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- 19:30 Mido: Welcome to this Group B race! Learn more about the event at
- 22:36 wyrm: yeah
- 22:36 wyrm: sure was
- 22:36 Elagatua: just cruel for no reason
- 22:36 Elagatua: did you get screwed by biggoron too
- 22:36 wyrm: nope
- 22:36 wyrm: i had the hookshot early
- 22:36 Elagatua: lucky wow
- 22:36 wyrm: I last locationed Rutos
- 22:36 Elagatua: yeah i got pretty lucky with rutos
- 22:36 wyrm: I like
- 22:36 Elagatua: i kind of ran out of hammer/bomb locked locations where it could be
- 22:37 wyrm: i guess brainfarted the bomb thing
- 22:37 Elagatua: yeah i was able to skip a few sphere 0 locations
- 22:37 Elagatua: did you find a magic?
- 22:37 wyrm: yeah
- 22:37 wyrm: in DC
- 22:37 Elagatua: FML
- 22:37 wyrm: lmao
- 22:37 Elagatua: that's so unlucky lmao
- 22:37 wyrm: yeah
- 22:37 Elagatua: i cleared the first 5 of DC with hammer
- 22:37 wyrm: LMAO
- 22:37 Elagatua: the other one is top of spirit
- 22:37 wyrm: yeah its above dodongo
- 22:37 Elagatua: that was my go mode
- 22:37 wyrm: I felt good about the hook
- 22:38 wyrm: and then this dumb rutos
- 22:38 wyrm: the double graveyard really threw me for a loop
- 22:38 wyrm: and then i just forgot where the boomerang was. I THOUGHt the boomerang was bomb locked
- 22:38 wyrm: so it was like, well I dont need to resolve this anymore
- 22:38 Elagatua: oh yeah that's brutal
- 22:38 wyrm: whats dumb is that
- 22:38 wyrm: i actually went back into fire
- 22:38 wyrm: for that one big chest
- 22:38 wyrm: in the shortcut
- 22:38 wyrm: lmao
- 22:39 Elagatua: yup
- 22:39 Elagatua: such bait
- 22:39 wyrm: huuuuuge bait
- 22:39 Elagatua: i had to keep going cause i think there were only a handful of locations left
- 22:39 wyrm: makes sense
- 22:39 Elagatua: hot rodder, adult shooting gallery, last 2 checks in DC, and deep fire
- 22:39 Elagatua: i think that was it
- 22:39 wyrm: did you complete shadow?
- 22:39 wyrm: (without ZL)
- 22:39 Elagatua: you mean water?
- 22:40 wyrm: no I mean shadow
- 22:40 Elagatua: huh
- 22:40 wyrm: oh
- 22:40 Elagatua: shadow is light med
- 22:40 wyrm: YOU DIDNT HAVE MAGIC
- 22:40 wyrm: wait
- 22:40 wyrm: oh
- 22:40 wyrm: oh there cant be anything
- 22:40 wyrm: in shadow
- 22:40 Elagatua: light medallion dungeon is forced barren
- 22:40 wyrm: in these settings
- 22:40 wyrm: FML
- 22:40 wyrm: F M L F M L F ML F
- 22:40 wyrm: okay well good to know
- 22:40 Star1468: oh no
- 22:40 Elagatua: how much longer did you have?
- 22:41 wyrm: so when i forfeit
- 22:41 wyrm: i was go mode
- 22:41 wyrm: Jabu & Ganon
- 22:41 Elagatua: did you full clear shadow?
- 22:41 wyrm: I did
- 22:41 Elagatua: yikes
- 22:41 wyrm: well whatever
- 22:41 Elagatua: how did you avoid getting screwed by biggoron
- 22:41 wyrm: so
- 22:41 wyrm: the newest strat that everyone does
- 22:42 Star1468: you might need to reread the settings wyrm - it's in the rules doc and is a generator preset on Ela's branch
- 22:42 wyrm: is OGC -> ZL
- 22:42 wyrm: ZR*
- 22:42 wyrm: so despite us knowing ZR is barren
- 22:42 wyrm: its still 3 hints there
- 22:42 wyrm: one of those hints was Biggoron
- 22:42 wyrm: so I never reset
- 22:42 Elagatua: i no longer feel guilty about you doing shadow
- 22:42 wyrm: after getting my eye drops
- 22:42 wyrm: haha
- 22:42 Star1468: lmao
- 22:42 Elagatua: you probably got those chus as well right
- 22:43 wyrm: ya
- 22:43 wyrm: sure did
- 22:43 Elagatua: brutal
- 22:43 Elagatua: well if you don't do shadow, it's probably really close
- 22:43 wyrm: ye
- 22:43 wyrm: its alright
- 22:44 Elagatua: ok i need to see if the house is on fire due to my absense, i have the VOD uploading on youtube but the ETA is like 3 hours with my current speed so idk
- 22:44 wyrm: my inability to remember the settings is a known issue
- 22:44 Elagatua: but i will message star when it is done
- 22:44 Star1468: np ela, figure it might be a bit with your net
- 22:44 Star1468: and uh... can't help you with that wyrm
- 22:44 Elagatua: hopefully my ISP will resolve the issue, clearly it was fine for like 2+ hours
- 22:44 wyrm: all good, gg
- 22:44 Elagatua: ggs
- 22:44 Star1468: GG