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- 17:26 SDGShawn#8194 joins the race.
- 17:27 SDGShawn#8194 set a new goal: MiniFam Emerald Bingo 4 Lines Grand Final Game 1- Star14681 vs DareDevinX
- 17:32 DareDevinX#1691 requests to join the race.
- 17:32 DareDevinX: can't wait for rng to shit on me :D
- 17:33 SDGShawn#8194 accepts a request to join from DareDevinX#1691.
- 17:34 SDGShawn: I will be your opponent today :kappa:
- 17:35 DareDevinX: :D
- 17:36 Star1468#7969 requests to join the race.
- 17:37 SDGShawn#8194 accepts a request to join from Star1468#7969.
- 17:37 Star1468: hello!
- 17:37 SDGShawn: Welcome!
- 17:37 Star1468: I need to update my computer, will be back in a few min
- 17:37 SDGShawn: We have me temp'ing race monitoring to get you both underway, Apologies if things are late
- 17:38 DareDevinX: no worries. the tournament has been going for so long, I doubt a couple minutes will make a difference KEK
- 17:38 DareDevinX: my computer wants to be updated, too. but I'm not going to
- 17:40 Star1468: and I'm back
- 17:40 Star1468: nothing broke, good
- 17:40 DareDevinX: when scheduling this, I kinda forgot the mootr ;D
- 17:40 SDGShawn: Your bingo details are in the race info room :)
- 17:40 Star1468: thanks
- 17:41 DareDevinX: you probably couldn't have picked a harder word to type for the pw :D
- 17:41 Star1468: lol
- 17:41 Star1468: Also, do I want to know the story behind that one?
- 17:42 SDGShawn: Shaun made the room whilst talking to Thunder who was playing an AD for Requiem seed
- 17:43 Star1468: lol that'll do it
- 17:43 SDGShawn: PLease let me know when you both go live I will be CV checking :)
- 17:44 SDGShawn: and I need to crop Devin for restream
- 17:45 Star1468: I will have clean audio btw
- 17:47 SDGShawn: Oh yeah, thanks. I forgot to ask haha
- 17:49 DareDevinX: is that the ingame cv that you posted? because I got a different one :D
- 17:51 SDGShawn: One sec
- 17:51 DareDevinX: should be 670C6540
- 17:52 DareDevinX: patched it twice to make sure
- 17:52 SDGShawn: Alright I have a completely different CV
- 17:52 SDGShawn: Let me re patch and see what happened
- 17:53 SDGShawn: Ok yes to confirm
- 17:53 SDGShawn: CV IS 670C6540
- 17:53 Star1468: yep I got that as well
- 17:54 DareDevinX: ok, I'm live btw
- 17:55 Star1468: same
- 17:56 SDGShawn: Yeah got you both cropped. Got a 5 min countdown started
- 17:57 DareDevinX#1691 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:59 Star1468#7969 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:00 DareDevinX: GL HF
- 18:00 SDGShawn: About 2 mins from go. We have 45 left on timer. Plus a 1 min hype video then intro
- 18:00 SDGShawn: GLHF to the both of you!
- 18:00 Star1468: GL HF
- 18:00 DareDevinX: thx :)
- 18:03 SDGShawn: Right here we go
- 18:03 SDGShawn: Best of luck!
- 18:03 SDGShawn#8194 quits the race.
- 18:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:12 Star1468: uh.... I may or may not have softlocked on Wally it seems
- 18:12 SDGShawn: Do you need FPA?
- 18:12 Star1468: yes
- 18:13 SDGShawn: @daredevinx stope
- 18:13 DareDevinX: stoped
- 18:13 Star1468: alright, will let you know when I'm caught back up
- 18:13 SDGShawn: Thunder will be looking after you both
- 18:19 Star1468: alright I'm caught back up
- 18:20 DeadlyThunder: Ok!
- 18:20 DeadlyThunder: you ready?
- 18:20 DeadlyThunder: 3
- 18:20 Star1468: yep
- 18:20 DeadlyThunder: 2
- 18:20 DeadlyThunder: 1
- 18:20 DareDevinX: oh I thought that was go :D
- 18:20 DeadlyThunder: go
- 18:20 DareDevinX: I'm gonan wait a couple seconds
- 18:20 DeadlyThunder: :D
- 18:20 DareDevinX: ok
- 20:01 DareDevinX#1691 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:58:01!
- 20:01 Star1468#7969 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:01 Race finished in 1:58:05.4
- 20:01 kariookami: GG
- 20:01 SDGShawn: GG
- 20:01 Star1468: GG
- 20:01 SDGShawn: Interviews?
- 20:01 DareDevinX: sure
- 20:02 SDGShawn: Kari can you drag Devin in?
- 20:02 Star1468: will be there in a sec
- 20:02 kariookami: star interview?
- 20:02 kariookami: k
- 20:02 kariookami: let me know and ill drag you in