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- 19:32 alkalineace: Flouche Hash is correct
- 19:32 Rafa: No wayyyyyyy
- 19:32 Flouche: on a 4 coeurs start
- 19:32 Rafa: RAAHH
- 19:32 Star1468: yeah, seed 1352259 is the RSL seed
- 19:32 Flouche: Ah Rafa Pepegi
- 19:33 Rafa: What is the hash?
- 19:34 Flouche: heart cont : cu / bow / map / SoA
- 19:34 Flouche: just as in the title
- 19:34 Rafa: If this is TH I'm gonna explode
- 19:35 Star1468: lol
- 19:35 Flouche: Well the room will explode as well then
- 19:35 Rafa: The zpf/name of the seed finished with "aaf" right?
- 19:35 Rafa: finishes*
- 19:36 Star1468: yes
- 19:36 Rafa: Mmhhh I'm gonna check my vod later
- 19:36 alkalineace: aaf is what you'll say when it ends up being TFH
- 19:37 Flouche#5543 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:37 Star1468: lol
- 19:37 Rafa: YEEEESSSSS
- 19:37 Star1468: désolée encore pour la confusion
- 19:37 Rafa: I HAVE IIIIIT
- 19:37 Star1468: autostart est désactivé btw
- 19:37 Flouche: not too soon aaf
- 19:38 Rafa: Ok I'm ready
- 19:38 Rafa: Oh, one more thing
- 19:38 Flouche: glhf with no TFH Preyge
- 19:38 Rafa: Ok goof
- 19:38 Rafa: good
- 19:38 Rafa#9983 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:38 Star1468: GL HF!
- 19:38 Rafa: gl hf!
- 19:39 alkalineace: glhf !
- 19:39 alkalineace#3477 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:39 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:34 RSLBot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 21:39 RSLBot: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 21:40 Star1468: Break time!
- 21:43 Star1468: Writing in here for clarity: Flouche pausd late at about 2:00:50, will unpause late also
- 21:44 RSLBot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 21:44 Star1468: GL HF!
- 23:34 RSLBot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 23:38 Star1468: flouche everything okay?
- 23:39 RSLBot: @entrants Break time! Please pause for 5 minutes.
- 23:41 Flouche: no
- 23:41 Flouche: I am sick
- 23:41 Flouche: I should stop
- 23:42 Flouche: Really feels bad :(
- 23:42 Rafa: I can reschedule later if you really can't play, don't worry about that
- 23:43 Rafa: Health first
- 23:43 Flouche: Don't worry to finish, we've been so far
- 23:43 Star1468: oh no Flouche
- 23:43 Rafa: Okay, but if you really need another break don't hesitate
- 23:43 Star1468: if you can't play anymore don't push it flouche
- 23:43 Rafa: Or if you want a longer break
- 23:44 Flouche: No sadly I'll give up..
- 23:44 Star1468: :( understandable
- 23:44 Flouche: I'm sorry for this
- 23:44 Star1468: rafa you can continue playing if you want, I'm not an org so can't give you a definite answer about a rematch possbility
- 23:44 RSLBot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 23:44 Flouche#5543 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:44 Rafa: Naahh don't be sorry, it's not your fault
- 23:45 papy_grant: we hope everything will be ok flouche
- 23:45 papy_grant: was a great race !
- 23:45 Flouche: Thank you for all
- 23:46 papy_grant: thanks for the show !
- 23:46 Rafa: Have a good recovery especially
- 23:46 Star1468: thanks flouche! and yeah hope you get better soon
- 23:46 Flouche: gg Rafa anway
- 23:46 Flouche: Thanks
- 23:47 Rafa: So I will finish the seed for fun, but I'm definitely not counting it as the definitive result
- 23:47 Star1468: okay, will let the orgs know
- 23:47 Rafa: For the restreamers: will you continue it or cut it?
- 23:47 papy_grant: let's go :)
- 23:47 Star1468: going to figure that out
- 23:47 alkalineace: if you continue, i'm rolling with it
- 23:48 Rafa: Ok, well have a look at whatever this is :)
- 23:50 Star1468: yeah this seed is something
- 23:50 Rafa: agreed
- 00:58 papy_grant: gg
- 00:58 Rafa#9983 has finished in 1st place with a time of 5:18:48!
- 00:58 Race finished in 5:18:48.4
- 00:58 alkalineace: gg, want to come in for interview ?
- 00:58 Star1468: GG!
- 00:58 Star1468: What a seed, ouch
- 00:59 Rafa: ..... I think I'm dead inside
- 00:59 Star1468: don't blame you lol
- 00:59 Rafa: I'm coming
- 01:00 papy_grant: on t'attend vite fait apres hein ;)
- 01:01 Rafa: Ouais je viens
- 01:14 Star1468: For the race mods: Don't need to record this, Flouche forfeited due to not feeling wel and Rafa finished the seed out for fun
- 01:15 alkalineace: might put that in race description
- 02:14 Race set to not recorded by Jimbo