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- 23:51 FernandoTheHorse#4422 sets the race to be open. Anyone may now join.
- 23:51 RandoBot: Welcome to PM64R! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 23:51 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 23:51 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 23:53 FernandoTheHorse: !seed
- 23:53 RandoBot: Generating Seed... Please hold on, this could take a minute.
- 23:53 RandoBot: FernandoTheHorse, here is your seed:
- 23:53 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 23:55 Tom#1868 joins the race.
- 23:57 FernandoTheHorse#4422 joins the race.
- 23:57 FernandoTheHorse#4422 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:57 FernandoTheHorse: Good luck!
- 23:57 Tom: good luck!
- 23:57 Tom#1868 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:57 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:23 FernandoTheHorse: man...this seed sucks lol
- 02:23 Tom: yeah....
- 04:01 Tom#1868 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:03:39!
- 04:01 Tom: GG! What a seed
- 04:09 FernandoTheHorse#4422 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 4:11:48!
- 04:09 Race finished in 4:11:48.8
- 04:10 FernandoTheHorse: GG!! That was crazy lol
- 04:10 FernandoTheHorse: I had to reset on Jr troopa, Hallway, AND final bowser. I didn't have nearly as much firepower as I was used to
- 04:11 FernandoTheHorse: Also... completely forgot about the Chapter 1 Jr. Troopa fight. I don't think I've ever had to do that in a rando before
- 04:11 Tom: i came SO close to dying on final bowser. Was in peril with no life shrooms left
- 04:44 Race result recorded by mx4#1728