Pokémon Red/Blue
Any% Glitchless (No IT)
- 1st KinkMyBoot #9443 more typical lucky deathless run, forgot moon rocket save Finished 222
- 2nd MaddiicT #2171 more solid early, lots of uncomfortable redbar, saveless death on blackbelt, 3 hypnosis hits on agatha Finished 11
- 3rd GoodAtBeingSimple #0113 more bad start with the rare pidgey beating Onix strat. Then had a very horrible bridge from there and just didn't save any time from there Finished 36
- 4th LegendEater #5865 more Mansion encounter route Finished 52
- 5th Flame #1073 more "died to misty and blackbelt, bad execution" Finished 71
- — slayerlol99 #6538 DNF DNF 70
- — Yakso #1853 DNF DNF 12
7 entrants
(2 inactive)