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- 18:24 kew: ggs
- 18:24 SiriusAshling: nice!
- 18:24 SiriusAshling: lol
- 18:24 Nintendoblivion: oh god
- 18:25 SiriusAshling: gonna watch that back now xD
- 18:25 Nintendoblivion: I did not need that level of stress in my life
- 18:25 Nintendoblivion: Pls don't. Might be the worst Willow of my life
- 18:26 Dr_Tuen: gg!
- 18:28 SiriusAshling: Just counted, this would've been my tenth :P
- 18:34 omfq#2334 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:01:02!
- 18:34 SiriusAshling: gg
- 18:35 kew: ty <3
- 18:35 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 18:40 Eiko#2133 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:07:23!
- 18:40 Nintendoblivion: gg
- 18:40 SiriusAshling: gg
- 18:41 Dr_Tuen#8554 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:07:38!
- 18:41 Race finished in 1:07:38.9
- 18:41 Dr_Tuen: gg!
- 18:41 Eiko: dang gg!
- 18:41 Eiko: close at the front and back haha
- 18:41 kew: wow gg
- 18:41 SiriusAshling: closest race so far overall?
- 18:41 Eiko: probably yeah
- 18:41 Dr_Tuen: My first last, lol. what a seed though
- 18:41 SiriusAshling: That's not a big difference from first to last at all
- 18:41 Eiko: yeah
- 18:41 Eiko: i checked so much extra stuff >_>
- 18:41 Dr_Tuen: oh yeah, total time is like 17 minutes. not too bad
- 18:42 Dr_Tuen: I had to get the hint for light burst
- 18:42 Eiko: i just cleared marsh too hard
- 18:42 Eiko: after going to woods
- 18:42 Nintendoblivion: I basically full cleared Marsh.
- 18:42 Eiko: same
- 18:42 Dr_Tuen: Overall did a much better job of going go-mode than I usually do though, so, progress
- 18:42 Eiko: same tbh
- 18:42 Nintendoblivion: I had like 3 things left in Marsh
- 18:42 Eiko: i need to decide on go mode earlier
- 18:43 Eiko: alright well good stuff everyone
- 18:43 Dr_Tuen: Saaaaaaaaaaame
- 18:43 Nintendoblivion: 2 Shrines and the one keystone door by door skip
- 18:43 Dr_Tuen: Also, I thought it'd be funny to get spike efficiency and go for fast shriek
- 18:43 Dr_Tuen: Didn't really think about this being normal mode
- 18:44 Nintendoblivion: I think the Spike shots are worth it still on Normal
- 18:44 Dr_Tuen: that extra teleport and shopping cost me a placement, lol. Worth it for the fun of spiking shriekd on the escape
- 18:44 Dr_Tuen: well, spiking her twice as much, that is
- 18:44 kew: anyone up for another one? :orilol:
- 18:44 Nintendoblivion: My heart is still pounding way too much right now
- 18:45 kew: yea congrats btw!
- 18:45 Dr_Tuen: yeah, even though I finished last, the overall speed of this seed was heart pounding
- 18:45 Nintendoblivion: ty
- 18:45 Nintendoblivion: Most of the World Tours I've gotten are no where near this fast
- 18:45 kew: this was my 2nd world tour seed
- 18:45 Dr_Tuen: I mean, the only other one I played was the one last week. So, aligns with my limited experience, ha ha
- 18:45 kew: almost halved my time compared to the 1st one
- 18:45 Dr_Tuen: it'll be hard to top this seed
- 18:47 SiriusAshling: Relic after relic was so early into the area
- 18:47 SiriusAshling: Reach was one of the deeper relics, and I still could get it having missed Grenade
- 18:48 SiriusAshling: That probably was the main reason it went so fast, plus Launch
- 18:48 Dr_Tuen: wait, can you get into the tree area without grenade?
- 18:48 Eiko: i got launch last
- 18:48 Eiko: yes sentry melts ice
- 18:48 SiriusAshling: It's the Grenade tree, Tuen
- 18:48 Eiko: but also that
- 18:48 kew: lmao
- 18:48 SiriusAshling: You can indeed get there without Grenade
- 18:48 Dr_Tuen: Yeah, but you need flap to light the fire
- 18:48 SiriusAshling: And I totally did this error of thinking in the past
- 18:49 SiriusAshling: Flap was the progression line I found
- 18:49 Dr_Tuen: right? did you have flap Sirius?
- 18:49 Dr_Tuen: ah gotchya
- 18:49 Dr_Tuen: I did not have flap
- 18:49 Dr_Tuen: Where was it?
- 18:49 SiriusAshling: In Burrows
- 18:49 Dr_Tuen: damn
- 18:49 SiriusAshling: I though that made sense after Bash and stuff
- 18:49 Eiko: yeah
- 18:49 Eiko: i wish i'd gone there sooner
- 18:49 Eiko: i was inefficient in marsh
- 18:49 SiriusAshling: But that was mostly because I was dumb and didn't collect the tree which held Grenade
- 18:49 Dr_Tuen: Yeah, I figured it might be there, but I also wanted to come back to inkwater later with more skills
- 18:50 Dr_Tuen: So I left it off till I desparately needed grenade, lol
- 18:50 kew: I only went to burrows because I had no other option at one point
- 18:50 kew: logically
- 18:50 Dr_Tuen: I went to glades via reach, lol
- 18:50 kew: same :D
- 18:51 Eiko: i went via woods
- 18:51 Eiko: after finding water
- 18:51 Dr_Tuen: It's actually my most favorite progression I've ever had
- 18:51 Eiko: felt bigbrain but it was slow
- 18:51 Dr_Tuen: Where was water?
- 18:51 Eiko: bowless seed that didn't hinge on hollow tp was neat tho
- 18:51 Eiko: uhhh
- 18:51 Dr_Tuen: I mean, I felt big brain and got last, ha ha ha
- 18:51 Eiko: either wastes or east woods
- 18:51 Eiko: forget which
- 18:51 Dr_Tuen: But I like that the logic allowed for so many paths
- 18:51 Dr_Tuen: Like, really cool paths too
- 18:51 Eiko: yeah
- 20:48 Race result recorded by Eiko#2133