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- 18:45 RandoBot: Picks for this race: Ow_tokens: On, Trials: On, Cuccos: 1, Shuffle_beans: On
- 18:42 Icola: !trials on
- 18:42 Icola: !trials on
- 18:42 KCNecro: met pick au début
- 18:42 Letsklay: !pick trials on
- 18:42 Icola: !pick trials on
- 18:42 RandoBot: Trials will be set to: On
- 18:42 RandoBot: Icola, modify a minor setting with !pick <setting> <value>.
- 18:42 RandoBot: Use !settings for available options.
- 18:42 Letsklay: try this
- 18:42 Letsklay: easy
- 18:42 Icola: !pick cuccos 1
- 18:42 RandoBot: Cuccos will be set to: 1
- 18:42 RandoBot: Letsklay, modify a minor setting with !pick <setting> <value>.
- 18:42 RandoBot: Use !settings for available options.
- 18:43 Letsklay: !pick shuffle_beans
- 18:43 RandoBot: Invalid format. Use !pick <setting> <value>.
- 18:43 Letsklay: !pick shuffle_beans on
- 18:43 RandoBot: Shuffle_beans will be set to: On
- 18:43 RandoBot: All picks have been recorded.
- 18:43 RandoBot: Use !seed 15 minutes prior to race start to roll the seed.
- 18:44 Icola: join necro que tu sois race monitor non ?
- 18:44 Icola: !fpa
- 18:44 RandoBot: FPA cannot be invoked before the race starts.
- 18:44 KCNecro: ah oui c'est vrai
- 18:44 Icola: loule
- 18:44 KCNecro#5721 joins the race.
- 18:44 Icola#8220 promoted KCNecro#5721 to race monitor.
- 18:44 KCNecro: !fpa
- 18:44 RandoBot: FPA cannot be invoked before the race starts.
- 18:44 KCNecro: ça a l'air bon non?
- 18:44 Icola: cest de base ducoup
- 18:44 Icola: oé
- 18:45 KCNecro: do you want guys that i roll your seed, or did you prefer icola or letsklay?
- 18:45 Icola: you can
- 18:45 Letsklay: sure, do it
- 18:45 KCNecro: !seed
- 18:45 RandoBot: @entrants, Picks for the race are pinned above.
- 18:45 RandoBot: KCNecro, here is your seed:
- 18:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 18:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 18:45 KCNecro#5721 quits the race.
- 18:46 Letsklay: is your stream live (with delay) ico?
- 18:47 Icola: yes my stream start in 9min
- 18:49 Letsklay: oh, then I should restart now. we can start in like 20 mins
- 18:49 Icola: lul
- 18:49 Letsklay: yea sorry my bad
- 18:49 KCNecro: mm don't restrat now haha
- 18:50 KCNecro: restart*
- 18:50 Letsklay: I'm currently streaming normally without delay
- 18:50 KCNecro: oh
- 18:50 Letsklay: yea
- 18:50 KCNecro: shit x)
- 18:50 KCNecro: well
- 18:50 Letsklay: its fine i guess
- 18:50 KCNecro: okay cut your stream and put your delay on
- 18:50 Natheirean: restart with a delay, I'll give you an override
- 18:50 Letsklay: nice nice
- 18:51 Natheirean: or rather i should probably have a dif race mod do it, since your in my group i guess?
- 18:51 Icola: oh ty nath
- 18:51 KCNecro: as you want Natheirean
- 18:52 Icola: idc
- 18:52 Natheirean: i'll do it if no one else is around
- 18:52 Cola#5395 sets a stream override for Letsklay#4197.
- 18:52 Natheirean: nvm, thanks cola
- 18:52 Icola: colachad
- 18:52 Natheirean: gl you two
- 18:52 KCNecro: thanks Cola !
- 18:52 Cola: no problem
- 18:59 Icola: glhf
- 18:59 Letsklay: yoyo gl gl
- 18:59 KCNecro: gl hf guys
- 18:59 Icola#8220 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:00 Letsklay: 11 mins to go
- 19:00 Icola: lul you can start
- 19:00 Icola: ready*
- 19:00 Letsklay: oh no stream requirement
- 19:00 Letsklay: allright give me 1 sec
- 19:01 Icola: ye np
- 19:02 Letsklay: allright get ready
- 19:02 Letsklay#4197 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:56 Letsklay#4197 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:53:36!
- 21:56 Icola: gg
- 21:56 Icola#8220 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:56 Race finished in 2:53:47.3
- 21:56 Letsklay: ggs
- 21:57 Letsklay: what are you missing or go mode
- 21:58 Icola: forgot skull in gc
- 21:58 Letsklay: nooo
- 21:58 Icola: f
- 21:58 Letsklay: big F
- 22:17 SeYsEy: Want to come for an interview ?
- 05:10 Race result recorded by Jimbo