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- 19:51 primalpizza4#7113 joins the race.
- 19:53 Nerdynerd32#6387 joins the race.
- 19:53 Nerdynerd32: sup
- 19:54 primalpizza4: yo
- 19:54 Nerdynerd32: currently searching up how to stop shaking
- 19:54 Nerdynerd32: i am freezing, gonna put a sweater on
- 19:54 primalpizza4: that'll do it
- 19:55 ch0msky: yo
- 19:55 Nerdynerd32: yo
- 19:55 primalpizza4: yo
- 19:55 ch0msky: gl nerdy
- 19:55 ch0msky: yo pizza
- 19:55 Nerdynerd32: i wonder if anyone actually uses speedrunning gloves
- 19:55 Nerdynerd32: gl chom
- 19:55 primalpizza4: gl boys
- 19:55 ch0msky: i think kidrocker does
- 19:55 primalpizza4: pulse does
- 19:56 Alw0: yo
- 19:56 Alw0: sorry for my late guys
- 19:56 ch0msky: sup alw0
- 19:56 primalpizza4: you ain't late
- 19:56 Nerdynerd32: u aint late
- 19:56 Alw0: I will need 10 more minutes if you dont mind :/
- 19:56 primalpizza4: that's ok
- 19:56 Nerdynerd32: all good
- 19:56 Alw0: sup sup
- 19:56 Alw0: thx
- 19:56 ch0msky: no worries
- 19:56 primalpizza4: better than 40 minutes late
- 19:56 Alw0: need to setup game and at keast try one mido xD
- 19:56 Alw0: and obsv open my eyes to write on keyboard
- 19:57 Alw0#0954 joins the race.
- 19:57 primalpizza4: opening eyes is usually good for playing a video games
- 19:57 ch0msky: fyi my champion split includes hall of fame
- 19:57 Nerdynerd32: oh man, hypnosis hit into confuse ray hit into hitself into night shade to 1hp into eq gen1 miss in practice
- 19:57 ch0msky: so last reliable split for my pace is lance
- 19:57 Nerdynerd32: sure hope that doesnt happen in the race
- 19:58 ch0msky: dang nerdy lol
- 19:58 Nerdynerd32: its called luck preservation
- 19:58 ch0msky: anyone know which speedgaming?
- 19:58 primalpizza4: 2
- 19:58 ch0msky: ok
- 19:59 Nerdynerd32: when they goin live?
- 19:59 primalpizza4: no idea KEKW
- 19:59 Nerdynerd32: kekw
- 19:59 Ralen Tankir: looking into it
- 19:59 Ralen Tankir: 3 channels were supposed to go live, none did
- 20:00 Nerdynerd32: yo chom, can u join so i can set up comparisons
- 20:00 ch0msky#2897 joins the race.
- 20:00 Nerdynerd32: channel is up 4 me
- 20:00 ch0msky: my b
- 20:03 primalpizza4: palette is left
- 20:05 Nerdynerd32: good palette
- 20:05 primalpizza4: you can ready up whenever
- 20:05 ch0msky#2897 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:07 Alw0: Can you remind me the palette nocheat for race ?
- 20:07 Alw0: (i forget..)
- 20:07 ch0msky: left (blue)
- 20:09 Nerdynerd32#6387 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:10 Nerdynerd32: sound n everything good on my end?
- 20:10 Alw0#0954 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:10 Alw0: gl
- 20:10 Alw0: to me xD
- 20:11 Nerdynerd32: xd
- 20:11 primalpizza4: alright in 30 seconds i will leave the room and the race will start
- 20:11 Alw0: sorry in advance if i got power cut
- 20:11 Alw0: im praying
- 20:11 Nerdynerd32: prayge
- 20:11 primalpizza4#7113 quits the race.
- 20:12 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:12 primalpizza4: gl everyone
- 20:12 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:58 ch0msky#2897 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:24 Nerdynerd32#6387 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:11:46!
- 22:34 Nerdynerd32: alwo still in progress :thinking:
- 20:07 Warning: this race will reach its time limit in 5 minutes. All remaining entrants will forfeit.
- 20:13 This race has reached its time limit. All remaining entrants will now be expunged.
- 20:13 Race finished in 24:01:28.9
- 22:47 Race result recorded by Grogir#9263