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- 17:59 iceninetm#5848 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:59 Xan#2152 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:59 Soket: se for deku e docunhos stone pode pedir musica no fantastico
- 17:59 Suigh#9331 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 17:59 iceninetm: free ad
- 17:59 Soket: GLGL
- 17:59 CesarMartins12: LG
- 17:59 CesarMartins12: boraeeeeeee
- 18:00 iceninetm: LGLG
- 18:00 AuronUdager: glgl
- 18:00 tso15: water stone nao hintado fool plz
- 18:00 tso15: glhf~
- 18:00 iceninetm: Deepest Fire hype
- 18:00 EncostodeDuelo: gl pessoal :)
- 18:00 AuronUdager: to na play do deep water tbm
- 18:00 iceninetm: OGC p Lens p Cruzar o Deserto
- 18:00 Soket: Romani Ranch Hype
- 18:00 CesarMartins12: eu vou deep jabu
- 18:00 iceninetm: ei
- 18:00 tso15: sai daqui auron
- 18:00 iceninetm: essa é minha play
- 18:01 tso15: eu que vou water
- 18:01 iceninetm: vem n Keepo
- 18:01 EncostodeDuelo: a gente não tá conseguindo ouvir a stream
- 18:01 Suigh#9331 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:01 EncostodeDuelo: nem audio nem o jogo
- 18:01 CesarMartins12: Furlim, td certo ai?
- 18:01 Xan#2152 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 18:02 furlim: aparentemente sim
- 18:02 CesarMartins12: encosto falou q não ta saindo nada na stream
- 18:02 CesarMartins12: de som
- 18:02 Xan#2152 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:03 CesarMartins12: ta sem som mesmo
- 18:06 tso15: o eco era meu, malz
- 18:06 tso15: uahsuhsuahus
- 18:06 iceninetm: omegalul
- 18:06 iceninetm: po tso
- 18:06 iceninetm: kkkkk
- 18:06 tso15: tava esperando pra ver quando ficaria pronto
- 18:06 iceninetm: uhduashduasdh
- 18:06 tso15: opss
- 18:06 AuronUdager: kkkkkkkkk
- 18:06 iceninetm#5848 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 18:07 iceninetm#5848 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:07 furlim: vou liberar vcs, ok?
- 18:07 furlim: GLGL galera
- 18:07 furlim#4509 quits the race.
- 18:07 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 30 seconds!
- 18:07 iceninetm: Bora
- 18:07 Soket: ok
- 18:07 iceninetm: LGLGLGLGGLG
- 18:08 tso15: glhf~
- 18:08 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:08 Mihcchan: GLGL
- 21:26 iceninetm#5848 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:18:11!
- 21:27 furlim: JJS
- 21:27 Soket: gg
- 21:28 biscoitagem: GG ice
- 21:28 Egodev: gg
- 21:34 tso15: gg
- 21:34 CesarMartins12: gg
- 21:38 iceninetm: JJs
- 21:54 Soket#6198 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:46:10!
- 21:54 Soket: GG's !
- 21:55 biscoitagem: GG Soket
- 21:57 CesarMartins12#1994 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:49:10!
- 21:57 biscoitagem: GG Cesinha
- 21:57 furlim: GGs soket e cesinha
- 21:58 furlim: pode entrevista aí man?
- 21:58 CesarMartins12: agora posso ghahahaah
- 21:58 CesarMartins12: anheiro urgente
- 21:58 tso15: se for agarrar avisa que eu paro aqui
- 21:59 furlim: relaxa tso, tá safe
- 21:59 Xan#2152 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:51:16!
- 22:00 biscoitagem: GG Xan
- 22:00 furlim: GG xan
- 22:03 Soket: gg xan
- 22:09 AuronUdager#8953 has finished in 5th place with a time of 4:01:04!
- 22:09 furlim: GGs
- 22:10 biscoitagem: GG Auron
- 22:14 Suigh#9331 has finished in 6th place with a time of 4:06:19!
- 22:15 furlim: GGs suigh
- 22:15 biscoitagem: GG Suigh
- 22:15 Suigh: GG
- 22:15 Soket: gg's
- 22:15 tso15: gg
- 22:26 furlim: GGs
- 22:26 tso15#4732 has finished in 7th place with a time of 4:18:26!
- 22:26 Race finished in 4:18:26.5
- 22:26 iceninetm: GG povo
- 22:27 tso15: ggilson
- 22:27 furlim: quer dar declarações e reclamações?
- 22:27 tso15: obviamente nao tinha nada em Water FeelsBadMan
- 12:16 Race result recorded by Chimpanreeve#9719