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- 18:41 Chopperman9: sorry about the second request
- 18:41 Stuck_man: No worries
- 18:41 Stuck_man: I want croissants now though
- 18:42 Chopperman9: lol
- 18:42 Chopperman9: no problem
- 18:42 ACreativeUsername: ToDon't forget to use !fpa on Stuck, so we can call FPA more easily.
- 18:44 ACreativeUsername: Whos gonna roll the seed?
- 18:44 Stuck_man: !fpa
- 18:44 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is not active. Race monitors may enable FPA for this race with !fpa on
- 18:45 Stuck_man: !fpa on
- 18:45 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 18:45 Stuck_man: I'm not rolling :)
- 18:46 Chopperman9: why ? Do you roll awful seed ? :)
- 18:47 Stuck_man: I do :)
- 18:47 Chopperman9: that's what i wanna play
- 18:48 ACreativeUsername: LUL
- 18:48 Stuck_man: No thanks LUL
- 18:48 Chopperman9: i don't know how to roll a seed on racetime
- 18:48 iNeoRetro#7399 requests to join the race.
- 18:48 Stuck_man#6906 accepts a request to join from iNeoRetro#7399.
- 18:48 ACreativeUsername: I think it would be just genning on the website, and then sharing the link.
- 18:49 ACreativeUsername: I can roll if need be?
- 18:49 Chopperman9: yeah go for it please
- 18:50 ACreativeUsername: Should be the right settings
- 18:50 iNeoRetro#7399 joins La Boulangerie.
- 18:51 Stuck_man#6906 updated the race information.
- 18:51 Chopperman9: thanks
- 18:52 ACreativeUsername: It is a new generator, so check your cosmetics/sfx if you prefer a type
- 18:55 ACreativeUsername#3795 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:56 ACreativeUsername: My hash is Master Sword, Gold Scale, Skull Token, Bombchu, Longshot
- 18:57 Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:57 Stuck_man: same same
- 18:57 Chopperman9: same
- 19:00 Chopperman9#2818 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:00 Stuck_man: glhf!
- 19:00 Chopperman9: is it gonna start livesplit automatically ?
- 19:00 Stuck_man: If you joined via livesplit yeah
- 19:00 Chopperman9: ok so no
- 19:00 Chopperman9: thanks
- 19:00 ACreativeUsername: Did you not see it on the list? We can open it from invitational so you can find it
- 19:01 Chopperman9: no it's okay don't worry
- 19:03 Chopperman9: i'm sorry about ineo being late :(
- 19:03 Stuck_man: no worries
- 19:03 ACreativeUsername: It is fine!
- 19:03 ACreativeUsername: We are just discussing top strats on how we are going to win!
- 19:03 Stuck_man: lmao
- 19:04 Chopperman9: oh man we are so screwed
- 19:04 ACreativeUsername: LUL I was just about to say that about us!
- 19:05 Chopperman9: he's currently installing the wad
- 19:05 iNeoRetro: I'm currently cooking some pasta
- 19:05 iNeoRetro: Brb shower
- 19:05 ACreativeUsername: Hahaha!
- 19:05 Stuck_man: I was about to do this one!
- 19:09 Chopperman9: are you guys ready ?
- 19:09 Stuck_man: we are!
- 19:09 ACreativeUsername: GL HF!
- 19:09 Stuck_man: glhf!
- 19:09 Chopperman9: gl hf
- 19:09 iNeoRetro: gl hf
- 19:09 iNeoRetro#7399 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:09 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:10 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:05 Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:55:12!
- 22:11 ACreativeUsername#3795 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:01:22!
- 22:11 Stuck_man: gg!
- 22:21 Chopperman9#2818 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:11:50!
- 22:22 Chopperman9: gg guys
- 22:22 ACreativeUsername: GG
- 22:29 iNeoRetro#7399 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:19:37!
- 22:29 Race finished in 3:19:37.5
- 22:29 iNeoRetro: gg guys
- 22:30 iNeoRetro: This seed omg
- 22:30 iNeoRetro: 100%
- 22:30 Stuck_man: rip
- 22:30 Stuck_man: On a presque tout fait sauf forest
- 22:31 Chopperman9: donc pas le ad
- 22:31 iNeoRetro: On a de suite cru qu'on devait faire un AD donc on l'a fait
- 22:31 Stuck_man: Non, ACU a fait Jabu et Deku entièrement mais moi j'ai pas tout fait, je suis allé à shadow
- 22:32 Stuck_man: On s'est dit que c'était très certainement pour la key logic de spirit donc on a pas poussé
- 22:32 Stuck_man: Mais on étais hors logique pendant longtemps
- 22:32 Stuck_man: Mon premier bomb bag était à GTG sans le hookshot lol, on avait pas le deku shield quand on est allé à deku
- 22:32 Chopperman9: lol
- 22:33 Stuck_man: C'était pas super agréable de fc gtg pour rien d'autre que le bomb bag et etre immédiatement bloqué à Spirit, mais du coup après ACU a verifié que c'était pas hard AD
- 22:33 Stuck_man: Puis on a fait jabu > hovers > shadow > gc
- 22:34 Stuck_man: En tout cas c'était assez proche, si on avait aussi fait forest on aurait fini pas loin
- 22:34 Chopperman9: on a littéralement tout à fait hormis ce qui réclamait song of storms du coup
- 22:35 Stuck_man: Globalement pareil, mais sans forest. Je crois pas qu'il nous restait autre chose in logic
- 22:36 Stuck_man: si on a pas fait deux checks à water
- 22:36 Stuck_man: c'est tout
- 22:36 Chopperman9: gg en tout cas
- 22:36 iNeoRetro: Yep gg les boys
- 22:36 Stuck_man: gg! bonne chance pour la suite!
- 22:37 iNeoRetro: Same ;)
- 01:43 Race set to not recorded by ArthurOudini#1948