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- 22:30 Mido: Welcome to this Bracket Round 2 race! Learn more about the event at
- 22:30 Mido: This race is being restreamed in English at — auto-start is disabled. Tournament organizers can use “!monitor” to become race monitors, then invite the restreamer as race monitor to allow them to force-start.
- 22:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 22:30 Mido invites alfalfa#3653 to join the race.
- 22:30 Mido invites Natheirean#0847 to join the race.
- 22:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 22:30 Mido: Your seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 22:31 alfalfa#3653 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:31 Natheirean#0847 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:31 alfalfa: o/
- 22:34 Star1468: o/
- 22:34 Star1468: !monitor
- 22:34 Mido invites Star1468#7969 to join the race.
- 22:34 Mido promoted Star1468#7969 to race monitor.
- 22:34 Mido removes Star1468#7969 from the race.
- 22:36 alfalfa: yo star!
- 22:36 Natheirean: o/
- 22:40 Mido: @entrants Remember to go live with a 15 minute (900 second) delay and set your chat to emote only!
- 22:41 alfalfa: didn't realize this was getting a restream
- 22:41 alfalfa: is it on main?
- 22:43 alfalfa: nvm i just saw the pinned message
- 22:43 alfalfa: midobot is really on top of things
- 22:45 Mido: Rolling a seed…
- 22:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 22:45 Mido: HashBottledFish HashMirrorShield HashMasterSword HashCompass HashBombchu
- 22:45 Mido: The spoiler log will be available on the seed page after the race.
- 22:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 22:46 Star1468: oh yeah SG main has a semis match going on for another tourney
- 22:46 Star1468: who will have clean audio?
- 22:46 alfalfa: me
- 22:46 Natheirean: i will
- 22:47 Star1468: neat, thanks
- 22:47 Maera/Miraba: awesome
- 22:47 Maera/Miraba: I'm actually doing setup today for the first time.
- 22:49 alfalfa: nice, gl
- 22:49 Natheirean: if we're really lucky we get a 1hr 10min jet and i don't miss any of the royals game tonight lol
- 22:49 alfalfa: after my 3 hour slog last week that sounds about right lol
- 22:54 Maera/Miraba: ok, so as both people have clean audio, are you both using sound packs?
- 22:54 Maera/Miraba: trying to decide
- 22:54 alfalfa: just vanilla audio for me
- 22:54 Natheirean: basae rando music shuffled
- 22:58 alfalfa#3653 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:58 Natheirean#0847 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:59 Star1468: GL HF! will set you off on the hour
- 22:59 Natheirean: glhf
- 23:00 Star1468#7969 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:00 alfalfa: glhf!
- 23:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:13 Natheirean#0847 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:12:39!
- 01:13 Star1468: GG!
- 01:13 alfalfa#3653 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:13 Race finished in 2:12:45.4
- 01:13 Race finished in 2:12:45.4
- 01:13 Natheirean: gg
- 01:13 alfalfa: gg, i'm way behind
- 01:13 Natheirean: disgusting seed
- 01:13 alfalfa: in forest now, assuming magic is here
- 01:13 Natheirean: yee, on falling ceilingg
- 01:13 Star1468: yeah this seed was rather gross
- 01:13 Natheirean: did you find gold scale?
- 01:13 alfalfa: yep i'm effectively in go mode
- 01:13 Star1468: ocarina memory nath
- 01:13 alfalfa: yeah really early
- 01:13 Natheirean: LOL
- 01:13 Natheirean: never punished
- 01:14 Star1468: alfalfa got that much earlier (so hammer) but got the GTG hook way later as a result
- 01:14 alfalfa: and k sword too
- 01:14 alfalfa: i also full cleared water for no reason :(
- 01:14 Star1468: for alfalfa, nath didn't get GS and near last loc'ed the hook in GTG for lab dive
- 01:14 Star1468: yeah.... water and Spirit really hurt you alfalfa
- 01:14 alfalfa: yeah spirit too
- 01:14 Natheirean: makes sense. i'm good for an interview when stream catches up as well
- 01:14 alfalfa: bad plays all round today
- 01:14 Natheirean: if you're offering
- 01:14 Star1468: yep was asking you both
- 01:14 alfalfa: i'll pass if you're offering lol
- 01:15 Star1468: or wait never asked.... lol anyway np alfalfa
- 01:15 alfalfa: let the gameplay speak for itself
- 01:15 alfalfa: ty again for restream, good luck vs sponge nath
- 01:15 alfalfa: kinda glad you won - i'm playing him in the tfb finals this weekend, it would have been 3-4 matches between us within a week lol
- 01:15 Natheirean: lol
- 01:15 Star1468: lol
- 01:15 Natheirean: i was actually not gonna be mad if i lost eihter
- 01:15 Natheirean: i have 4 active tournaments lol
- 01:16 Natheirean: this, francophone, league, and mmr s5
- 01:16 Star1468: lol yeah
- 01:16 Star1468: it's tourney season
- 01:16 Star1468: I had at one point about a month ago ....7 tournaments I was actively volunteering for?
- 01:17 alfalfa: yeah it's been busy, i haven't had time to practice these settings all week
- 01:17 Star1468: it's pared down to 4 for me rn, soon to be 3 with the end of coop
- 01:19 Star1468: anyhow bot will send you an invite in about 10min Nath