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- 12:53 Melrose: reminder for break in 2 minutes
- 13:00 Melrose: 30 seconds uintil restart, gl
- 13:58 r0bd0g#5348 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:03:19!
- 14:01 r0bd0g#5348 added a comment.
- 14:01 r0bd0g: Ggs how's it going?
- 14:03 Melrose: I'll remove your active role once riley has finished
- 14:05 r0bd0g: okay if I watch his stream?
- 14:08 Melrose: no reason why not
- 14:11 r0bd0g: cool cool
- 14:11 r0bd0g: gl riley!
- 14:33 Riley#6863 has forfeited from the race.
- 14:33 Race finished in 4:37:38.2
- 14:33 RSLBot: Here is the spoiler log:
- 14:33 Riley: nobody told me lol
- 14:33 r0bd0g: lol
- 14:33 r0bd0g: ggs
- 14:33 Riley: didnt have hylian shield so I never went back for ghoma
- 14:33 r0bd0g: seemed like you got owned by the var meds
- 14:33 Riley: I was about to
- 14:33 Riley: t I got golds
- 14:34 Riley: but
- 14:34 Riley: so I bailed :(
- 14:34 r0bd0g: you started with hammer tho, so you could have done that method
- 14:34 Riley: dont know it
- 14:34 r0bd0g: I learned only recently, I had to check if I had it in my notes
- 14:34 r0bd0g: I did, so I didn't route too hard around getting the hylian
- 14:34 r0bd0g: I saw where it was long ago but I was too poor
- 14:35 Riley: yea
- 14:35 Riley: since LLR scrubs
- 14:35 r0bd0g: I ended up pulling a hylian from botw behind a locked door
- 14:35 r0bd0g: and just said fuck botw lol who's ever gonna get boomerang?
- 14:35 Riley: yeah I said the same
- 14:35 r0bd0g: hours later I'm looking for str 3 and I have all the songs for boomerang and no botw keys
- 14:35 Riley: but I was on my way to get it after deku
- 14:35 Riley: was str 3 ur go?
- 14:35 r0bd0g: I searched a long time for str 3
- 14:35 r0bd0g: yeah
- 14:35 Riley: dang
- 14:36 r0bd0g: spirit, 100% fire, more spirit, finish fortress (aside from hba), valley scrubs...
- 14:36 Riley: its pretty annoying cuz if I follow what I wanted to do
- 14:36 r0bd0g: the minuet from spirit is a big part of what got me back there
- 14:36 Riley: I woulda got that key hours ago
- 14:36 Riley: did you beat water?
- 14:36 r0bd0g: no
- 14:36 Riley: okay
- 14:36 r0bd0g: I did get water bk
- 14:36 Riley: I full cleared it
- 14:36 r0bd0g: but I hadn't been to deku yet to get longshot
- 14:37 Riley: kk
- 14:37 r0bd0g: was prelude there? I never found that
- 14:37 Riley: I almost LL hook in valley
- 14:37 Riley: oh
- 14:37 Riley: woops
- 14:37 Riley: forgot wasteland was barren lmfdao
- 14:37 r0bd0g: lol
- 14:37 Riley: thaats where prelude was
- 14:37 r0bd0g: barren hints suck
- 14:37 r0bd0g: var meds suck too
- 14:37 Riley: I dont have space for em so I try to memorize them
- 14:37 r0bd0g: that ganon key could have easily been on the other stone boss
- 14:38 Riley: did you get hovers?
- 14:38 r0bd0g: no, no letter either
- 14:38 Riley: kk same
- 14:38 r0bd0g: yeah I was watching for a bit there
- 14:38 r0bd0g: my hook was sort of late ish but not too bad
- 14:38 r0bd0g: I went child asap
- 14:38 Riley: I got it at 2:25
- 14:38 r0bd0g: did a short adult section that ended up sun's song in open grotto
- 14:39 Riley: I never went valley as child cuz I knew brdige was up
- 14:39 r0bd0g: went back child and full cleared
- 14:39 r0bd0g: valley was the last place I went before going adult again, only ranch back skull was left
- 14:39 r0bd0g: I thought that whole child section was gonna be total ass
- 14:39 r0bd0g: and at the last second comes hookshot and irons to make it worth it
- 14:40 r0bd0g: yeah I knew bridge was open too but, there's a lot of child-only stuff there still
- 14:40 r0bd0g: There was a lot of stuff in the adult route off the top so I don't think my asap child play worked out
- 14:40 Riley: I stayed adult for a while
- 14:41 r0bd0g: I didn't like that starting tod
- 14:41 r0bd0g: you basically have to walk to kokiri for lack of anything better to do
- 14:41 r0bd0g: so I figured I would savewarp to kokiri instead
- 14:41 Riley: I waled
- 14:41 Riley: walked
- 14:41 r0bd0g: I slash the tot gossips to check tod
- 14:42 r0bd0g: 18:00 or 0:00 on open door I'll probably just asap go back
- 14:42 r0bd0g: but I did a dumb and got away with it
- 14:42 r0bd0g: I forgot to check if ow er was on first lol
- 14:42 r0bd0g: I should have gotten the ogc skull before going back
- 14:43 Riley: I peeked it and didnt care
- 14:43 r0bd0g: peeked what?
- 14:43 Riley: that skull I didnt bother getting it lol
- 14:44 r0bd0g: I just mean I should have tested ow er before going back in time to savewarp to kokiri for the ocarina check, and checking out ogc skull would have been a good way to use that time
- 14:44 r0bd0g: wasn't it a token?
- 14:44 r0bd0g: don't remember
- 14:44 Riley: ye
- 14:45 r0bd0g: if it was you could still test for some tokensanity on by picking it up, and voiding out is a good way out of that area
- 14:45 r0bd0g: and the void out there is a good time to test damage too
- 14:45 r0bd0g: anyway that seed was pretty dumb lol, thanks for playing
- 14:46 r0bd0g: maybe we'll meet again who knows
- 14:46 Riley: ggs
- 14:46 r0bd0g: ggs
- 15:47 Race result recorded by felixoide4#9489