
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR 3rd Multiworld Tournament HashBottledMilk HashBoomerang HashGoldScale HashSkullToken HashLongshot https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1220703
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  1. 1st DocHeaps #0671 he / him Finished
  2. The Daring Hotdogs
  3. 2nd ketchuptheduck #4785 she / they Finished
  4. The World's Finest LACS
  5. 3rd Jimbo Finished
  6. The Daring Hotdogs
  7. 4th jenniebeez #5443 they / them Finished
  8. The World's Finest LACS
  9. 5th SplitzHappen #4093 he / him Finished
  10. The Daring Hotdogs
  11. Goombill #1284 he / him DNF DNF
  12. The World's Finest LACS
6 entrants (1 inactive)