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- 19:03 Mawe: tech difficulties on restream. need some minutes
- 19:03 mZuzek: oriLurk
- 19:03 Appletree: Zuzek are you counting this race as a qualifier time?
- 19:03 mZuzek: oh it's being restreamed?
- 19:03 mZuzek: yeah this one counts
- 19:03 Appletree: oki cool
- 19:04 mZuzek: PC isn't lagging today so I'm going for it
- 19:04 Appletree: oriHype
- 19:04 mZuzek: no warmup but it's gonna be fine I believe
- 19:04 CorSla: you'll be fine
- 19:04 mZuzek: yes.
- 19:04 LyxM#3847 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 19:04 LyxM: brb
- 19:05 mZuzek: alternatively, this is taking a while so I'll warmup now
- 19:05 CorSla: yeah you have time now lol
- 19:05 2Kil: t e c h i s s u e s
- 19:05 mZuzek: should I be using a specific layout?
- 19:06 mZuzek: I have the one from the race we did on Oriversary
- 19:06 Foopyo: We'll say here once coms are starting the intro
- 19:06 2Kil: Nah, it's only turtle and me being restreamed
- 19:06 mZuzek: oh
- 19:06 LyxM#3847 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:06 2Kil: So you don't need to have a layout ^^
- 19:07 2Kil: glhf everyone oriHug
- 19:07 CorSla: glglgl
- 19:07 TurtleRun2412: orihug
- 19:07 LyxM: oriHug gl
- 19:08 mZuzek: orihug gl
- 19:08 Appletree: starting in the next 5 minutes
- 19:09 2Kil: soon (tm)
- 19:09 TurtleRun2412: soon (relative to the end of the universe)
- 19:09 2Kil: LUL
- 19:09 LyxM: thats my boi
- 19:10 2Kil: my hands are freezing xD
- 19:11 LyxM: i cant hit the rught buttons :D
- 19:11 LyxM: gonna be a fun race
- 19:12 2Kil: *tech issues intensify*
- 19:12 TurtleRun2412: we're just buildingh up tension
- 19:12 2Kil: Turtle now we gotta live up to that oof
- 19:13 TurtleRun2412: :pensive:
- 19:13 CorSla: both sub hour? oriHype
- 19:13 TurtleRun2412: my sum of best is 1:25
- 19:13 TurtleRun2412: so yeah i think that's reasonable
- 19:13 2Kil: Mine is like 1:20 xD
- 19:13 Foopyo: stream is back on
- 19:14 2Kil: let's gooo
- 19:14 mZuzek: just get a -25m run
- 19:14 LyxM: nothing is impossible
- 19:14 TurtleRun2412: pog
- 19:15 Foopyo: coms started speaking, race is gonna start soon
- 19:15 LyxM: can i refuse counting this race before it's too late?
- 19:16 LyxM: :D
- 19:16 Appletree: sure
- 19:16 2Kil: yes
- 19:16 LyxM: ok
- 19:16 2Kil: Before the race starts
- 19:16 TurtleRun2412: <3 gl one more time
- 19:16 2Kil: glhf!
- 19:16 LyxM: gl gl
- 19:16 mZuzek: G L H F
- 19:16 Appletree: 1min to start
- 19:16 mZuzek: oooohh
- 19:16 2Kil: oriHype
- 19:17 Appletree: GLHF!
- 19:17 Mawe: gl hf :)
- 19:17 Appletree#2676 quits the race.
- 19:17 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:17 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:12 LyxM#3847 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:15 Mawe: oriTake
- 20:18 Appletree: oriHug
- 20:23 mZuzek#7094 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:05:23!
- 20:23 mZuzek#7094 added a comment.
- 20:24 Appletree: gg!
- 20:24 Foopyo: gg!
- 20:24 2Kil: gg!
- 20:26 mZuzek: oriHug
- 20:42 2Kil#1743 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:24:52!
- 20:43 mZuzek: gg!
- 20:43 Mawe: gg
- 20:44 Foopyo: gg!
- 20:49 2Kil#1743 added a comment.
- 20:51 TurtleRun2412#5646 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:33:21!
- 20:51 Race finished in 1:33:22.1
- 20:51 Foopyo: gg!
- 20:51 Appletree: gg!
- 20:51 Mawe: ggs
- 20:51 CorSla: gggg
- 20:52 2Kil: gg!
- 20:53 mZuzek: gg!!!
- 20:54 TurtleRun2412: aaaaaaaaaGG
- 21:36 TurtleRun2412#5646 added a comment.
- 18:29 Race result recorded by MyBobiesAreSoft#5900