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- 10:57 Snowbear22#0370 invites Snorms#8410 to join the race.
- 10:57 Snowbear22#0370 invites GarfieldTheLightning#9856 to join the race.
- 10:57 Snowbear22#0370 invites HgFin#8083 to join the race.
- 10:58 Snowbear22#0370 promoted GarfieldTheLightning#9856 to race monitor.
- 10:59 Snorms: says im not eligible to join
- 10:59 HgFin#8083 accepts an invitation to join.
- 10:59 GarfieldTheLightning#9856 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:03 GarfieldTheLightning: Strange
- 11:03 GarfieldTheLightning: Not sure if I can uninvite you
- 11:03 Snorms#8410 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:03 GarfieldTheLightning: Oh, good
- 11:04 Snorms: wouldnt let me join via livesplit sadge
- 11:04 HgFin: ight so how we doing this
- 11:05 HgFin: no restream right?
- 11:05 Snorms: seems like it
- 11:05 GarfieldTheLightning: I guess it depends on how long you're willing to wait
- 11:06 HgFin: im chillin
- 11:06 GarfieldTheLightning: Or if you want to reschedule for another time
- 11:06 HgFin: down to wait for a while
- 11:06 Snorms: im not fussed if its restreamed tbh
- 11:06 HgFin: up to snorm
- 11:07 Snorms: i think we just go
- 11:07 HgFin: ight gimme a couple mins to grab water
- 11:08 HgFin: and also i guess if its not getting restreamed should i still keep my mic off?
- 11:08 Snorms: i think we should still play under the same conditions
- 11:08 GarfieldTheLightning: If it's not getting restreamed I guess that means no commentary?
- 11:08 Snorms: i guess
- 11:09 Snorms#8410 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 11:12 HgFin: ight im back
- 11:12 HgFin: if we doing same conditions ill close my chat and mute my mic still
- 11:12 Snorms: yep thats what im doing
- 11:13 GarfieldTheLightning: Well, we'll monitor the race as we would as if it was being restreamed
- 11:14 GarfieldTheLightning: When you're both ready I'll quit the race
- 11:14 HgFin: word
- 11:14 Snorms: cool
- 11:14 HgFin: im readying up ina sec
- 11:14 HgFin: just reading a goal clarify thing
- 11:14 GarfieldTheLightning: Oh, Cavin says he was just DMd by someone
- 11:15 HgFin: oh?
- 11:15 GarfieldTheLightning: We may get a restream yet
- 11:15 Snorms: neat
- 11:15 HgFin: ight HOLD
- 11:15 HgFin: DONT SELL
- 11:15 Snorms#8410 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 11:15 HgFin: lol
- 11:15 Snorms: DIAMOND HANDS BOIS
- 11:19 GarfieldTheLightning: Okay, definitely being restreamed
- 11:19 HgFin: yep i see that now
- 11:19 GarfieldTheLightning: Can one of you change your colour on bingosync? I think red and pink are too close together for colour-blind people
- 11:20 Snorms: im green
- 11:20 HgFin: ^
- 11:20 HgFin: the red is cavin and garf
- 11:20 GarfieldTheLightning: My bad, it showed you as red still for me
- 11:22 HgFin: ight lemme know when everything with the restream is set up
- 11:23 HgFin: 4B1830E5
- 11:23 Snorms: same
- 11:23 GarfieldTheLightning: Alright, ready up when ready
- 11:23 Snorms#8410 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 11:23 HgFin: glhf snorms :)
- 11:23 Snorms: glhf :)
- 11:23 HgFin#8083 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 11:23 GarfieldTheLightning#9856 quits the race.
- 11:23 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 11:24 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 12:49 HgFin: gg
- 12:49 Snorms#8410 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:25:20!
- 12:49 Snorms: gg
- 12:49 Cavin856: gg
- 12:49 HgFin#8083 has forfeited from the race.
- 12:49 Race finished in 1:25:29.9
- 12:50 Cavin856: interviews?
- 12:50 Snorms: sure
- 12:59 Race result recorded by halqery#1616