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- 02:30 mrmartin#9054 joins the race.
- 02:31 -2Coins: POG the boys are here
- 02:32 Elagatua: sup guys
- 02:32 Elagatua: i'm all raced out today but gl
- 02:32 -2Coins: thanks ela :)
- 02:33 Holysparkz: need the luck just make sure my power is stable LUL
- 02:33 -2Coins: ^
- 02:34 mrmartin: thanks ela
- 02:35 mrmartin: at what time do you want to start?
- 02:35 -2Coins: top of the hour if possible
- 02:35 mrmartin: ok
- 02:35 stivitybobo#5793 joins the race.
- 02:42 lolaway#7642 joins the race.
- 02:43 SariasObject#3370 joins the race.
- 02:43 -2Coins: !seed
- 02:43 -2Coins: you stupid bot get in the room
- 02:43 -2Coins: oh wait there it is @sariasobject :)
- 02:44 SariasObject: :/
- 02:44 -2Coins: im jk ily
- 02:44 -2Coins: i got clips from mochi's stream for you
- 02:44 heehee#1898 joins the race.
- 02:44 heehee: what is this fancy new srl
- 02:45 -2Coins: i leanred how to turn off spoiler log 4Head
- 02:45 -2Coins:
- 02:45 SariasObject: I already seen his fortnite dances
- 02:45 -2Coins#9774 updated the race information.
- 02:46 heehee: spinning pot no strength probably the worst check
- 02:46 SariasObject: True
- 02:46 SariasObject: @heehee
- 02:47 -2Coins: child goron city no strength/bombs feelsbadman
- 02:47 mrmartin: I think it's fine but a lot of people agree
- 02:47 lolaway: what are the settings? standard weekly?
- 02:47 -2Coins: yessir
- 02:47 lolaway: Pog
- 02:48 Holysparkz: ffs now my controller is being an ass
- 02:48 Holysparkz: clearly im not supposed to play toight
- 02:48 lolaway: what kind of controller?
- 02:49 heehee: how long do u think til this starts
- 02:50 heehee: actually ill just set it up and ready up and start late if im late nbd
- 02:50 -2Coins: 10mins
- 02:50 heehee: goin out quick to get food
- 02:51 -2Coins: ill miss you
- 02:59 lolaway: im trying to get 1 more in here
- 02:59 sunder_storm#5706 joins the race.
- 02:59 lolaway: but hes being slow
- 02:59 lolaway: ah there we go
- 02:59 lolaway: <3 bub
- 02:59 mrmartin#9054 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 02:59 Holysparkz: i could use another 5 if people dont mind
- 02:59 -2Coins: thats cool wiht me sparkz
- 02:59 heehee: wont let me .ready hmm
- 02:59 -2Coins: have to be live to ready
- 03:00 heehee: take a few mins to detect live ?
- 03:00 -2Coins: yes
- 03:00 heehee#1898 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 03:02 sunder_storm#5706 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 03:03 stivitybobo#5793 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 03:04 -2Coins#9774 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 03:04 SariasObject: it hot as balls today
- 03:04 SariasObject: its
- 03:04 lolaway: grabbing water then ill ready
- 03:04 -2Coins: kk
- 03:04 SariasObject#3370 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 03:05 SariasObject: martin sweatin rn
- 03:05 SariasObject: gonna lose so many ego points if he doesnt get 1st
- 03:06 -2Coins: im gonna put martin in his place no worries
- 03:06 -2Coins: 4Head
- 03:06 mrmartin: and get like 1 if I win, lol
- 03:06 lolaway#7642 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:06 mrmartin: the points are stupid
- 03:06 -2Coins: feelsbadman
- 03:06 Holysparkz: k glhf
- 03:06 Holysparkz#8553 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 03:06 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:06 -2Coins: glhf
- 03:06 SariasObject: gl
- 03:06 mrmartin: it always feels random
- 03:06 mrmartin: glhf!
- 03:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:22 heehee: ok back gl :)
- 05:26 mrmartin#9054 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:19:39!
- 05:26 Holysparkz: gg
- 05:27 mrmartin: ggs
- 05:28 SariasObject: gg
- 05:28 -2Coins: gg
- 05:30 SariasObject#3370 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:23:05!
- 05:31 stivitybobo#5793 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:24:23!
- 05:31 SariasObject: GGs
- 05:31 stivitybobo: gg
- 05:31 sunder_storm: gg
- 05:43 Holysparkz#8553 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:36:35!
- 05:56 sunder_storm#5706 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:49:18!
- 05:59 lolaway#7642 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:52:14!
- 05:59 SariasObject: ggs
- 05:59 lolaway: gg
- 06:14 -2Coins#9774 has forfeited from the race.
- 06:44 heehee#1898 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:37:07!
- 06:44 Race finished in 3:37:07.3
- 06:44 lolaway: GG
- 08:28 Race result recorded by Dyn