
Ocarina of Time Randomizer OoTR Random settings league RSL practice race : start at XX:00 (14h CET) - Merry Christmas ! <3 Random Settings League HashMasterSword HashBow HashBossKey HashSaw HashSkullToken https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1816499
Opened by
GreenPepperCH #3489
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
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  1. 1st Fer #0856 he / him Finished 295
  2. 2nd Kirox #6033 he / him more aWorryNinja Finished 4
  3. 3rd Garon #5217 Finished 217
  4. 4th Cola #5395 he / him Finished 13
  5. 5th Christopho #4256 he / him Finished 14
  6. GreenPepperCH #3489 he / him more I'm dying IRL cause sick, don't have courage to end this DNF DNF 40
6 entrants (1 inactive)