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- 11:01 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 11:01 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 11:01 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 11:17 Arn0#3646 joins the race.
- 11:21 ArthurOudini: salut Arno
- 11:21 Amalah#7918 joins the race.
- 11:21 Amalah: ah c'est bon y a Arno! Je restart le PC rapido j'arrive :)
- 11:21 ArthurOudini: salut Amalah
- 11:21 ArthurOudini: yep
- 11:22 Arn0: salut
- 11:22 Arn0: on commence a 14h00 ?
- 11:22 Amalah: Re!
- 11:24 Amalah: Si tu veux tu peux lancer la seed pour que j'ai le temps d'aller checker les indices worldwide offline :D
- 11:24 ArthurOudini: oui jpense que 14h c'est mieux histoire qu'il y ait plus de participants
- 11:24 Feenie#6029 joins the race.
- 11:24 Feenie: S'toi le participan !
- 11:24 Feenie: Coucou les gens <3
- 11:24 Amalah: yo feenie!
- 11:26 Lupa#1110 joins the race.
- 11:28 Arn0: parfait
- 11:29 ArthurOudini: coucou !
- 11:30 Lupa: Heyo!
- 11:32 Bonooru#4793 joins the race.
- 11:33 ArthurOudini: yo bonoo !
- 11:33 Bonooru: hey =)
- 11:33 Amalah: Bono! Tu peux lancer ta course avec 15min de delay comparé a nous pour être fair? Et jouer avec 1 seule main aussi!
- 11:34 ArthurOudini: LUL
- 11:34 ArthurOudini: je poste la seed à 45 et on go à 14h pile
- 11:34 ArthurOudini: ça vous va ?
- 11:34 Amalah: parfait pour moi!
- 11:36 Arn0: parfait
- 11:36 Bonooru: ahah Amalah
- 11:36 Bonooru: yep arthur c'est bon pour moi
- 11:37 Feenie: Coucou Bono, Coucou Lupa
- 11:38 Bonooru: o/
- 11:41 Physnix#3256 joins the race.
- 11:41 Physnix: o/
- 11:41 Feenie: o/
- 11:44 Physnix: how exactly do I finish the timer? First time doing a race actually ^^
- 11:44 ArthurOudini: on top of the chat the button that says "ready"
- 11:44 ArthurOudini: will change into "done"
- 11:44 Physnix: oh ok thx ^^
- 11:45 Amalah: is the .done working on racetime?
- 11:45 ArthurOudini: no you have to click
- 11:46 ArthurOudini: !seed
- 11:46 RandoBot: ArthurOudini, here is your seed:
- 11:46 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 11:48 ArthurOudini: start in 12mn
- 11:49 Physnix: alright o/
- 11:53 Feenie#6029 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 11:54 Lupa#1110 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 11:54 ArthurOudini#1948 sets the race to be invite only.
- 11:55 Amalah#7918 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 11:56 Bonooru#4793 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 11:57 ArthurOudini#1948 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 11:58 ArthurOudini: Physnix you need any help ? you have to start a stream to be able to click "ready"
- 11:58 Arn0#3646 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 11:58 Arn0: GLHF guys
- 11:58 Feenie: GL HF
- 11:58 Lupa: Gl hf!
- 11:59 Physnix: I'm actually live, but it says im not
- 11:59 Physnix#3256 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 11:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 11:59 Amalah: gl hf
- 11:59 ArthurOudini: gl hf
- 11:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:06 Feenie: monkaS
- 14:26 Bonooru#4793 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:27:37!
- 14:27 Amalah: GG Bono
- 14:27 Physnix: gg
- 14:27 Amalah: you didn't start 15min later I guess!
- 14:27 Arn0#3646 has forfeited from the race.
- 14:27 Amalah: why forfeit?
- 14:29 Bonooru: thanks
- 14:37 ArthurOudini: Arno t vrament un boloss
- 14:38 ArthurOudini: tu taunt sur mon chat quand tu gagnes
- 14:38 Feenie: mdrrr
- 14:38 ArthurOudini: et tu forfeit quand tu peux pas gagner contre le n°1 mondial
- 14:38 Amalah: galéré a trouver un item peut être?
- 14:38 Feenie: Cette violence
- 14:47 Physnix#3256 has forfeited from the race.
- 14:48 Physnix#3256 added a comment: "couldn't find 2 stupid items"
- 14:49 Amalah: don't give up physnix
- 14:50 Physnix: 2 late, ma dude. Seriously I'm hungry and I don't wanna continue. Was still fun tho gl to all the other runners! <§
- 14:50 Physnix: <3
- 14:50 ArthurOudini: thanks phys ! gg anyway
- 14:55 Amalah#7918 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:56:31!
- 14:56 ArthurOudini: gg !
- 14:56 ArthurOudini: pas trop galéré à trouver tes items ? Kappa
- 14:56 Amalah#7918 added a comment: "Dampe made me void and I voided also to plafonbro. My realtim is 2:27:35 sniping bono by 2 sec"
- 15:14 ArthurOudini#1948 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:14:44!
- 15:15 ArthurOudini#1948 added a comment: "I had to pause buffer a few tricks because I'm too scared, so my real time is 2:59:59"
- 15:16 Amalah: GG sub 3 Arthur!
- 15:38 Lupa#1110 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:39:13!
- 15:38 Lupa: Gg!
- 15:39 Lupa#1110 added a comment: "bro clear everything"
- 15:43 Amalah: gg lupa
- 15:59 Feenie#6029 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:00:38!
- 15:59 Race finished in 4:00:39.0
- 20:37 Race result recorded by Dyn