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- 15:46 Icola#8220 joins the race.
- 15:46 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 15:46 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 15:46 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 15:53 Icola#8220 updated the race information.
- 15:53 Chopthetank: Je l aurais bien fait mais faut etre en stream et c est mort de mon coter avec 20 mps @_@à
- 15:53 Chopthetank: J espere que tu trouvera des adversaire
- 15:54 Icola: yo pas de souci
- 16:02 Hapax#2041 joins the race.
- 16:03 Hapax: well hello there
- 16:03 Icola: yo Hapax !
- 16:13 Hapax: hmm si on est que 2 c'est dommage
- 16:13 SeYsEy#2150 joins the race.
- 16:13 Hapax: !
- 16:17 Icola: yo Seysey
- 16:18 SeYsEy: Yo !
- 16:18 Icola: Je vais avoir un peu de retard, on peut démarré vers 18h50 c'est bon pour vous ?
- 16:19 Icola: je posterais la seed 10 minutes avant
- 16:19 SeYsEy: Ca me va !
- 16:22 Hapax: hous ça commence à faire tard, y'a un risque que je ff, si c'est un 50 skulls ou un truc du style
- 16:22 Hapax: (tbf y'avait déjà un risque avant, c'est ok tkt)
- 16:38 Icola:
- 16:38 Icola#8220 updated the race information.
- 16:44 SeYsEy: ls/ms/map/double magic/fish ?
- 16:45 Icola: yep
- 16:45 SeYsEy#2150 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:48 Hapax: oups je reviens je suis prêt dans 5 min
- 16:49 Icola#8220 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:49 Icola: np
- 16:54 Hapax: jsuis là
- 16:54 Icola: glhf
- 16:54 Hapax: ready ?
- 16:54 Hapax: glhf
- 16:54 SeYsEy: gl hf
- 16:54 Hapax#2041 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:54 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:55 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:13 Hapax#2041 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:18:22!
- 18:13 Hapax#2041 is no longer done.
- 19:33 SeYsEy#2150 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:38:02!
- 19:33 Icola: gg
- 19:33 Hapax: ggs!
- 19:33 SeYsEy: thx
- 19:42 Icola#8220 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:47:23!
- 20:06 Hapax: ggs!!!
- 20:28 Hapax#2041 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:33:15!
- 20:28 Race finished in 3:33:15.7
- 20:34 Hapax: was a cool seed, last woth ended up not helping too much i think?
- 20:34 Hapax: i NEVER found logical bombs lol
- 20:34 Hapax: unless they're the ones behind hammer but in that case wtf
- 18:00 Race result recorded by Xopar