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- 15:57 felixoide4#9489 accepts a request to join from yarts#4028.
- 15:57 felixoide4: You'll have to give me a minute I rolled with a spoiler log
- 15:57 yarts#4028 joins 30 Skulls Please.
- 15:58 DerpPrincess: you'll have to give me a minute, to wake up
- 15:58 DerpPrincess: :P
- 15:58 felixoide4: LOL
- 15:58 felixoide4: Well, without further ado, here's your seed!
- 15:58 felixoide4: GL HF!
- 15:59 JasonArilani: I mean... It's 9 AM for me soooo
- 16:00 AuroraSnerd: I plead the 5th
- 16:00 DerpPrincess: I gotta go make a sandwich before we begin or i'll get hangry, sorry like 5 mins or so
- 16:00 derpydragon15: well great time for my computer to blackscreen
- 16:01 felixoide4: monkaS
- 16:02 AuroraSnerd: uh oh,,,
- 16:02 DerpPrincess: it was the sandwich
- 16:02 DerpPrincess: its power was too strong
- 16:05 derpydragon15: stream crashed trying to get it back up
- 16:06 DerpPrincess: you got time
- 16:06 DerpPrincess: I'm om nom nomming a sammich
- 16:09 derpydragon15: my computer picked a great time to blow up
- 16:09 SloaTheDemon: mine does too
- 16:11 DerpPrincess: I have an exciting announcement
- 16:11 DerpPrincess: I've finished my sandwich
- 16:11 SloaTheDemon#3974 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 16:12 JasonArilani is ready! (4 remaining)
- 16:12 yarts#4028 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 16:12 derpydragon15#2410 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:12 MrAaronSnerd#8504 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:12 yarts: gz on sandwhich!
- 16:13 yarts: im jealous
- 16:13 DerpPrincess: I make you one
- 16:13 DerpPrincess: c:
- 16:13 yarts: ty :O
- 16:14 DerpPrincess: remember kids
- 16:14 DerpPrincess: if you dont name yourself 0w0 you're doing it wrong
- 16:14 DerpPrincess: OwO
- 16:15 DerpPrincess: think sloas computer went boom
- 16:15 yarts: today is cursed
- 16:15 DerpPrincess: he said internet went boom
- 16:15 DerpPrincess: yeah it's probably from the 11am/9am/12pm start time
- 16:15 AuroraSnerd: ...... sorry :(
- 16:15 DerpPrincess: everyone knows that doing rando at any time other than night is illegal in 48 parallel universes
- 16:17 yarts: tru
- 16:18 DerpPrincess: gotta wait on sloa to get back his internet
- 16:18 JasonArilani unreadies SloaTheDemon#3974.
- 16:18 JasonArilani: Just gonna do that real quick like :P
- 16:19 AuroraSnerd: lol sword perks
- 16:19 DerpPrincess: if only he used those perks to git gud am I right guys
- 16:23 DerpPrincess: so you guys wanna play monopoly while we wait
- 16:24 yarts: too early for arguing
- 16:24 yarts: haha
- 16:25 DerpPrincess: You'd think in 2021 we wouldnt have this bad of internet in America
- 16:25 DerpPrincess: but... ecks dee
- 16:26 DerpPrincess: he's back think we're good in a few mins, sorry
- 16:29 DerpPrincess#4362 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:30 SloaTheDemon#3974 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:30 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:30 JasonArilani: GL HF
- 16:30 SloaTheDemon: GLHF
- 16:30 AuroraSnerd: glhf
- 16:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:46 JasonArilani: !fpa
- 16:46 RandoBot: @everyone FPA has been invoked by @JasonArilani.
- 16:54 SloaTheDemon: ok
- 16:55 felixoide4: I'll put a countdown in here when I see everything is good
- 16:56 SloaTheDemon: my stream is acting like death
- 16:56 SloaTheDemon: but my internet is working again
- 16:59 felixoide4: countdown starting
- 16:59 felixoide4: 5
- 16:59 felixoide4: 4
- 16:59 felixoide4: 3
- 16:59 felixoide4: 2
- 16:59 felixoide4: 1
- 16:59 felixoide4: go
- 20:54 DerpPrincess#4362 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:24:11!
- 21:07 MrAaronSnerd#8504 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 4:37:10!
- 21:43 yarts#4028 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 5:12:58!
- 21:48 JasonArilani has finished in 4th place with a time of 5:17:58!
- 22:12 derpydragon15#2410 has finished in 5th place with a time of 5:42:16!
- 22:12 SloaTheDemon#3974 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:12 Race finished in 5:42:38.9
- 22:13 SloaTheDemon: couldn't find the mirror
- 22:13 JasonArilani: GGs
- 22:13 DerpPrincess: gg friendos
- 22:13 felixoide4: GGs!
- 22:13 AuroraSnerd: GG's all!
- 22:13 JasonArilani: p2 mirror was what we were missing
- 22:14 derpydragon15: I dont remember who got it for me
- 22:14 AuroraSnerd: I'd have to look back I don't honestly remember
- 22:18 derpydragon15: I got it sent to me around the 2:27 mark
- 22:19 derpydragon15: off a sarias song check in aarons seed i beleve
- 22:19 AuroraSnerd: maybe skull kid then I know darunia was dead
- 22:19 derpydragon15: maybe yarts sent it