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- 11:00 Mido: Welcome to this Bracket Semifinals race! Learn more about the event at
- 11:00 Mido invites Alexis#1759 to join the race.
- 11:00 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 11:00 Mido: Your seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 11:06 WTHH#3353 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:10 Mido: @entrants Remember to go live with a 15 minute (900 second) delay and set your chat to emote only!
- 11:15 Mido: Rolling a seed…
- 11:15 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 11:15 Mido: HashBombchu HashHammer HashMushroom HashMasterSword HashDekuStick
- 11:15 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 11:15 Mido updated the race information.
- 11:18 Alexis#1759 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:18 WTHH: yooo
- 11:18 Alexis: o/
- 11:18 Alexis: Yo
- 11:25 Maera/Miraba: both clean audio?
- 11:25 Maera/Miraba: !monitor
- 11:25 Mido invites Maera/Miraba#4495 to join the race.
- 11:25 Mido promoted Maera/Miraba#4495 to race monitor.
- 11:25 Mido removes Maera/Miraba#4495 from the race.
- 11:26 WTHH: oh what there's a restream?
- 11:26 WTHH: yeah i'll have clean audi
- 11:26 Alexis: Clean audio too
- 11:28 Maera/Miraba: yeah, there are some mad lads here
- 11:28 Maera/Miraba: I dragged myself out of bed as the admin
- 11:28 Maera/Miraba: and restreamer
- 11:28 Maera/Miraba: I'm going to bed after this
- 11:29 Maera/Miraba: *back to
- 11:30 Maera/Miraba: I'll start the clock, so ready up when actually ready
- 11:30 WTHH: oh wow nice thanks
- 11:31 Maera/Miraba: I see WTHH video
- 11:31 Alexis: ty
- 11:31 Maera/Miraba: Alexis, not seeing anything on your side
- 11:32 Maera/Miraba: buffering? not sure what's happening
- 11:32 Alexis: Ah my stream is off ?
- 11:32 WTHH: on racetime it says he is live
- 11:32 Maera/Miraba: yeah, not sure
- 11:33 Alexis: if you see black screen on my stream it's normal I open the seed soon
- 11:33 Maera/Miraba: ahhhh, ok
- 11:33 WTHH: ah ok just checked too
- 11:33 Alexis: Didn't get waiting scene on obs ^^"
- 11:34 WTHH: ok gl hf then!
- 11:34 WTHH#3353 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 11:34 Alexis: GLHF WTHH :D
- 11:34 Alexis#1759 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 11:35 Maera/Miraba: glhf
- 11:35 Maera/Miraba#4495 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 11:35 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 11:50 Maera/Miraba: btw alexis still no video
- 11:53 Maera/Miraba: @Alexis
- 11:56 Alexis: IDK what happened really confused I have a record so go continue and if record is fuck up too i let the win to wthh
- 11:59 Alexis: sorry about that
- 11:59 Maera/Miraba: ok thanks for confirming
- 12:01 Alexis: try to restart stream
- 12:03 Alexis: let's see in 15 minutes
- 12:06 Maera/Miraba: kk
- 12:17 Maera/Miraba: that did it, choppy but we'll deal
- 13:34 Alexis#1759 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:59:16!
- 13:35 WTHH: GG
- 13:35 WTHH#3353 has forfeited from the race.
- 13:35 Race finished in 1:59:30.7
- 13:35 Alexis: GG
- 13:35 WTHH: je commence ganon live
- 13:35 Alexis: OH Waouh
- 13:35 Alexis: nice
- 13:35 Alexis: race closed
- 13:36 Alexis: c'est quoi ton premier Bomb bag ?
- 13:36 WTHH: gtg
- 13:36 Alexis: ok same
- 13:37 Alexis: GTG requis pour un bomb bag KEKW
- 13:37 WTHH: j'ai pas ouvert les coffres dans shadow est-ce qu'il y avait un bomb bag la aussi?
- 13:38 Alexis: nope 2 bouteilles un sling un arc force 3
- 13:38 WTHH: et t'as pas trouvé la gold scale non plus j'imagine?
- 13:38 Alexis: nope
- 13:39 Alexis: mais du coup ton go c'est la magie t'as fait les trials ?
- 13:39 WTHH: nah
- 13:39 Alexis: ok ok
- 13:39 WTHH: j'ai pas super commit aux skulls avant qu'il me reste que la magie a trouver
- 13:40 Alexis: pareil j'avais que 14 skulls quand je trouve magie
- 13:44 WTHH: ah la magie etait pas ton go mode?
- 13:44 Alexis: Nope c'est LS
- 13:45 Alexis: J'ai call GTG first puis atz big poe et destiny puis child market
- 13:45 Alexis: Je fais spirit que après shadow
- 13:45 WTHH: ah ok j'ai fait spirit avant tout ça
- 13:46 Alexis: Ok
- 13:46 KLO1313: GGs to both of you! a close one. will you be joining us for interviews?
- 13:47 WTHH: i'm packing today and stuff so i don't really have a good mic for an interview sorry
- 13:47 Alexis: Sure
- 13:50 KLO1313: sounds good, thanks for the restream, WTHH
- 13:50 Alexis: ty for the race WTHH see you soon for G2 :)
- 13:54 WTHH: yeah GG let's plan for this week
- 13:54 Alexis: yep
- 13:54 KLO1313: jump into the live room when you're ready, alexis
- 13:55 KLO1313: or are you not able to move room
- 13:55 Alexis: I'm in a vocal actually