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- 02:01 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact a SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 02:01 BigDunka#4148 joins the race.
- 02:02 fcoughlin#7691 joins the race.
- 02:02 BigDunka: *wave*
- 02:02 fcoughlin: Mystery seed, right? :)
- 02:02 fcoughlin: (I'll be back in a bit, have to do kid bed times)
- 02:02 BigDunka: All good :)
- 02:02 Synack: !mystery pogchampion
- 02:03 Synack: we will make SGL 2021 a real clownshow
- 02:03 BigDunka: The viewers would love it
- 02:20 msmetroid: hallo.
- 02:20 BigDunka: Oh hai
- 02:21 msmetroid: Stream delay's set? Cams on? Emote only chat and/or closed?
- 02:22 BigDunka: Yes, yeah, and yup
- 02:22 msmetroid: Are you doing FPA?
- 02:23 BigDunka: Oh damn, I never filled that thing out! But yeah, I'm totally good with it
- 02:23 BigDunka: I knew I forgot something
- 02:25 msmetroid: Fred?
- 02:25 msmetroid: OH./
- 02:25 BigDunka: He was getting his kids put to bed
- 02:25 BigDunka: Should be back shortly
- 02:25 msmetroid: Fred is in the Samus2 channel.
- 02:25 msmetroid: So if you wanna jump in Samus1.
- 02:25 msmetroid: VC on SGL Disc.
- 02:25 fcoughlin: Oh did I never leave samus 1
- 02:25 msmetroid: :3
- 02:26 msmetroid: :D
- 02:26 msmetroid: Okay. ZOOTR is wrapping up on SG2 so we're set to start on time.
- 02:26 msmetroid: !roll
- 02:26 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 02:26 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 02:26 SahasrahBot:
- 02:26 SahasrahBot: This is a reminder this race has a 20 minute stream delay in effect. Please ensure your delay is correct. If you need a stream override, please contact a SGL admin for help.
- 02:26 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated and should now be in the race info.
- 02:26 BigDunka: And Fred, thanks again for rescheduling this. Our power came back on at 1:30a
- 02:27 BigDunka: I would also like to thank the RNG gods for giving us a channel named "Bonus Bacon"
- 02:27 fcoughlin: Oh dang, sorry that took so long!
- 02:28 msmetroid: mmm. bonus bacon.
- 02:28 fcoughlin: And I definitely get that, with my lovely town's power
- 02:28 BigDunka: I'm gonna ready up, somebody gonna gatekeep?
- 02:28 fcoughlin: I can hold off on readying if needed
- 02:29 BigDunka: All good!
- 02:29 BigDunka#4148 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:29 BigDunka: I'll be ready when you are
- 02:29 fcoughlin: Once the lovely ms says we can go, I'll go
- 02:29 BigDunka: GL dude!
- 02:29 msmetroid: :)
- 02:29 msmetroid#8807 joins the race.
- 02:29 msmetroid: Lesgo.
- 02:29 fcoughlin: You too! Let's make this one close, like my asazas match, not un-close, like yaga
- 02:29 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:29 fcoughlin: or like hammer
- 02:29 msmetroid: GLHF you guys. Thanks for racing!
- 02:29 fcoughlin: Thank YOU for helping!
- 02:29 BigDunka: Thanks!
- 02:29 msmetroid: :D
- 02:29 msmetroid#8807 quits the race.
- 02:29 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:30 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 04:06 BigDunka#4148 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:36:04!
- 04:07 msmetroid: gg.
- 04:08 BigDunka: Thanks!
- 04:20 fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:50:48!
- 04:20 Race finished in 1:50:48.7
- 04:21 BigDunka: GG ddue!
- 04:21 fcoughlin: Well played sir
- 04:21 fcoughlin: Yay for oops all dungeons?
- 04:21 BigDunka: Sounds like we both had issues finding bombos
- 04:21 fcoughlin: Yup. Just a tiny bit
- 04:21 BigDunka: I did PoD, but didn't finish DP or step into SP
- 04:21 fcoughlin: I think the only things I had left were Hera basement or Purple chest
- 04:21 fcoughlin: and minor stuff in GT
- 04:22 BigDunka: Hera basement for silvers, of course
- 04:22 fcoughlin: I felt so behind because I put off Hyrule early, and then left after checking uncle and not heading down to zelda's cell
- 04:22 fcoughlin: So kind of figured Ped was my only realistic shot
- 04:22 BigDunka: Oh yeah, those mitts eluded you forever then
- 04:22 fcoughlin: Yup. That would've been very bad
- 04:23 BigDunka: I got hammer as my 2nd to last item and was terrified
- 04:24 fcoughlin: Oh dang
- 04:24 BigDunka: But honestly, if I had gotten hammer, I likely would have left HC for a while too
- 04:24 BigDunka: So I guess I can't complain
- 04:26 fcoughlin: Oh it's definitely all good. We both had our hiccups. Yours were just less loud :)
- 04:26 fcoughlin: I've been having... issues this tourney!
- 04:26 BigDunka: I'm sorry dude!
- 04:26 BigDunka: And again, thank you for rescheduling from yesterday!
- 04:27 fcoughlin: Don't be sorry at all :)
- 04:27 fcoughlin: It's been fun
- 04:27 fcoughlin: and no prob about the reschedule. Glad it worked out for us in the end!
- 04:27 fcoughlin: I've been on your end several times
- 17:17 Race result recorded by Synack#9689