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- 23:47 CheeseLover#2454 joins the race.
- 23:48 CheeseLover: is the timer meant to start at -15s, its screwed up last time and started with no notice instead of 15s
- 23:49 2Kil: Yeah idk, I had that problem as well. Honestly it's fine if you don't connect your livesplit and just comment your shriek time afterwards ^^
- 23:49 2Kil: Then you can just start once the timer hits zero (you need to manually finish after crawl tho)
- 23:50 CheeseLover: you mean manually finish after shriek?
- 23:50 2Kil: Yea
- 23:51 CheeseLover: or is time for shriek but you stioll need to finish the run?
- 23:51 CheeseLover: yea i might do that then
- 23:51 CheeseLover#2454 quits the race.
- 23:51 2Kil: Well, you don't need to finish the run, no
- 23:51 CheeseLover#2454 joins the race.
- 23:51 2Kil: (I will join just to fill the two slots if no one else joins)
- 23:52 CheeseLover: cool
- 23:52 2Kil: Also don't forget to stream ^^
- 23:52 CheeseLover: yera will start it soon
- 23:52 CheeseLover: out of door skip practice for 2 yrs :)
- 23:53 2Kil: Oooof oriTake
- 23:55 CheeseLover: quick question, why do we take resilience?
- 23:55 CheeseLover: Am i meant to equip it as soon as i get it until i buy ov ercharge?
- 23:55 CheeseLover: is it for swamp skip?
- 23:56 2Kil: it's for the dirty water swim to / from dash
- 23:56 2Kil: Not used anywhere else afaik
- 23:57 CheeseLover: ah cool
- 23:57 CheeseLover: thx
- 23:58 2Kil: yw ^^
- 23:58 2Kil: Your timer is still at -15s btw
- 23:58 2Kil: You might need to change that in the splits
- 23:58 CheeseLover: thx
- 23:59 2Kil#1743 joins the race.
- 23:59 2Kil: We'll wait 3 more minutes and start then ^^
- 23:59 2Kil: Are you sure you wanna do doorskip? xD
- 00:00 CheeseLover: lol
- 00:00 CheeseLover: no
- 00:00 CheeseLover: stubborn
- 00:00 2Kil: Fair enough xD
- 00:00 2Kil: Btw I take it you want this time to count?
- 00:01 CheeseLover: yea
- 00:01 2Kil: Okay, noted ^^
- 00:01 CheeseLover: i dont even know how to not do door skip
- 00:02 2Kil: Well, get the second ks and go through the door xD
- 00:02 CheeseLover: if i take 5 mins i just cancel race early :D
- 00:02 2Kil: The second ks is the one where you pull the lever and then do the rock thingy
- 00:02 Guard: Dorr skip in 6 tries is the last one that saves time
- 00:02 Guard: iirc
- 00:03 2Kil: Ayyyy nice
- 00:03 2Kil: Okay, once you're ready we#'e gonna get going ^^
- 00:03 2Kil#1743 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:03 CheeseLover#2454 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:03 2Kil: glhf!
- 00:03 Guard: gl
- 00:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:04 2Kil#1743 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:31 CheeseLover: thx
- 00:31 CheeseLover: there has toi be something wrong with my normal sentry jumps
- 00:31 CheeseLover: binds dont work, yet i can get air sentries more consistently
- 01:19 CheeseLover#2454 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:15:37!
- 01:19 Race finished in 1:15:37.9
- 01:19 CheeseLover#2454 added a comment.
- 18:02 Race set to not recorded by MyBobiesAreSoft#5900