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- 18:35 Redd: hi everyone except Chuckles HashFrog
- 18:35 Chuckles501: gasp
- 18:35 Gingersonny: HashSkullToken
- 18:36 Chuckles501: before tobi asks, my audio will be clean
- 18:36 TobiasG_91: <3
- 18:36 Gingersonny: cleaner than your language, chuckles
- 18:36 Redd: same here.
- 18:36 Chuckles501: what the fuck you on about Ginger?
- 18:37 Chuckles501: I never fucking swear
- 18:37 Redd: ChcuklesClown
- 18:37 Gingersonny: lying tosser
- 18:37 Gingersonny: xD
- 18:37 Gingersonny: redd! o7
- 18:38 Redd: hey Ginger! o7
- 18:38 Redd: also hi Chuckles <3
- 18:38 Chuckles501: yeh whatever
- 18:39 Redd: that's right. we cant be friends until after this is over
- 18:39 Chuckles501: yeh it's only hate right now
- 18:40 Natheirean: re-re-rematch hype!
- 18:40 Redd: HashSilvers
- 18:40 Natheirean: good luck to both of ya
- 18:40 Chuckles501: yeh it's 3-2 to Redd atm KEKW
- 18:40 Chuckles501: thanks Nath <3
- 18:41 Redd: ty Nath!
- 18:42 Chuckles501: we gnna play MMR right Redd?
- 18:42 Chuckles501: /seed mmr
- 18:42 Redd: actually yes lol
- 18:43 Natheirean: tournament idea: Game 1 OoTR, Game 2 MMR, game 3, combined rando
- 18:43 Redd: we can run it back with mmr after this HashFrog
- 18:43 Redd: nath pls no
- 18:43 TobiasG_91: Kappa
- 18:44 TobiasG_91: nath... bo3?
- 18:44 Redd: although kinda cool: I know tanjo did a relay race one with oot and WW
- 18:44 Chuckles501: yeh we can do relay MMR/OOTR one day
- 18:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 18:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 18:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 18:45 Redd: just need to block out 2 hours for ootr and about 6 more for mm KEKW
- 18:45 Chuckles501: ahahhaha yeh
- 18:47 Redd: so, do we need to be in a race vc?
- 18:47 Chuckles501: btw if my video stops at any point tobi/ginger, just ping me in here and I'll deactivate/reactivate it
- 18:47 TobiasG_91: yep, race vc in the TSG discord if ya please
- 18:49 Chuckles501: tobi I don't have accesss to the race VCs anymore?
- 18:50 TobiasG_91: one sec
- 18:50 TobiasG_91: gave you active race role - did that help?
- 18:50 Chuckles501: nice on
- 18:50 Chuckles501: yahh
- 18:50 TobiasG_91: neat
- 18:51 Gingersonny: thanks Tobias! HashHeart
- 18:51 Gingersonny: lets hope neither of you will need to hear my dulcet tones at all this evening xDF
- 18:52 Chuckles501: well the last time I had a VC crash it blew up my wii so
- 18:52 Chuckles501: fingers crossed xD
- 18:52 Gingersonny: monkaS
- 18:52 Gingersonny: BlameTrez
- 18:52 Natheirean: fpa call "Ya, my Wii exploded, brb buying a new one"
- 18:56 Chuckles501#5294 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:56 Chuckles501: glhf dude xox
- 18:56 Redd: auto start off I assume?
- 18:56 Chuckles501: one way to find out
- 18:57 Redd: either way GLHF <3
- 18:57 Fenhl: yeah auto start is off
- 18:58 Redd#2380 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:58 TobiasG_91: no worries, autostart is always off with restreamed races
- 18:58 TobiasG_91: cuz mido is awesome like that
- 19:01 TobiasG_91: restream ready - glhf!
- 19:01 Redd: lets go
- 19:02 Gingersonny: glhf gents
- 19:02 TobiasG_91: !ready
- 19:02 Mido: All restreams ready, unlocking auto-start…
- 19:02 Mido set a new goal: Triforce Blitz
- 19:02 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:02 Mido: @entrants Time limit reached. If anyone has found at least 1 Triforce piece, please .done. If neither player has any pieces, please continue and .done when one is found.
- 21:02 Chuckles501#5294 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:00:00!
- 21:02 Gingersonny: GGs
- 21:02 Redd#2380 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:00:08!
- 21:02 Race finished in 2:00:08.2
- 21:02 Chuckles501: 2/3 1.20.23
- 21:02 TobiasG_91: ggs
- 21:02 Redd: 2/3 44:03
- 21:02 Redd: ggs
- 21:03 TobiasG_91: shall we do a quick interview inbetween races?
- 21:03 Chuckles501: in trying to go quick, I went slow lol
- 21:03 TobiasG_91: because OMG
- 21:03 Redd: i dont mind :)
- 21:03 Redd: let me just run to restroom real quick
- 21:03 TobiasG_91:
- 23:04 Race set to not recorded by Jimbo