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- 18:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 18:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 18:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 18:51 AlexanderHD: HashFrog Great start
- 18:51 Drooness: Mine is clean
- 18:51 Drooness: Yo loving that starting item, this changes everything I know about routing
- 18:51 Star1468: thanks!
- 18:51 Star1468: also do you guys seriously start with the frog? lmao
- 18:51 Drooness: Nah zora tunic
- 18:52 AlexanderHD: I mean enough, they're both amphibous.
- 18:52 Star1468: heh
- 18:52 Drooness: Frog would be epic tho, would it become prescription?
- 18:52 Star1468: no idea
- 18:52 AlexanderHD: monkaS
- 18:53 Drooness: If not, no reset run lmao
- 18:53 AlexanderHD: Grab bottle, rush ice
- 18:54 Drooness: grab this
- 18:54 Drooness: HashFrog
- 18:54 AlexanderHD: HashFrog
- 18:55 AlexanderHD: Link is now F4 HashChicken
- 18:56 Drooness: audio will be super low until like xx:10 btw I couldnt figure out what was wrong lol
- 18:56 Drooness: had obs turned super down in the mixer woops
- 18:56 Drooness: but its fine before the race starts
- 18:56 AlexanderHD: I'm just hoping my capture card doesn't freeze, it was doing that earlier during the new scrubs asyncs.
- 18:57 Drooness: just smack it a couple times it'll be ok
- 18:57 Star1468: np lol droo, and gotcha alex
- 18:57 AlexanderHD: I caught it quick, but it is kinda annoying.
- 18:57 Star1468: droo mind hopping in the race VC?
- 18:57 Drooness: done
- 18:58 Drooness: 60 on delay
- 18:58 Drooness: so for fpa we actually pause since its monitored yeah?
- 18:59 Star1468: yeah
- 18:59 AlexanderHD: I think so, I haven't had any crashes lately.
- 18:59 Drooness is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:59 AlexanderHD#8749 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:59 Star1468: I'll be multitasking but around in case something blows up
- 18:59 Star1468: GL HF!
- 18:59 Drooness: glhf
- 18:59 AlexanderHD: glhf
- 19:00 Star1468#7969 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:53 AlexanderHD: crash
- 19:53 Drooness: paused
- 19:54 AlexanderHD: Me and my big mouth
- 19:54 AlexanderHD: lmao
- 19:54 Drooness: lmao fr
- 19:54 Drooness: maybe I shouldnt have brought it up
- 19:55 Drooness: @star1468 btw
- 19:56 Star1468: noted
- 19:56 Star1468: we have an !fpa command btw :P
- 19:56 Star1468: let us know when you catch up alex
- 20:07 AlexanderHD: Almost there
- 20:07 Drooness: np
- 20:07 AlexanderHD: Lost quite a bit
- 20:07 Drooness: yeah I get it
- 20:08 Star1468: going to be cutting it close to the 15min - Droo are you fine to wait here till it catches up fully?
- 20:09 Drooness: I'll wait yeah
- 20:09 Drooness: wont be much longer anyway from the sounds of it
- 20:09 Star1468: yeah we're about there
- 20:11 AlexanderHD: We're back
- 20:11 Drooness: cool
- 20:11 Drooness: ready whenever
- 20:11 AlexanderHD: Sorry about that
- 20:12 Drooness: no worries, not your fault lol
- 20:12 Star1468: stuff happens
- 20:12 Star1468: I'll do a countdown from 5, resume on the word go
- 20:12 Star1468: 5
- 20:12 Star1468: 4
- 20:12 Star1468: 3
- 20:12 Star1468: 2
- 20:12 Star1468: 1
- 20:12 Star1468: go
- 20:12 Star1468: GL HF!
- 22:08 Drooness has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:08:31!
- 22:09 AlexanderHD#8749 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:09 Race finished in 3:08:52.0
- 22:09 AlexanderHD: gg
- 22:09 AlexanderHD: Fire Hovers rip
- 22:09 Star1468: GG
- 22:09 AlexanderHD: Literal last location
- 22:09 Star1468: that seed stunk
- 22:10 AlexanderHD: So cursed
- 22:11 Drooness: it should have been mine too tbh, I thought I had more checks in there for some reason
- 22:11 Drooness: but yeah that was not a good seed lol
- 22:11 Star1468: if it works it works? We moved WTHH/Mario to SG5 so you guys have plenty of time for interview if you want to join
- 22:12 Star1468: that said, I kinda have to stop paying attention to this in a sec
- 22:12 AlexanderHD: If I wasn't bow locked out the fire the first time, I would have gotten the hovers and bow would have been go basically. rip
- 22:13 AlexanderHD: But sure, I can do an interview.