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- 19:24 Challensois_: Start in 35min right ? I'm still not home but should be in 10 min
- 19:25 MILLEKA__: Hello !
- 19:25 MILLEKA__: Yes that's right Chall
- 19:25 wordsforswords: Yup.
- 19:25 MILLEKA__: You just need to start you stream at 40 in order to have the 20minutes of delay
- 19:25 Syconawt: Hello gamers, best of luck in your upcoming match. We'll be covering you in english on ZSR2 today. Will either or both of you have clean audio?
- 19:26 wordsforswords: I’ll have clean audio. Vanilla cosmetics.
- 19:27 MILLEKA__: @Syconawt can you please give me the tips to put you as race monitor ? :)
- 19:27 Syconawt: Oh, sorry! Didn't see your message in discord.
- 19:27 Syconawt requests to join the race.
- 19:27 MILLEKA__#8244 promoted Syconawt to race monitor.
- 19:27 MILLEKA__: nice thank you !
- 19:27 Syconawt withdraws a request to join.
- 19:27 Syconawt: Thanks so much!
- 19:28 Challensois_: I will have clean audio as well
- 19:29 Syconawt: Awesome, thank you both for confirming.
- 19:33 wordsforswords: !fpa on
- 19:33 RandoBot: Sorry wordsforswords, only race monitors can do that.
- 19:35 Challensois_: ok i just got home
- 19:35 Cubsrule21: !fpa on
- 19:35 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 19:35 Challensois_: stream is on from rn
- 19:35 Challensois_: so we should be well in time :D
- 19:36 wordsforswords: Same, just started mine.
- 19:37 Cubsrule21: ping me if needed and I can override
- 19:38 Syconawt: We should be fine I think.
- 19:38 MILLEKA__: FYI autostart is off :)
- 19:48 wordsforswords: Roll soon?
- 19:48 MILLEKA__: !seed s6
- 19:48 RandoBot: MILLEKA__, here is your seed:
- 19:48 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:48 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:48 MILLEKA__: sorry for the time I think it's great if I'm rolling
- 19:49 wordsforswords: Thanks! I'm sure it's wonderful.
- 19:50 MILLEKA__: I really hope it will be !
- 19:50 Syconawt: Looking forward to it :)
- 19:53 wordsforswords: I'm live in 3 minutes, should be ready on time.
- 19:53 MorceauLion64: glhf !
- 19:56 wordsforswords is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:56 Challensois_: btw words we need to be in vc 1 and 2
- 19:57 Challensois_: on discord for fp
- 19:57 wordsforswords: Oh, right.
- 19:57 wordsforswords is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 19:57 Challensois_: i forgot as well that's why Kappa
- 19:57 Syconawt: Thanks to both of ye for going live, we've got you cropped and setup so we're good on ZSR's end. I'll leave you in Milleka's capable hands :) GLHF!
- 19:57 wordsforswords: Thanks Syconawt!
- 19:57 wordsforswords is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:58 Challensois_: thanks, have fun with restream
- 19:58 MILLEKA__: Great ! In my guilty hands Kappa
- 19:58 Syconawt: #sorrynotsorry :D
- 20:00 Challensois_#7759 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:00 wordsforswords: glhf
- 20:00 MILLEKA__: gl hf to both of you, hope you will not blame me too much ! and have fun for ZSR restream !
- 20:00 Challensois_: gl hf
- 20:00 MILLEKA__#8244 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:20 Challensois_: !fpa
- 21:20 RandoBot: @everyone FPA has been invoked by @Challensois_.
- 21:21 wordsforswords: I am paused.
- 21:25 wordsforswords: I'm going to use the restroom. Back in a minute.
- 21:26 MILLEKA__: np, @syconawt are you handling this ?
- 21:27 Syconawt: can you handle it? i'm not technically a race monitor, i just have the role because i'm running the ZSR restream
- 21:27 MILLEKA__: no problem
- 21:27 wordsforswords: I'm back.
- 21:29 Challensois_: i need still a few min to catch up
- 21:30 MILLEKA__: No problem Challensois keep us informed when you're done
- 21:30 MILLEKA__: i will do a count in order to get back in the race at the same time
- 21:34 MILLEKA__: Challensois you have 2 more minutes to catch up
- 21:34 MILLEKA__: just one now
- 21:34 MILLEKA__: @wordsforswords at 35 you can start
- 21:34 wordsforswords: OK
- 21:35 Challensois_: im done now
- 21:35 Challensois_: we do a countdown ?
- 21:35 MILLEKA__: 5
- 21:35 MILLEKA__: 4
- 21:35 MILLEKA__: 3
- 21:35 MILLEKA__: 2
- 21:35 MILLEKA__: 1
- 21:35 MILLEKA__: go
- 23:02 wordsforswords has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:01:11!
- 23:02 Challensois_#7759 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:02 Race finished in 3:01:18.0
- 23:02 Challensois_: gg
- 23:02 wordsforswords: gg
- 23:02 Challensois_: not an AD sadge
- 23:02 wordsforswords: No, Fire must be bait.
- 23:02 Syconawt: GGs to both of you! Would either of you care for an interview when the stream catches up?
- 23:02 wordsforswords: Sure, I'll join.
- 23:03 Challensois_: sure
- 23:03 Syconawt: Awesome, will let you both know when it catches up on our end. Feel free to chill in the meantime.
- 23:19 Syconawt: @wordsforswords we just started showing your ganondorf fight if you want to hop into the waiting room on the zsr discord
- 23:20 MILLEKA__: gg both !
- 23:20 MILLEKA__: sorry for the monkaS seed
- 01:58 Race result recorded by Jimbo