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- 00:29 felixoide4: Well, gl hf!
- 00:30 Deriteys: thanks felix!
- 00:30 SlyRyD: Hey P1 I pressed A and started by accident. Do you want a reroll or are you okay with that?
- 00:30 SlyRyD: I unfortunately saw the spawn
- 00:30 Deriteys: can he see the spawn too? idk
- 00:31 SlyRyD: Fine by me, it's back alley market
- 00:31 felixoide4: Ok
- 00:31 felixoide4: Gonna be easier than me re-rolling let's be honest
- 00:31 SlyRyD: Sorry about that
- 00:31 felixoide4: All good
- 00:31 Deriteys: all good, thanks for letting us know
- 00:31 Neil: I'm having some room joining problems, think there might be something up with my internet
- 00:32 Neil: can probably fix it but might be a bit late
- 00:32 michaelgman13: it's child right?
- 00:32 michaelgman13: the p1 spawn?
- 00:32 SlyRyD: yeah child i think. i was TRYING not to look
- 00:32 michaelgman13: lol
- 00:32 felixoide4: What do you mean by room-joining problems?
- 00:32 Neil: multiworld room
- 00:32 Neil: fixed it though
- 00:32 tenacious_toad: he in now
- 00:33 tenacious_toad#5453 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:33 felixoide4: Yeah I know that LOL
- 00:33 felixoide4: Got it
- 00:33 Neil#2297 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:33 SlyRyD#6654 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:33 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:33 SlyRyD: gl hf!
- 00:33 Neil: gl hf
- 00:33 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:01 Deriteys#5031 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:27:20!
- 04:08 SlyRyD#6654 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:35:04!
- 04:46 michaelgman13#7984 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:12:49!
- 04:47 Neil#2297 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:13:45!
- 04:55 Taser12z#1789 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:22:00!
- 04:55 Deriteys: gg!
- 04:55 michaelgman13: ggs
- 04:55 Taser12z: gg
- 04:55 Neil: gg
- 04:56 tenacious_toad#5453 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:56 Race finished in 4:22:19.8
- 04:56 tenacious_toad: wheres my magic? Sadge
- 04:56 michaelgman13: are you p1?
- 04:56 tenacious_toad: ggs
- 04:56 tenacious_toad: p3
- 04:56 michaelgman13: oh yeah
- 04:56 SlyRyD: ggs
- 04:56 michaelgman13: it was in p1's colossus grotto
- 04:56 SlyRyD: noooooooo
- 04:57 michaelgman13: lol
- 04:57 Deriteys: dangit
- 04:57 tenacious_toad: i was in magic mode for like 2 hours KEKW
- 04:57 tenacious_toad: not that long
- 04:57 Neil: we were just getting more and more confused as it went on
- 04:57 tenacious_toad: but I cleared everything in my seed
- 04:57 Deriteys: yeah i was p3 and it was my go mode item
- 04:57 Neil: and you had p3 finish first while we're just floundering around looking for magic forever
- 04:58 Deriteys: yeah, we were wondering about that
- 04:58 michaelgman13: i was nervous when your p1 finished because we hadn't found p1 mirror yet
- 04:59 Neil: yeah when you just had p2 left and we had p3 left we figured magic was probably somewhere earlyish
- 04:59 Deriteys: we were thinking the same thing about p1 mirror lol
- 04:59 Deriteys: but that wasn't the case
- 04:59 Deriteys: we're just slow
- 04:59 Neil: since this is definitely a sort of seed p2 should be slow in <_<
- 04:59 Neil: I'm surprised at how close your p1 p2 finishes are
- 04:59 tenacious_toad: also p3 did you only find 1 barren?
- 05:00 Neil: I guess you did forest before shadow
- 05:00 Deriteys: yep
- 05:00 tenacious_toad: weird
- 05:00 tenacious_toad: cause ogc was def foolish too
- 05:00 Taser12z: i did forest, fire, then shadow
- 05:00 Taser12z: then water
- 05:01 Neil: wow you must have had hook way earlier than I did
- 05:02 Taser12z: no that was all in one go
- 05:02 Neil: I finished fire probably more than an hour before getting hook
- 05:02 Taser12z: i got hook at the 3 hour mark or so
- 05:02 Taser12z: my first one
- 05:03 Neil: roughly same here
- 05:03 Neil: I didn't have minuet yet though that's why I did shadow before forest
- 05:03 Taser12z: suns song was minute
- 05:03 Taser12z: minuet
- 05:04 Neil: yeah it was hinted but I just never bothered picking it up since I didn't want to warp there without hookshot lol
- 05:04 Taser12z: thats a good point
- 05:04 Taser12z: i was just getting to the point where i almost had no checks
- 05:04 Taser12z: and i decided to get it
- 05:04 Neil: yeah
- 05:05 Neil: the lack of hookshot and of good warps was a real pain
- 05:05 Neil: was a fun seed overall though
- 05:05 Taser12z: agreed
- 05:05 Taser12z: ggs
- 05:05 michaelgman13: yeah was really fun
- 05:05 Deriteys: yep
- 05:05 Deriteys: gg
- 05:05 Neil: ggs