats on KD. I actually practiced it this time.
- 17:53 nozzly: that eu weekly was brutal for me
- 17:53 nozzly: I did a bunch of dumb stuff
- 17:54 nozzly: trying to finish fire even though it was a stone, running around in water without long shot cuz it was in gtg and im dumb
- 17:54 nozzly: hopefully I can do a little better in this race
- 17:54 AlexanderHD: I really should have rushed progression after getting my logical hookshot in target practice
- 17:54 AlexanderHD: Instead of doing full child cleanup
- 17:55 nozzly: yeah, I dont know how im suppose to know what to be doing
- 17:55 nozzly: finding it hard to learn
- 17:55 nozzly: I found hammer, hook, etc, but I didnt really know what to be doing with all that
- 17:55 AlexanderHD: My first hookshot was the one in gtg :eyes:
- 17:56 nozzly: guess it didnt help I was dumb and locked myself out of gtg hook cuz I didnt know I could hook shot the left side without long
- 17:56 nozzly: and I thought I needed sot for fire
- 17:56 nozzly: lol
- 17:56 MisterKarp: how long?
- 17:57 tanjo3: in 15 or so
- 17:57 tanjo3: how long u need?
- 17:57 nozzly: is scrubs just 6 medallions too
- 17:58 nozzly: I just wanna get as much practice as possible so I can start finishing seeds
- 17:58 tanjo3: ganons is 4 medallions
- 17:58 AlexanderHD: 6 meds for ganon bk and 4 for bridge
- 17:58 tanjo3: ganon bk is on 6 medallions
- 17:58 MisterKarp: I'll be ready in 10 so that's fine
- 17:58 tanjo3: cool
- 17:58 MisterKarp: seed been rolled?
- 17:58 MisterKarp#9404 joins the race.
- 17:58 tanjo3: not yet, u wanna do it nozzly?
- 17:59 AlexanderHD: Been really liking the roman branch for the randomizer, the color weapons are pretty funny at times.
- 18:01 nozzly: sounds fun
- 18:01 nozzly: I guess my one upside is no one really watches me
- 18:01 nozzly: so no one sees me fail kek
- 18:01 tanjo3: nozzly, wanna roll the seed?
- 18:02 nozzly: how do you do that
- 18:02 tanjo3: (!seed scrub)
- 18:02 nozzly: !seed scrub
- 18:02 RandoBot: nozzly, here is your seed:
- 18:02 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 18:02 nozzly: if this seed sucks its my ba
- 18:02 AlexanderHD: Most seeds are rough
- 18:02 AlexanderHD: Some are just worse than others
- 18:03 nozzly: what did you think about the weekly seed
- 18:04 AlexanderHD: Wasn't too bad, though I really should have ditched the child clean up after getting that longshot
- 18:04 nozzly: I need to learn how to better use my time
- 18:04 AlexanderHD: Made the right call and left fire after doing the first 3 checks
- 18:05 AlexanderHD: Better routing comes with experience
- 18:05 nozzly: oh Idk if its even routing
- 18:05 nozzly: its just like
- 18:05 nozzly: I get an item
- 18:05 tanjo3 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:05 nozzly: and I dont know what it means for the logic
- 18:05 AlexanderHD: I find that doing a commentary helps sort out the mind while racing.
- 18:06 AlexanderHD: Kinda like driver commentary
- 18:06 nozzly#5366 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:07 nozzly: well I just mean that, the entire race every place I checked felt barren
- 18:07 nozzly: I didnt start getting good stuff till most my checks were done lmao
- 18:07 AlexanderHD: That happens sometimes.
- 18:07 nozzly: I had gtg woth hint early but I cant do anything with that
- 18:07 AlexanderHD#8749 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:07 MisterKarp: can't play, sorry. glhf
- 18:07 nozzly: no problem karp
- 18:07 MisterKarp#9404 quits the race.
- 18:07 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:08 tanjo3: rip
- 18:08 tanjo3: glhf
- 18:08 nozzly: glhf
- 18:08 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:08 AlexanderHD: glhf
- 20:41 nozzly#5366 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:42 nozzly: glhf guys
- 20:42 nozzly: something came up for me
- 21:34 AlexanderHD#8749 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:26:31!
- 21:34 AlexanderHD: gg
- 21:36 AlexanderHD#8749 added a comment.
- 22:02 tanjo3 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:54:23!
- 22:02 Race finished in 3:54:23.1
- 22:08 AlexanderHD: Last bottle was in forest, a fairy bottle
- 01:23 Race result recorded by ArthurOudini#1948