Ocarina of Time Randomizer
Standard Ruleset
Start at xx:40
HashMasterSword HashBeans HashBossKey HashSilvers HashCucco | Password: NoteCdown NoteA NoteA NoteCup NoteA NoteCdown
- 1st Aosuna #6959 he / him Finished 13
- 2nd Rushin #0470 he / him more Another shit S8 seed, shocking Finished 140
- 3rd interloper #0934 he / him Finished 21
- 4th GreenRiver #4571 more forgot ganons castle existed until after clearing water, fire, and gtg Finished 92
- 5th MannyCatz #8668 Finished 29
- — HappynSlappy #7941 DNF DNF 68
6 entrants
(1 inactive)