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- 17:56 primalpizza4#7113 joins the race.
- 17:58 Elrevolver385#7964 joins the race.
- 18:01 BillBonzai#3628 joins the race.
- 18:02 neoslash72#0038 joins the race.
- 18:03 neoslash72#0038 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:03 primalpizza4: palette is left+a
- 18:03 Elrevolver385: okay
- 18:04 Elrevolver385#7964 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:05 primalpizza4: pls reset with palette when you're ready billbonzai and neoslash :)
- 18:06 BillBonzai#3628 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:06 BillBonzai: ready
- 18:06 neoslash72: ready
- 18:11 primalpizza4: sorry guys speedgaming tech is residentsleeper
- 18:11 neoslash72: no prob
- 18:11 Elrevolver385: no problem :)
- 18:12 BillBonzai: np
- 18:16 BillBonzai: On s'emmerde :p
- 18:17 primalpizza4: we are too
- 18:17 BillBonzai: :DD
- 18:17 Flutz123: Ich bin auch müde
- 18:17 primalpizza4: we can't do anything about it, only speedgaming can fix it D:
- 18:17 primalpizza4: cropping and audio aren't set
- 18:18 primalpizza4: so unless you want the jankiest layout of all time in complete silence we've gotta wait
- 18:18 Flutz123: there are shiny buttons but i wonder if i break everything if i click them XD
- 18:18 BillBonzai: No problem :p
- 18:24 primalpizza4: ok we have help
- 18:24 primalpizza4: should be going soon, so sorry about the delay
- 18:25 neoslash72: ok
- 18:25 BillBonzai: nice !
- 18:26 primalpizza4: everyone ready?
- 18:26 BillBonzai: Yep
- 18:26 neoslash72: yes
- 18:26 Elrevolver385: yes
- 18:27 primalpizza4: alright in 30 seconds i'll leave and the race will start
- 18:27 BillBonzai: ok
- 18:28 primalpizza4#7113 quits the race.
- 18:28 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:28 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 18:28 primalpizza4: good luck everyone
- 20:23 BillBonzai#3628 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:55:29!
- 20:25 Elrevolver385: gg
- 20:27 Elrevolver385#7964 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:59:23!
- 20:30 neoslash72#0038 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:01:48!
- 20:30 Race finished in 2:01:48.2
- 21:11 Race result recorded by Grogir#9263