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- 20:20 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 20:20 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 20:20 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 20:21 LordXenu230#5778 joins the race.
- 20:22 LePlopeur#3629 requests to join the race.
- 20:22 LordXenu230#5778 accepts a request to join from LePlopeur#3629.
- 20:29 NinjaBus#4247 requests to join the race.
- 20:30 LordXenu230#5778 accepts a request to join from NinjaBus#4247.
- 20:30 Kelly: o/
- 20:31 LePlopeur: o/
- 20:36 NinjaBus: hey
- 20:37 LordXenu230#5778 quits the race.
- 20:40 Kelly: Seed is coming in 5
- 20:45 Kelly: !seed s4
- 20:45 RandoBot: LordXenu230, here is your seed:
- 20:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 20:45 Kelly: !fpa on
- 20:45 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 20:50 NinjaBus: which race channel should we use?
- 20:50 Kelly: Any one as long az itz open
- 20:51 NinjaBus: went with 2
- 20:51 Kelly: oki
- 20:53 Kelly: RA settings when tall get a chance
- 20:53 Kelly: *yall
- 20:55 Kelly: and ninja
- 20:55 NinjaBus: I'm not on retro, it's Mupen64plus
- 20:55 Kelly: Oki
- 20:55 LePlopeur#3629 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:55 NinjaBus: lags like hell on the forest stalfos :)
- 20:56 LePlopeur: everything lags like hell in forest
- 20:57 LePlopeur: no matter what you're playing on
- 20:57 NinjaBus: Someone found a setting a year ago that changed that, huge time gain
- 20:57 LePlopeur: RA got a bit more lag on spirit trial that VC don't have
- 20:58 NinjaBus#4247 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:58 LePlopeur: RA was a pain to cinfigure, don't want to mess up with everything so I never change my settings in more than 2y now LUL
- 20:58 NinjaBus: lol same. Don't mess with what works
- 20:58 Kelly: all good
- 20:58 LePlopeur: all good for me
- 20:58 NinjaBus: all set
- 20:58 Kelly: last call for bathroom
- 20:58 Kelly: oki letz go
- 20:58 NinjaBus: gl hf
- 20:59 LePlopeur: gl hf
- 20:59 LordXenu230#5778 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:33 NinjaBus#4247 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:34:04!
- 00:33 Kelly: gg
- 00:33 NinjaBus: gg
- 00:34 LePlopeur: gg
- 00:40 LePlopeur#3629 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:40 Race finished in 3:41:14.9
- 00:41 NinjaBus: Thanks for modding Xenu
- 00:41 Kelly: np
- 00:41 LePlopeur: where is boomerang?
- 00:41 LePlopeur: botw?
- 00:42 NinjaBus: well coffin
- 00:42 Kelly: ^
- 00:42 NinjaBus: Did you find longshot?
- 00:42 LePlopeur: completely forgot impa's house
- 00:42 LePlopeur: last location 3rd str
- 00:42 LePlopeur: went water right after hovers in spirit
- 00:42 NinjaBus: I went to barren shadow after finding those
- 00:43 LePlopeur: had done already a trip in it before, knew it was Ls/hovers lock
- 00:43 LePlopeur: but yeah LS didn't gave me anything so did all of shadow too
- 00:43 LePlopeur: almost last location RL too, all i had left was child domain
- 00:44 LePlopeur: I change my kak routing for a reason I don't even know myself
- 00:44 LePlopeur: and competely forgot impa's house
- 00:44 NinjaBus: did you come in from graveyard? that throws me off
- 00:44 LePlopeur: I did
- 00:44 LePlopeur: but I thougt of doing kak after DC
- 00:45 LePlopeur: so my brain just burned and forgot impa's house and windmill
- 00:45 LePlopeur: remembered windmill after DC
- 00:45 LePlopeur: but not impa's FeelsBadMan
- 00:46 LePlopeur: only IC DC and deku that I haven't done 2 trip
- 00:46 NinjaBus: early routing was terrible, nothing could be cleared
- 00:46 NinjaBus: finding s3 after doing shadow felt like the end
- 00:46 LePlopeur: those bow too man
- 00:47 LePlopeur: what a pain
- 00:47 LePlopeur: first one in IC
- 00:47 LePlopeur: had done 20 skull but went gtg before checking it
- 00:47 NinjaBus: my first was in castle
- 00:47 NinjaBus: so they were really late
- 00:48 LePlopeur: at least my execution was ok KEKW
- 00:48 LePlopeur: those hovers for waters tho
- 00:48 LePlopeur: that was the biggest pain
- 00:51 NinjaBus: g2g, good luck vs. HK and Gryaxo
- 12:46 Race result recorded by Cola#5395