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- 02:18 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot. Use !roll to roll your seed (if applicable) and get started! If you need help, please contact an SpeedGaming Live admin for assistance.
- 02:22 Cyberchao X#4626 joins the race.
- 02:43 Warning: this race will be automatically cancelled in 5 minutes unless at least two entrants join.
- 02:44 Synack#9689 joins the race.
- 02:44 Synack: that should keep the room warm
- 02:45 fcoughlin#7691 joins the race.
- 02:45 Synack: hey!
- 02:45 fcoughlin: Thanks for holding that
- 02:45 fcoughlin: Sorry, game night on Zoom, so of course went longer than desired
- 02:47 Synack#9689 quits the race.
- 02:49 Synack: looks like you both are FPA
- 02:49 Synack: there's voice channels to hop into in case we need to contact you, otherwise keep your eyes peeled in this channel
- 02:52 Synack: ready for seed?
- 02:52 Cyberchao X: yep
- 02:52 Synack: !roll
- 02:52 SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack.
- 02:52 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 02:52 SahasrahBot: Seed: 480962735664 - Flags: VlWlIEwJ1MsKkaOCWhlit2veXNSffs
- 02:52 SahasrahBot: This is a reminder this race has a 15 minute stream delay in effect. Please ensure your delay is correct. If you need a stream override, please contact an SGL admin for help.
- 02:52 SahasrahBot: Seed has been generated and should now be in the race info.
- 02:53 Synack: you both can start when ready, mention me if you need an override
- 02:56 Cyberchao X: Triforce, fairy, sword, bomb?
- 02:58 fcoughlin: Will tell you in 1 minute :0
- 03:00 fcoughlin: Confirmed!
- 03:01 fcoughlin: Best of luck, CCX!
- 03:01 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:01 Cyberchao X: Same to you
- 03:04 fcoughlin: Should be ready when you are. I joined the fair play voice thing, and feel free to ready up when you're good to go!
- 03:04 Cyberchao X: Wait, how do I ready up?
- 03:04 fcoughlin: Should be a "ready" button up at the top of this window
- 03:05 fcoughlin: Just above the timer
- 03:05 fcoughlin: Next to quit
- 03:05 Synack: are you still on delay?
- 03:05 Synack#9689 sets a stream override for Cyberchao X#4626.
- 03:05 Cyberchao X: Yeah, I'm on delay.
- 03:05 Synack: yea stream probably isn't caught up yet
- 03:05 fcoughlin: Ah thanks Synack
- 03:05 Synack: I overrode ya
- 03:06 Cyberchao X#4626 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 03:06 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:06 Synack: gllglglgllglg
- 03:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:06 SahasrahBot: Please double check your stream and ensure that it is displaying your game! GLHF
- 04:12 fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:06:19!
- 04:13 Cyberchao X: gg
- 04:13 fcoughlin: gg!
- 04:53 Cyberchao X#4626 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:46:52!
- 04:53 Race finished in 1:46:52.7
- 22:47 Race result recorded by mindofme#6515