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- 18:08 Mawe#3531 joins the race.
- 18:08 WildRyce#4624 joins the race.
- 18:08 kew#3960 joins the race.
- 18:09 FloSH: good luck and have fun everyone!
- 18:09 FloSH: you can handle everything from here! :)
- 18:10 Blackthifer#9932 joins the race.
- 18:10 kew: ty for setting up Flo
- 18:11 WildRyce: Yeah thx :D
- 18:11 WildRyce#4624 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:11 Mawe: havent played 3 lines in ages
- 18:13 WildRyce: Gonna be a wild one, especially discovery
- 18:13 Blackthifer#9932 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:14 WildRyce: First time using racetime, def gonna have to figure this out
- 18:14 kew: I need a 3rd screen for bingo
- 18:14 kew: >_>
- 18:14 Blackthifer: i mean there's bingo overlay for in-game
- 18:15 kew: does it start showing up after file creation?
- 18:15 Blackthifer: also i believe you gotta .done over here if you're finished?
- 18:15 Blackthifer: before file creation even
- 18:15 Mawe: press o
- 18:15 kew: I don't see it
- 18:15 Blackthifer: tho you might need to show the board as well as enable overlay
- 18:15 Blackthifer: also press o ye
- 18:15 Mawe: (in game)
- 18:15 kew: oh
- 18:17 Mawe#3531 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:17 WildRyce: I'm still sitting in the save selection screen, should I load and just sit or stay on there?
- 18:18 Blackthifer: uh good question, i'm not sure what starting position is
- 18:18 kew: we usually all load in when the countdown is over
- 18:18 kew: and with that being said
- 18:18 kew: glhf
- 18:18 kew#3960 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:18 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:18 WildRyce: yee
- 18:18 Mawe: GL :)
- 18:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:18 Blackthifer: gl
- 18:25 kew: am I the only one with like a million energy
- 18:28 Mawe: I just found one fragment so far
- 18:30 kew: I think something broke
- 18:30 WildRyce: gotten regens but no fragments
- 18:30 kew: we started in pools right?
- 18:30 WildRyce: yee
- 18:31 WildRyce: ah there
- 18:31 kew: it's showing me in logic pick ups that aren't accessible
- 18:31 kew: XD
- 18:32 Mawe: are you on beta?
- 18:32 kew: no
- 18:32 Mawe: weird
- 18:37 Mawe: but I see why the seed throughs energy at you
- 18:37 kew: yea but
- 18:37 kew: I had like 15
- 18:37 kew: I restarted though and it's fixed now
- 18:39 WildRyce: interesting seed for sure
- 19:24 kew#3960 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:05:44!
- 19:24 Mawe: gg
- 19:24 kew: tyy
- 19:26 Mawe#3531 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:07:43!
- 19:28 kew: gg
- 19:28 Mawe: thx :)
- 19:53 WildRyce: whoo boy
- 20:02 Blackthifer#9932 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:43:53!
- 20:02 Blackthifer: welp
- 20:03 Blackthifer: i was like "where is my third line from" XD
- 20:03 Blackthifer: it's a diagonal with a goal i can't even see yet
- 20:04 Mawe: gg
- 20:04 WildRyce#4624 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:46:04!
- 20:04 Race finished in 1:46:04.8
- 20:05 WildRyce: gg
- 20:05 Blackthifer: gg
- 20:07 WildRyce: lmao I just noticed that, was thinking. Might go check what that one was
- 20:26 Race result recorded by Guard#6225