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- 21:04 Shayfe: you know
- 21:04 Shayfe: you bring up a good point
- 21:05 Xemsys: look at us being incredibly prepared
- 21:05 Xemsys: never seen anyone as prepared as us
- 21:05 Rikhardur (BadWolf): I have been burned too many times by isp man
- 21:05 Rikhardur (BadWolf): cant not be prepared for the inevitable
- 21:06 CovertMuffin: okay I think we are setup, just give me a few minutes to breath
- 21:06 Shayfe: nobody has ever had internet problems during a race beforee
- 21:06 CovertMuffin: restream is on ttv/Covert_Muffin
- 21:07 Shayfe: muffin you'll be watching racetime chat in case of internet problems?
- 21:07 CovertMuffin: yes
- 21:07 Shayfe: kk
- 21:07 CovertMuffin: I have discord on my phone as well
- 21:07 CovertMuffin: if you DM me there I will see that
- 21:07 Shayfe: ok cool
- 21:08 CovertMuffin: (if racetime fails)
- 21:08 Shayfe: i'll probably do both
- 21:08 Xemsys: do a ping in tourney chat, via sms and carrier pigeon too
- 21:08 Xemsys: just to be sure
- 21:08 CovertMuffin: oh forgot about carrier pigeon
- 21:08 Shayfe: carrier pigeon, how could I forget
- 21:09 Rikhardur (BadWolf): carrier turtles are better
- 21:09 Rikhardur (BadWolf): they have inbuilt protection
- 21:09 CovertMuffin: my god you are right, this earth is literally mostly water
- 21:09 Xemsys: we should work to combine these
- 21:09 CovertMuffin: hahaha
- 21:09 Xemsys: pigeon turtles
- 21:10 CovertMuffin: wowowow
- 21:10 CovertMuffin: I dont think New York City could handle that
- 21:10 CovertMuffin: or Venice
- 21:10 Rikhardur (BadWolf): Japan will love them though
- 21:11 CovertMuffin: yeah with the pidgeon DNA they would become immune to earthquakes AND tsunamis
- 21:11 Shayfe: yo muffin I got a new word for you
- 21:12 Shayfe: trudent
- 21:12 CovertMuffin: alright
- 21:12 Shayfe: en something is true and also prudent
- 21:12 CovertMuffin: oh my
- 21:12 CovertMuffin: that is fantabulous
- 21:12 CovertMuffin: fantastic and fabulous
- 21:12 Shayfe: pogtacular
- 21:12 CovertMuffin: lmao
- 21:12 Shayfe: pog and spectacular
- 21:12 Rikhardur (BadWolf): badwolf
- 21:12 Rikhardur (BadWolf): bad and wolf
- 21:12 CovertMuffin: WHAT
- 21:12 Rikhardur (BadWolf): genious
- 21:13 Rikhardur (BadWolf): ^
- 21:13 CovertMuffin: that is smartius
- 21:13 CovertMuffin: genious and smart
- 21:13 Rikhardur (BadWolf)#5078 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 21:13 Rikhardur (BadWolf)#5078 quits the race.
- 21:13 CovertMuffin: D:
- 21:13 Rikhardur (BadWolf): actually gonna take a quick toilet break, brb
- 21:13 CovertMuffin: yeah
- 21:13 CovertMuffin: go for it
- 21:13 Appletree: I was just done getting things set up...
- 21:13 CovertMuffin: hahaha
- 21:13 Xemsys: LMAO
- 21:14 CovertMuffin: is it working alright apple?
- 21:14 Appletree: yup seems to be
- 21:14 Xemsys: good thing I didn't schedule something *right* after this race like a genius
- 21:14 Xemsys: LMAO
- 21:14 CovertMuffin: kk I'm going to close discord then
- 21:15 CovertMuffin: just let us know when you start the intro
- 21:15 Rikhardur (BadWolf): alright
- 21:15 Rikhardur (BadWolf): back
- 21:15 CovertMuffin: welcome back
- 21:15 Rikhardur (BadWolf)#5078 joins the race.
- 21:15 Appletree: we have no intro, once you're ready we can ust start
- 21:15 Rikhardur (BadWolf): why did it quit the race xD
- 21:15 Rikhardur (BadWolf)#5078 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:16 Rikhardur (BadWolf): ready whenever
- 21:16 CovertMuffin: kk
- 21:16 CovertMuffin#0646 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:16 CovertMuffin: confirming 3265
- 21:16 Appletree: 1min
- 21:16 Rikhardur (BadWolf): 3265
- 21:16 CovertMuffin: kk
- 21:16 CovertMuffin: glgl badwolf
- 21:17 Rikhardur (BadWolf): gl gl!
- 21:18 Appletree: GL!
- 21:18 Appletree#2676 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:18 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:18 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:18 Appletree#2676 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:30 Rikhardur (BadWolf)#5078 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:12:27!
- 22:31 Rikhardur (BadWolf): ggs
- 22:35 Appletree: gg
- 22:38 CovertMuffin#0646 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:20:20!
- 22:38 Race finished in 1:20:20.4
- 22:38 CovertMuffin: gg
- 22:39 Rikhardur (BadWolf): gg
- 22:39 Appletree: gg
- 10:03 Race result recorded by Foopyo#9489