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- 02:35 zhor2000: oh
- 02:35 zhor2000: does the bot know scrub settings too?
- 02:35 NightwolfXVI: !seed scrubs
- 02:35 RandoBot: Sorry NightwolfXVI, I don't recognise that preset. Use !presets to see what is available.
- 02:35 zhor2000#2132 updated the race information.
- 02:35 NightwolfXVI: !presets
- 02:35 RandoBot: Available presets:
- 02:35 RandoBot: easy – Easy Mode
- 02:35 RandoBot: hell – Hell Mode
- 02:35 RandoBot: s4 – S4 Tournament
- 02:35 RandoBot: weekly – Standard Weekly (2020-03-21)
- 02:35 RandoBot: ddrweekly – DDR Weekly (2020-10-01)
- 02:35 RandoBot: mw – Multiworld
- 02:35 RandoBot: scrub – Scrub Tournament
- 02:35 RandoBot: bingo – Bingo
- 02:35 NightwolfXVI: !seed scrub
- 02:35 RandoBot: NightwolfXVI, here is your seed:
- 02:35 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 02:35 NightwolfXVI: There we go
- 02:35 zhor2000: there u go
- 02:36 favio94: there it is
- 02:36 zhor2000: ok perfect
- 02:36 favio94: I'm tempted to join ngl
- 02:36 zhor2000: sorry bout that i didnt know rando bot was so cool now
- 02:36 zhor2000: u know u want to favio
- 02:36 NightwolfXVI: You might as well join us
- 02:36 zhor2000: ^
- 02:36 Alextric: ^^
- 02:36 NightwolfXVI: You are already here
- 02:37 zhor2000: ^
- 02:37 zhor2000: nightwolf with the big truths
- 02:37 Alextric: What's the worst that could happen? Cause let me tell ya I've already got that slot locked down for this race
- 02:38 NightwolfXVI: I would argue that between the two of us, I can fuck this seed up worst
- 02:38 zhor2000: listen i havent played rando in a year
- 02:39 zhor2000: its anyones game lol
- 02:39 NightwolfXVI: I have literally finished 1 seed
- 02:39 Alextric: Yeah, but I"m rill bad. I can't route randos to save my life
- 02:39 NightwolfXVI: That was barely sub 6
- 02:39 favio94: I think I'll pass, it's kinda late here
- 02:39 zhor2000: i dont even know the settings haha
- 02:39 zhor2000: alright man ty for the help
- 02:39 Alextric: Random Starting zone, random starting age
- 02:40 Alextric: Open deku
- 02:40 favio94: no problem
- 02:40 NightwolfXVI: 4 for bridge 6 for big key
- 02:40 favio94: gl all
- 02:40 Alextric: Oh yeah that messed me up
- 02:40 Alextric: Thanks!
- 02:40 NightwolfXVI: ty
- 02:41 zhor2000: ty!
- 02:43 NightwolfXVI#3427 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:43 Alextric#7847 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:43 zhor2000: gimme a sec im almost ready'
- 02:43 NightwolfXVI: no rush
- 02:44 NightwolfXVI#3427 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 02:44 NightwolfXVI: brb
- 02:44 Alextric: Yeah take your time
- 02:45 NightwolfXVI#3427 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:46 zhor2000: do u still need all medallions to win? cuz u need rainbow bridge?
- 02:46 zhor2000: also im starting my stream now
- 02:46 NightwolfXVI: you need 4 medallions for bridge
- 02:46 Alextric: Yep
- 02:46 NightwolfXVI: you need 6 for the big key
- 02:47 zhor2000: ah
- 02:47 zhor2000: thats cool actually
- 02:47 zhor2000: does 6 trigger LACS to give u BK?
- 02:47 NightwolfXVI: yes
- 02:49 NightwolfXVI: Btw, in case you all don't know, since we dont have master sword in our starting inventory, we are starting as child
- 02:49 Alextric: Oh really I just assumed you always had it
- 02:50 NightwolfXVI: You do but its not part of the starting screen inventory
- 02:50 Alextric: Yeah I gotcha
- 02:51 zhor2000: sorry guys my stream was giving me problems
- 02:51 zhor2000: ill be good to go in a sec
- 02:51 zhor2000: ill let u know before i ready up
- 02:51 NightwolfXVI: No problem
- 02:52 zhor2000: alright im ready
- 02:52 zhor2000: u guys good to go?
- 02:52 Alextric: Yep
- 02:52 NightwolfXVI: si
- 02:53 zhor2000: ok going
- 02:53 zhor2000#2132 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:53 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:53 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:56 zhor2000: glhf
- 02:56 NightwolfXVI: glhf
- 04:53 NightwolfXVI#3427 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:53 NightwolfXVI: Sorry all my brain is fried
- 05:07 zhor2000: all good man dw
- 06:55 zhor2000#2132 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:02:35!
- 06:57 zhor2000: ggs man
- 06:57 Alextric: gg!
- 07:30 Alextric#7847 has forfeited from the race.
- 07:30 Race finished in 4:37:26.3
- 06:01 Race result recorded by felixoide4#9489