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- 21:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 21:30 Mido invites biscoitinho#5653 to join the race.
- 21:30 Mido invites Fer#0856 to join the race.
- 21:30 Mido: Welcome to this Swiss Round 1 race! Learn more about the event at
- 21:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 21:30 Mido invites CesarMartins12#1994 to join the race.
- 21:30 Mido promoted CesarMartins12#1994 to race monitor.
- 21:30 Mido removes CesarMartins12#1994 from the race.
- 21:30 Mido: This race is being restreamed in Portuguese at — auto-start is disabled. The restreamer can use “!ready” to unlock auto-start.
- 21:30 Mido: Your seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 21:31 Fer#0856 accepts an invitation to join.
- 21:31 Fer: o/
- 21:32 biscoitinho#5653 accepts an invitation to join.
- 21:32 biscoitinho: o/
- 21:37 CesarMartins12: opa
- 21:38 biscoitinho: opa
- 21:44 CesarMartins12: quando sair a seed rola abrir a live aí pra cropar?
- 21:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 21:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 21:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 21:45 Fer: opa claro se quiser eu ja abro agora com uma seed treino aqui pra crop
- 21:45 Fer: ah ja saiu
- 21:45 biscoitinho: Já abro tb
- 21:45 biscoitinho: Tem q ligar fpa?
- 21:47 CesarMartins12: acho que sim, pro comando funfar
- 21:47 CesarMartins12: sera que eu ligo?
- 21:47 CesarMartins12: !fpaon
- 21:47 Mido: Sorry CesarMartins12, I don't recognize that command.
- 21:47 CesarMartins12: !fpa on
- 21:47 Mido: Fair play agreement is always active in official races.
- 21:47 CesarMartins12: ah pronto rs
- 21:49 biscoitinho: Perae q o project tá de rosca
- 21:49 CesarMartins12: kkkkkkkkkk de boa
- 21:50 biscoitinho: Agora sim
- 21:52 CesarMartins12: Nice, valeu guys, só esperar dar a hora da race mesmo pq Mirage e Link tb não apareceram ainda
- 21:53 biscoitinho: Beleza
- 21:53 CesarMartins12: e o auto start ta desligado tá, eu que solto
- 21:53 biscoitinho#5653 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:53 Fer: e entao ta suave
- 21:55 CesarMartins12: suavão
- 21:57 Fer: cara curti esse bot, bichao ja faz tudo
- 21:58 biscoitinho: Kkkkkkk
- 21:58 biscoitinho: N tem nem quem culpar mais pela seed
- 21:58 Fer: entao, tirou um pouco da magia da geracao
- 21:58 Fer: ja vou deixar meu ready aqui
- 21:59 Fer: ai o cesinha so start quando tiver tudo pronto
- 21:59 Fer#0856 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:00 CesarMartins12: é, poderíamos dar sugestão em escolher o bot gerar a seed o não neh hehehehe
- 22:00 CesarMartins12: prontos aí guys?
- 22:00 CesarMartins12: bora lah?
- 22:00 Fer: to pronto
- 22:00 biscoitinho: Pronto
- 22:00 CesarMartins12: GL GL sí pessoas
- 22:00 Fer: gl hs biscoito
- 22:00 biscoitinho: Glhf fer
- 22:00 CesarMartins12#1994 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:23 Fer#0856 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:22:35!
- 01:24 Fer: MEU AMIGO!
- 01:24 biscoitinho#5653 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:24 Race finished in 3:23:12.5
- 01:24 Fer: GG dei de cara com um busao na contramao
- 01:24 biscoitinho: GG KKKKKK
- 01:24 CesarMartins12: GG Fer, GG biscoitinho
- 01:24 CesarMartins12: uqando quiserem podem entrar
- 01:25 Link___Hylian: GG meus amigos, quando quiserem entrar estamos no aguardo