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- 23:37 Hyper: Yo
- 23:37 Hyper: I'm still down to start like 10-15 later if you want. Only just getting back from breakfast.
- 23:43 Jimbo: yeah that's fine
- 23:43 Jimbo: sorry was afk
- 23:43 Hyper: np
- 00:00 Hyper: you wanna roll this one?
- 00:00 Jimbo: idc either way lol
- 00:00 Jimbo: up to you
- 00:01 Hyper: You roll. I'll roll next time.
- 00:01 Jimbo: I guess I can roll this time
- 00:01 Jimbo: yeah you roll on monday then
- 00:01 Jimbo: !seed
- 00:01 Mido updated the race information.
- 00:13 Jimbo: good to go whenever
- 00:13 Hyper: yep was just about to say same thing
- 00:13 Hyper: glhf!
- 00:13 Jimbo: glhf!
- 00:13 Hyper#8571 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:13 Jimbo is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:13 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:14 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:47 Jimbo: i hate twitch btw
- 00:47 Jimbo: I'll explain what happened after the race lmao
- 00:48 Hyper: lol ok
- 01:53 Hyper#8571 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:39:09!
- 01:53 Jimbo: LOL
- 01:53 Jimbo: what
- 01:53 Hyper: lol
- 01:53 Jimbo has forfeited from the race.
- 01:53 Race finished in 1:39:50.3
- 01:54 Hyper: GG
- 01:54 Jimbo: ggs lol
- 01:54 Jimbo: where were wisdom and courage?
- 01:54 Hyper: i'm guessing you were way lost
- 01:54 Jimbo: I only had power
- 01:54 Hyper: both spirit
- 01:54 Jimbo: yeah that makes sense
- 01:54 Jimbo: did you get claim check and power in one go?
- 01:54 Hyper: shadow had longshot, gtg hammer to unlock str 2
- 01:54 Hyper: no idea where lens was
- 01:55 Jimbo: I was on my way to gtg right now
- 01:55 Jimbo: but I didn't one trip the first hook
- 01:55 Jimbo: I pushed ice really early because I was worried about the high path counts
- 01:55 Hyper: where was first hook again?
- 01:55 Jimbo: icy waters
- 01:55 Jimbo: sorry]
- 01:55 Jimbo: biggoron
- 01:55 Hyper: ah yep
- 01:55 Jimbo: but claim check was in icy waters
- 01:55 Hyper: yeah i figured i was slow on power so just went for 3/3 hard
- 01:56 Jimbo: ya I had power at like 20 mins
- 01:56 Hyper: got power at 58
- 01:56 Jimbo: I pushed it immediately
- 01:56 Hyper: lol
- 01:56 Jimbo: and it fucked me
- 01:56 Jimbo: xD
- 01:56 Hyper: so what was up with twitch?
- 01:56 Jimbo: I accidentally followed your channel mid race KEKW
- 01:57 Hyper: ohhh lmfao
- 01:57 Hyper: dq Kappa
- 01:57 Jimbo: I was trying to pull my vod up because I had a feeling I misread a hint, and I hovered over your name since it was in my title
- 01:57 Hyper: LUL
- 01:57 Jimbo: and it showed the preview of your profile and I was trying to click out of it rq and I clicked the follow button lol
- 01:57 Hyper: thanks for the follow KEKW
- 01:57 Jimbo: so I was worried that it looked like I was sniping you :P
- 01:58 Hyper: all good lol
- 01:58 Jimbo: I think this is a clear indication that I wasn't lmao
- 01:58 Hyper: possinly hahaha
- 01:58 Jimbo: but yeah I'm glad I looked at my vod because I thought forest was path to courage
- 01:58 Jimbo: but it was wisdom
- 01:58 Jimbo: so I eventually got on the right path
- 01:58 Hyper: ah yep
- 01:58 Jimbo: but yeah not getting that claim check in one go was brutal
- 01:59 Hyper: can't believe how many wisdom paths we got when courage led to the same place
- 01:59 Jimbo: yeah seriously
- 01:59 Jimbo: I just said fuck courage
- 01:59 Jimbo: no point in chasing that shit
- 01:59 Hyper: once i got into shadow i realised they were the same path
- 01:59 Jimbo: yeah the nocturne hint kinda seals the deal
- 01:59 Jimbo: I'm guessing str2 was in gtg then?
- 02:00 Jimbo: oh wait
- 02:00 Hyper: yeah on the hammer locked chest
- 02:00 Jimbo: you said it was hammer locked
- 02:00 Jimbo: yeah
- 02:00 Jimbo: make sense
- 02:00 Hyper: that's why hammer was also path in gtg
- 02:00 Jimbo: so the seed wasn't as bad as I thought then
- 02:00 Jimbo: you just needed hook
- 02:00 Jimbo: and that was that
- 02:00 Hyper: yep pretty much
- 02:01 Jimbo: alright well ggs! looking forward to monday evening
- 02:01 Hyper: yep should be a fun one!
- 02:01 Hyper: GGs
- 13:24 Race set to not recorded by Jimbo