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- 18:29 Star1468#7969 joins the race.
- 18:29 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 18:29 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 18:29 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 18:35 Nopons#4783 requests to join the race.
- 18:35 Nek0#8502 requests to join the race.
- 18:35 Star1468#7969 accepts a request to join from Nek0#8502.
- 18:35 Star1468#7969 accepts a request to join from Nopons#4783.
- 18:36 Nek0: Hey !
- 18:36 Star1468: Coucou!
- 18:36 Nopons: hey
- 18:37 LePlopeur#3629 requests to join the race.
- 18:37 LePlopeur: HeyGuys
- 18:37 Star1468#7969 accepts a request to join from LePlopeur#3629.
- 18:43 Hellknight86: Hey Racers
- 18:43 Hellknight86: Plopeur, you have clean audio?
- 18:46 Star1468: Nek0, Necro va joindre bientot?
- 18:46 Nek0: ouais, je pense qu'il arrive dans 5 min maximum
- 18:46 Star1468: D'accord, merci
- 18:47 Star1468: Voici la seed pour aujourd'hui:
- 18:48 Star1468: Et c'est les salons vocaux 1-1 pour Koopa Clan et 1-2 pour OP Water Better Rush
- 18:48 Nek0: oki parfait
- 18:49 Nopons: ok
- 18:50 LePlopeur: yes I got clean audio
- 18:51 Star1468: Et merci pour montrer votre settings Nek0
- 18:51 KCNecro#5721 requests to join the race.
- 18:51 Star1468#7969 accepts a request to join from KCNecro#5721.
- 18:51 Star1468: Salut Necro!
- 18:51 KCNecro: salut
- 18:53 Hellknight86: Salut
- 18:54 Star1468: Si il y a des problemes qui exige FPA, pinges-moi en Discord
- 18:55 Nek0: ok :p
- 18:55 Nek0#8502 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:57 LePlopeur#3629 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:59 Nopons#4783 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:00 KCNecro#5721 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:01 Hellknight86: One second, I'm having some OBS issues
- 19:02 Hellknight86: okay, we cna start in about 1min
- 19:03 LePlopeur: gl hf
- 19:03 Nek0: glhf :p
- 19:03 Star1468: GL HF
- 19:03 Star1468#7969 quits the race.
- 19:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:09 Nopons#4783 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:05:20!
- 22:09 Star1468: GG
- 22:09 Nopons: thx
- 22:11 KCNecro#5721 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:07:40!
- 22:11 Star1468: GG
- 22:14 Nek0#8502 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:10:59!
- 22:15 Nek0: GG's
- 22:15 Star1468: GGs
- 22:15 Nek0#8502 added a comment: "GG's both team"
- 22:15 Hellknight86: GG
- 22:16 LePlopeur#3629 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:12:47!
- 22:16 Race finished in 3:12:48.0
- 22:16 Star1468: GGs what a race
- 22:16 LePlopeur: GG
- 22:17 Nopons: gg all
- 22:17 Star1468: OP water a gagne par 16 seconds ggs
- 22:17 LePlopeur: nice
- 22:17 Nopons: wow
- 22:17 Star1468: Entrevue?
- 22:17 LePlopeur: time for a tie breaker
- 22:17 Hellknight86: Hope you join us for an interview
- 22:18 LePlopeur: give me 5min and I join
- 22:18 Nek0: I have to go to bed. It's gonna be long day tomorrow
- 22:18 Nek0: GG's nopons and leplopeur
- 22:18 LePlopeur: GG
- 22:18 Star1468: D'accord, bonne nuit Nek0
- 22:18 Hellknight86: Understandabke
- 22:18 Nopons: gg
- 22:18 Hellknight86: GG for that great race
- 22:18 LePlopeur: time to schedule the tie breaker
- 22:18 LePlopeur: xef and kirox must be happy
- 22:19 Star1468: Necro, OP Water, interview?
- 22:20 KCNecro: no that was my last race i don't play anymore zelda ootr i'm too bad for this game
- 22:20 KCNecro: gg's and bye
- 22:21 LePlopeur: can't join the VC, move me in
- 22:21 Star1468: Aw necro ggs