Ocarina of Time Randomizer
Standard Ruleset
s8 xx:00 start
HashMaskOfTruth HashBeans HashLensOfTruth HashMasterSword HashBeans | Password: NoteCleft NoteCright NoteCdown NoteCup NoteCright NoteCleft
- 1st Hyper #8571 he / him Finished 20
- 2nd Engel #2700 he / him more surely I won't need to actually go and get the irons... :) Finished 71
- 3rd Charlesjarls #0800 Finished 2
- 4th NarvilBase #4895 he / him more Gilded chest in GV hammer baited me to GTG over BOTW Finished 5
- — Sora #4486 he / him DNF DNF 113
- — komatsu #6098 DNF DNF 10
6 entrants
(2 inactive)