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- 01:17 Alaszun: 3
- 01:17 Alaszun: 2
- 01:17 Alaszun: 1
- 01:17 Alaszun: GO?
- 01:18 Namaha: we're still paused, but i have stuff going on later tonight and can't wait forever
- 01:18 Oneshot013: thats fair
- 01:18 Oneshot013: we're also paused
- 01:21 Sponge: what happens if we start playing?
- 01:21 Sponge: are felix and oneshot allowed to play?
- 01:21 Alaszun: I suggest it would be in good sportsmanship to let the other team know
- 01:21 Sponge: or do they have to wait for rocckchhalk?
- 01:21 Alaszun: They are free to play
- 01:21 Sponge: were just discussing options
- 01:22 Alaszun: It's just rockchalk will be standing around like the this is fine dog
- 01:22 felixoide4: Litterally yeah
- 01:22 Namaha: can probably wait another 10 mins at most
- 01:23 Namaha: we'd be okay asyncing the rest of the seed also
- 01:23 rockchalk: Should be resolved by then but I don’t have a super accurate eta
- 01:23 Namaha: better than cancelling or not having all 3 of them playing
- 01:23 Sponge: yea we were a little nervous about just going without rockchalk cause timing is so important in mw
- 01:23 Oneshot013: we would understand if you have time constraints, but we also appreciate the sentiment in trying to work this out
- 01:24 Sponge: we're looking at every option
- 01:24 Alaszun: If you guys do want to swap to an async model (sorry HK), let me know--I think we'd just have S&P FF out and close this room and I'd open a new room for them.
- 01:25 Sponge: their time would be adjusted for fpa right?
- 01:25 Alaszun: Or we can just cancel this race entirely
- 01:25 Alaszun: and we can set up two different race rooms and just go from those
- 01:25 felixoide4: Sounds like a logistical nightmare, but async'ing the rest of it could work for us
- 01:25 Alaszun: That may actually be the easiest one.
- 01:25 Riley: if we ended asynching it, we kinda have to have 2 race rooms
- 01:25 rockchalk: Alarm itself is off, so probably not too much longer
- 01:26 Riley: just keep giving us info
- 01:26 rockchalk: Heading in now
- 01:26 Riley: ok cool
- 01:26 Namaha: excellent
- 01:26 Alaszun: pog
- 01:26 Oneshot013: ok awesome
- 01:26 felixoide4: Pog
- 01:26 Alaszun: in before rockchalk's room literally on fire
- 01:26 Riley: run!!!!
- 01:26 Sponge: that was definitely a pepega situation
- 01:27 felixoide4: That was definitely Pepega yeah
- 01:27 Oneshot013: par for the course
- 01:27 felixoide4: Never heard of a fire alarm FPA
- 01:27 felixoide4: And I've been monitoring for what is probably a year and a half now
- 01:27 rockchalk: back
- 01:27 rockchalk: gimme 30 seconds
- 01:27 rockchalk: and I'm good
- 01:27 felixoide4: great
- 01:27 Sponge: countdown?
- 01:28 rockchalk: ready
- 01:28 Namaha: rdy
- 01:28 Oneshot013: ready
- 01:28 felixoide4: Alaszun?
- 01:28 Riley: we are all ready
- 01:28 Alaszun: kk
- 01:28 Alaszun: S&P ready too?
- 01:28 felixoide4: yee
- 01:28 rockchalk: yeah
- 01:28 Alaszun: 5
- 01:28 Oneshot013: yep all ready
- 01:28 Alaszun: 4
- 01:28 Alaszun: 3
- 01:28 Alaszun: 2
- 01:28 Alaszun: 1
- 01:28 Alaszun: GO
- 01:48 rockchalk#3494 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:44:10!
- 02:00 felixoide4#9489 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:56:22!
- 02:08 Namaha#8731 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:04:44!
- 02:42 Sponge#9355 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:38:18!
- 02:43 Riley#6863 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:44 Riley: ggs
- 02:44 Sponge: ggs
- 02:44 Oneshot013: ggs
- 02:44 Namaha: ggs yall
- 02:44 rockchalk: gg
- 02:44 felixoide4: ggs
- 02:44 rockchalk: sorry about the whole fire alarm fiasco
- 02:44 Riley: I had to forfeit unlucky :(
- 02:44 rockchalk: I feel really bad about that
- 02:44 Alaszun: tbf you could have ff after your first attempt
- 02:44 Alaszun: cause you had already broken the rules :P
- 02:45 Riley: yeah im way too tired so
- 02:45 Hellknight86: :(
- 02:47 Riley: gnight im headin off to bed
- 02:47 Riley: no interview from me
- 02:47 felixoide4: hk you mind if I cut stream?
- 02:47 Hellknight86: Suree
- 02:48 Hellknight86: Richard, you guys want to join us for a moment?
- 02:49 Sponge: yea namaha and i will join in a bit
- 02:51 Hellknight86: great!
- 02:51 Oneshot013#7931 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:47:20!
- 02:51 Race finished in 3:47:20.2
- 02:51 Jaybone25: ggs
- 02:51 Oneshot013: ggs
- 02:51 Jaybone25: sorry p2s :(
- 02:52 Oneshot013: me too
- 02:52 Hellknight86: pay to suck?
- 02:52 Hellknight86: GG SaP, you want to join us?
- 02:52 felixoide4: Sure
- 04:12 Chat log download: