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- 17:30 Mido: Welcome to this Brackets Semi-Final race! Learn more about the event at
- 17:30 Mido: This race is being restreamed in English at — auto-start is disabled. The restreamer can use “!ready” to unlock auto-start.
- 17:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 17:30 Mido invites Yoyocarina#2131 to join the race.
- 17:30 Mido invites WoodenBarrel#8485 to join the race.
- 17:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 17:30 Mido invites Hellknight86#4990 to join the race.
- 17:30 Mido promoted Hellknight86#4990 to race monitor.
- 17:30 Mido removes Hellknight86#4990 from the race.
- 17:30 Mido: Your S8 seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 17:30 WoodenBarrel#8485 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:31 Aosuna: Hello There o7
- 17:32 Aosuna: a French restream will broadcasted on my channel fyi
- 17:32 Aosuna: will be broadcast*
- 17:33 Yoyocarina#2131 accepts an invitation to join.
- 17:33 Yoyocarina: Hello there
- 17:33 WoodenBarrel: Howdy, morning
- 17:35 Yoyocarina: Yo Barrel
- 17:36 WoodenBarrel: Howdy yoyo
- 17:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 17:45 Mido: HashStoneOfAgony HashSilvers HashMaskOfTruth HashBossKey HashBossKey
- 17:45 Mido: Please note that this seed is password protected. You will receive the password to start a file ingame as soon as the countdown starts.
- 17:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 17:48 Hellknight86: Hey
- 17:53 Yoyocarina: hello Hellknight
- 17:55 Mido: @entrants Remember to show your emulator settings!
- 17:58 Hellknight86: !ready
- 17:58 Mido: All restreams ready, unlocking auto-start…
- 17:58 Mido set a new goal: Standard Ruleset
- 17:58 Yoyocarina: GLHF Barrel
- 17:58 WoodenBarrel: GLHF Yoyo
- 17:59 WoodenBarrel#8485 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:59 Yoyocarina#2131 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:59 Mido: This seed is password protected. To start a file, enter this password on the file select screen:
NoteA NoteCleft NoteCright NoteCleft NoteCup NoteCdown
You are allowed to enter the password before the race starts.
- 17:59 Mido updated the race information.
- 17:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:56 WoodenBarrel#8485 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:57:03!
- 20:56 Hellknight86: GG BArrel
- 20:56 Yoyocarina: GG
- 20:57 WoodenBarrel: GG
- 20:57 Hellknight86: or should I say Pepsiman?
- 20:57 Yoyocarina: where was iron or scale ?
- 20:57 Hellknight86: Would you like to join us for an interview?
- 20:57 Yoyocarina: trial ?
- 20:57 Hellknight86: Iron was on Darunia
- 20:57 WoodenBarrel: What are you missing?
- 20:57 Hellknight86: didn't find Gold Scale
- 20:57 WoodenBarrel: Oh
- 20:57 WoodenBarrel: I see
- 20:57 Yoyocarina: ok ok
- 20:57 WoodenBarrel: Rang was my go mode
- 20:58 WoodenBarrel: Also sure hellknight ill join a vc in a sec gotta pee
- 20:58 Hellknight86: also yoyo you did not officially forfeit
- 20:58 Yoyocarina: not able to do a conversation in English sorry hellknight, thanks for the tourney GL on the final
- 20:59 Yoyocarina#2131 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:59 Race finished in 2:59:19.2
- 20:59 Yoyocarina: Ao je passe en vitesse si tu veux ?
- 20:59 Christopho: yes
- 20:59 Yoyocarina: j arrive
- 21:00 WoodenBarrel: Yo thanks yoyo was fun racing ya
- 02:44 Race result recorded by Kakashi